General Discussion

General DiscussionMirana Offlane with tq boots and midas

Mirana Offlane with tq boots and midas in General Discussion

    Thinking about of aquila + tq boots instead of getting bottle since its hard to get rune with offlane. Then midas and aghs after. Any thoughts?


      gl farming a midas in the offlane all i can say

      but in low skill i guess its fine coz i buy midas on offlaners like necro or nyx myself


        It's hard to farm in offlane. Thats why I want to buy midas. And also Miracle- and Dendi build midas if they r getting a hard time in laning phase.


          well i wasnt very sarcastic when i said gl, and you are probably going to need some luck if you want to get a fast midas on an offlaner.

          (i know why ppl buy midas)

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            Why would you get tranquil boots when most of the time you'll be hitting creeps and mirana has really low dmg to begin with, you'll end up letting your targets escape with 2-3 hits left since you cant really auto atk for shits after your nukes and you only get midas if their safe is doing really bad midas only slows you from getting aghs which lets you farm more efficiently than a 2050$ item which gives 190 every 1 min+.

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            Potato Marshal

              I feel like half the people who buy midases don't even understand it's purpose.


                ^ Basically what i meant secretly lmao


                  @Absol-ute Zero So, should I go with Phase boots (Travel later) then aghs no matter how hard the lane is?


                    Well, yea im no mirana player but its simple logic why would you waste 2k gold for an item that gives 190 gold every 1min+ rather than get an item which allows you to clear a creep wave or camp every 9 sec.

                    casual gamer

                      stop FUCKING BUYING MIDAS ON MRANa THANKS

                      casual gamer

                        4ks and 3ks have this massive boner for garbage item : hand of midas


                          Absol-ute Zero Thankyou! Very much appreciated :) btw, I'm a 2k scrub and just moved to 4k (with my smurf) that's why I asked dumb question. Hahhaha