General Discussion

General DiscussionA General Question.

A General Question. in General Discussion
La Lumière

    How long did it take you all to transition from your lowest mmr to your current highest mmr? Like 2k to 5k basically (example ). Also, is razor even in the meta anymore?

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      2 years, low 2k mmr to low 4k mmr, could have been faster if i wasnt being tryhard at college
      razor is ehhh... imho

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      La Lumière

        Shit, did you have high pma. 2k is cancer.


          no, I was a the typical peenoise, always blaming and flaming, you know "putang ina mo bobo ka" but since i got more mature as a person, my mmr rose I guess or maybe i stopped playing like a retard lol


            1.2k to 1.9k
            Started playing solo MMR in May
            I don't play that much tho
            Never been a toxic prick in solo MMR unless shit is totally untolerable (doing ultra stupid shits the whole game and blames it on their teammates)
            I used to rage alot to my friends when I started playing but I started to give less fucks about them few months ago

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              2.4 k to 3.3 k in i guess 6 7 months :)
              Spamming kunka medusa and ursa

              Forget me not

                2.1k to 4k . started playing a year ago just for some fun doesn't care much about MMR. Then I want to be better at dota probably 8 month ago.
                Razor is good vs melee core or hero that has no escape mechanism and your team has at least one guaranteed disable I think.


                  1 year low 2k to low 5k main, also razor is a situational pick sorta hero.


                    1.8k to 3k lul

                    started playing ranked 2 years ago but i played solely party ranked

                    worst decision ever


                      1.5 yearz, 1k to 5k

                      Président® Salted Butter

                        From 2.6k to 4.1k
                        Got calibrated 9 months ago
               This was my first account, looking back, I still can't believe I was this bad.


                          I enjoy this topic very much to see how long ppl take to learn a game. However I wish ppl would post their number of games rather than how many years because some ppl play 10 games a day while some only one.


                            From 900 mmr to 600 mmr. I played 30 games at only 400 ish hours in dont judge plis.


                              start playing 3month ago . calibrating at HS now .

                              La Lumière

                                What the flying fuck. 1k to 5k in a year and a half. Nice man!! 2.6 to 4k in 9 months. Even better. This makes me feel like I can get from 1.4k to 17k in 3 years.


                                  ^we are all not born equal my friend.

                                  Super Speed Snail


                                    Two years latter,


                                    Plz stahp judging meeeh !!!


                                      Played unranked for 2 months freshly new to mobas and dota > calibrated 2.2k

                                      2.2k > 3k in 2 months

                                      3k > 4k in 5 months

                                      4k > 5k in about 6 months

                                      Now I'm stuck in 4.6k.

                                      La Lumière

                                        Lmao nice feed^

                                        coco crunch

                                          2.6k to 4.1k in almost 2 yrs i think

                                          La Lumière

                                            Jefes, I love you. Insert your dick size here >>


                                              I doubt I could reach 3k easily if I play like 2 matches a day
                                              I still feel I'm way too inconsistent


                                                @Jacked don't be that sad man, DOTA2 isn't like CS where it's all purely about your mechanical skills and reflex
                                                DOTA2 is way more slow paced and strategy oriented, so as long as you keep your logic and execution up, it's going to be smooth

                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                  @bws idk man, I feel like you're going to reach at least low 3k


                                                    idk man dota is too tough. too many things u gotta think about


                                                      Go play osu
                                                      Klik teh circel

                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                        Ik, Jack. Real life sucks ass.

                                                        La Lumière

                                                          @Jacked Dota 2 is pretty easy to learn if you commit. As long as you have a flexible schedule and an eager-to-learn attitude.


                                                            remember ''offlane'' in ns= non existence


                                                              3.8 -> 4.3 in two years ayy lmao. I'm legitimately so bad at this game...


                                                                2 years 2k -> 5k


                                                                  2 years 2200 lowest solo to 4300 now 2k hours of dota