General Discussion

General DiscussionRank the main servers by average difficulty to win gayms

Rank the main servers by average difficulty to win gayms in General Discussion

    From SEA EUwest east US west east AUS.
    Hardest to easiest.
    1. NA Peruvians plus salt
    2. SEA salt
    3. AUS pretty salty but mmr is less inflated compared to sea
    4. EU. Inflated mmr plus salt

    Post your list and why.


      Hardest is russia.

      Président® Salted Butter

        What about South African server? Kappa

        very good csgo player

          Lul I play on SA and there is no ranked here. If you over 4k. I got a recent batch of LP games and now I've given up and made a smurf. LP games in SA are nearly always normal skill. It's hard to play Europe ranked with 260 ping but I've managed to get 3965 mmr calibration. I just want to try using killping or wtfast but I don't have a credit card 😦
          Otherwise there are a few very high skill games at around peak hours. I think the highest mmr in SA is 6.5k. It isn't that great but it isn't a horrible experience. The people in HS and VHS are actually quite friendly

          doc joferlyn simp

            aus is the fucking hot shit. i played 4 matches there, best 4 matches ive ever played outside of party q. lags a bit considering im in sea but people there are kind af. like i only met 1 salty person who thought he was carrying the team and told my it was "hard to coach ab" when he was telling me to go mom when i went vlads and early medallion for utility abaddon

            even when losing they are quite docile when flaming. they never spam ping, just a few chats and mostly swear words over the mic, but after that none. just a few derogatory remarks when game goes sour, but nothing persists afterwards. if you win everybody is happy af, if you lose you are given a slap on the wrist. the worst i have been called so far was "wanker" and "peenoy", and those just pale in comparison to "you are a failure to your family" and "i slept with your mother last night" that are so common in sea

            admittedly i havent played that much in aus, but if the internet lets me i will q all my life there roflmao



              casual gamer

                yeah ur about to get bombed by all the downs sea players

                Vem Comigo

                  Isnt SEA one of the easiest servers, if you know how to play?

                  Because everyone is playing 1v9 and the best player always wins.

                  European server are the most friendly that there is, and the skill of teh players are quite high, because many have a lot fo time to play, North America is quite easy, the problem isnt the peruvians, the problem are the NA kids that play and are very racist and toxic, the skill there is pretty shit, 2k=4k most of the time, they jsut climb by spamming meta or pubstompers heroes, from 1 game i played on russian, i think 90% of the players there are drunk, because the game is pretty relaxed, South America is pretty competitive, most of the players are 16+ over, some respect eachother, but its quite easy to tilt someone, after someone climbs to 5k, they change to NA or Europe, because of the time for matchmaking, and the climb is easier in NA.