General Discussion

General Discussionck strong hero?

ck strong hero? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    he actually seems really good right now, or is it just me

    you can spam rift to farm with raindrop and talon makes you farm way faster. if you ahve armlet drums heart you actually dont farm that slow and you RAPE in fights so you can quickly transition into luxury items manta/skadi/satanic/bkb etc


      Not that slow for ck is still slow compared to other heroes. And he doesnt have the mana to farm with rift. At 6 he has only enough mana to stun 2x rift and ulti.

      casual gamer

        dude look

        the actual number isnt very impressive but

        1: i have the most cs

        2: this is a super rough ck game because im not used to the hero at all, not crisp

        3: i still farmed fast enough to carry a 15k gold/xp disadvantage game. gold goes a million times farther on ck than it does on most heroes. wew ur antimage has bf manta basher and i have drums armlet heart. i can still rape him and he cant stop my hg push


          see guys i am normal skill scrub but i go usually for armlet->echo sabre->HH->bkb->heart and it work pretty well for me
          because echo gives crazy dps even if i rift without illusions and gives high mana regain
          also sometimes i consider urn for early game since most support in my bracket don't get it and and i can roam pretty well early-mid

          casual gamer

            i mean aside from the late armlet this isnt bad farm for any hero (aside from shit like am and alch)


              I am pretty certain that echo sabre is the CK item, I'll give it a spin in a game if I get a chance.


                Ya recently too many ppl have started raping with ck sply with echo sabre which synergizes well with his rift...
                If u dont have a counter or aoe lock down for his illusions he is gonna be a mess :D

                Fox McCloud

                  Anyone tried going arcanes on this hero?

                  I feel like his lack of mana's the only thing that's holding him back.

                  Also diffusal feels almost core on him.


                    If I put my mind to it, I generally dominate in most of my CK games. I feel like he is a strong hero, I generally 4th or 5th pick him in certain scenarios where the enemy team doesn't have any/significant AOE.

                    Imo, Chaos Knight is one of those heroes where if he even gets a slight buff, or if pro players start picking him often, he'll become the new cancer. He has an unbelievably high kill potential early-mid-late game which even the most brain-dead players can exploit. Like, you literally just need an Echo Sabre, Treads and Manta (20 minutes is a good time to have all of them) to start one-shotting most supports, and if you're lucky with the crits, even a few agility carries.


                      ye hes decent
                      still shit if u get cucked early, there is 0 comeback

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                      La Lumière

                        He can solo any hero with armlet manta ult lmao. But I wonder if he can solo a huskar with no ult and no manta.

                        La Lumière

                          But if you don't have that by 30 mins, you are screwed.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            The primary problem with CK is likely the he needs to get some early momentum, or he'll suck major cock. Sven can get dumpstered in lane, get towers taken out pretty early, and still manage to end the game with 700-800 GPM fairly easily if your team can play around the situation, where CK needs to be able to kill people somehow, and farming is not his strong suit if he, himself (not his team in general), gets shut down really hard. If you manage to get some good farm in the lane, and a few pickoffs, you're going to do really well as a CK, even if your team has started losing the game in general, because as you said, he really does not farm slow once he has some items.

                            BTW, I am not so sure about that drums pickup, it would seem that Echo Sabre is superior to it in any way (albeit costing 900 gold more, that is).

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              i fap to ck every night fam.


                                First pick randomed the other day, enemy team went ember, axe,and Sven
                                Enemy ember spirit types in all chat
                                "CK x ember spirit, Sven, and axe= Brazzers"
                                If you can get the farm it's so hard to stop a ck from shutting down your team but he's been like that for some time. He can be good as situational pick imo


                                  It was 2016
                                  We were building drums on ck
                                  Instead of rushing manta
                                  getting 6 str and 3 agi for 2 k gold

                                  casual gamer

                                    hello drums on ck is awesome

                                    1v1 me irl


                                      i dunno i played him several times and he seemed pretty ok regardless of mekarazium telling me that im retarded

                                      casual gamer

                                        1. 18% ms for 1700. coincides with cks power spike. he needs regen and str as well

                                        2. rushing manta is terrible

                                        delete your lies and apologize


                                          He's a str hero, he has to be strong


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                                              CK is finally getting some love, 'bout damn time!

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                                                  Anyone tried going arcanes on this hero?
                                                  I feel like his lack of mana's the only thing that's holding him back.



                                                    I bet u'd be able to carry that game with any other hero. Try playin him against high pressure line ups, then make conclusions.

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                                                      casual gamer

                                                        lex the enemy team had wk storm bh and a 15k gold lead. how is that a low pressure environment

                                                        i fail to see how i could win that game with any other hero actually

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          if you actually look at the replay you could see how fucked i was. ta got deso at 28 minutes


                                                            Drums is really good on ck. Easy to build. It's fun playing the hero.

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              aquila --> midas --> vlads --> echo --> sb/deso --> heart --> manta

                                                              best build evar

                                                              Dr. Banana

                                                                I was going to make another post about it, but can someone give me insight about my last ck match? I'm not good at ck (or any hero) but I thought I could wreck this game. But unfortunately my 'reflexes' are REALLY subpar. Me and the rest of my team made mistakes.
                                                                My mistakes (that I can point out):

                                                                1. Slow farm even though I had easy lane

                                                                2.didn't rotate, not sure why I would do that though

                                                                3.couldn't abuse HH much

                                                                4.couldn't abuse armlet much

                                                                5. Is it just me, or do my illusions just 'die'. Do they expire or do they really die that fast? If it's the latter, what items can I buy to prevent this from happening?

                                                                6.I didn't buy wards. How could I forget.

                                                                7. Should I have bought bkb? It gives me away so I didn't buy it.

                                                                My teammates problems (that I noticed):

                                                                1.The single most problem I have with my teammates is that they didn't push.

                                                                So, what could I and my team have done better? Please reply in a friendly way (I'm only in the normal skill bracket). Thanks.

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  1. youll never have fast farm as ck, best you can hope for is decent farm

                                                                  2. pudge should do enough rotations. just farm as best as you can until you have about cheap 2-3 core items. ie halberd armlet echo. ck is a strong 1v5 hero and can kill + push on his own with enough farm and dead enemies

                                                                  3. HH? hero healing? will edit as soon as i realize what this means

                                                                  4. wdym? insane armlet toggles? armlet before ulti?

                                                                  5. you get armlet so that you can give massive bonus str to your illus, who wont get the downsides. despite what your ulti says, the illus only get the flat base damage and not the green + damage. if that would be the case ck rapira rush 10/8 of games

                                                                  6. ah yes u did need wards so that lc wont snowball and slark wont get fat with pickoffs

                                                                  7. bkb definitely this game. too much lockdown and magical burst damage to render you and your illusions ineffective. if they got the jump on you, which they prolly did, no wards 24/7 and surprise-buttsecks heroes, even if you did ulti your illus would be weak af. not much use. what you needed to do was initiate on them first, delete zeus and then shadow shaman. that dagon from ench must have hurt a lot


                                                                    Omfg these people suggesting vlads on illusion heroes
                                                                    I'm so triggered

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      what if i told the build i gave allowed ck to roam and kill on his own without using ult too much


                                                                        guys pls no. i have ptsd from playing against CK bot back in the day..


                                                                          I'd still rather buy stat items
                                                                          I don't like the CK playstyle of roaming and shit


                                                                            I have a 3 digit MMR friend named Juan
                                                                            Once I played against Juan Bot SF
                                                                            I lost
                                                                            He solo carried the game and shat on me
                                                                            Think about it

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              if you buy midas on anyone but invoker the police should come and take your computer away

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                ck playstyle of roaming is the best shit ever in lower brackets

                                                                                people always farming on their own, ez kill

                                                                                little defenseless support tryna ward on his own bcs team is farming on their own, another ez kill

                                                                                this can be done by ck in a matter of seconds. what he lacks is the resources (hint, its mana) to sustain himself doing that

                                                                                vlad gives .80 mana regen or smthng. for comparison orchid, an item that storm gets largely because of mana regenration, gives 1.0. let that sink in, knowing that ck has like 1/1000 the mana pool of a storm. this isnt even adding in the echo (it gives 0.4)

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  "if you buy midas on anyone but invoker the police should come and take your computer away"


                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    i still dont fully comprehend why getting midas on aa is good

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      ^you are always extremely far back and don't get much exp, you need to get your lvl 2/3 ult as soon as possible to be of any use and aghs is really good, but at the same time, you're pretty shit at farming, but in pubs this is not as much of an issue as it is in competitive, it is not rare to see AA lvl 6 less than 10 minutes in, in pubs, in competitive AA will usually be pretty underleveled unless he participates in some ganks, pulls a lot and gets solo exp, etc.

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        ok its core on AW and ok on aa

                                                                                        but people buy it on shit like mirana, WK, CM, CK and dusa

                                                                                        and thats just wrong


                                                                                          u kidding mate? sf bot? the most cancerous hands down has got to be CK with his fucking deathball and ur retard teammate bots feeding in 1 by 1.

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            i see but in this sense, getting a midas on lion is also okay

                                                                                            is it because of the need of a fast dagger pickup?

                                                                                            how about midas on treant? map hax all day long


                                                                                              Lion doesn't need xp as much as AA
                                                                                              No need for midas, his BAT is also decent to farm with

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                lion midas is appallingly bad actually

                                                                                                im pretty sure tree midas is mediocre as well

                                                                                                would you rather have a 2000 gold item that will pay off in 30 minutes or a blink/force/glimmer that will pay off faster in saved lives and killed enemies.

                                                                                                tree aghs is the item but i think you can get it faster rushed than with a midas and aghs is plenty of farm speed

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  everything is so clear to me now

                                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                    "but people buy it on shit like mirana, WK, CM, CK and dusa
                                                                                                    and thats just wrong"

                                                                                                    Ok, yeah, gotta agree that is autistic.


                                                                                                      LC jungle midas rush lul
                                                                                                      Just normal skill things


                                                                                                        I learned so much by just thinking "why is this shit isn't done or not in the meta"