General Discussion

General DiscussionGood start but I can't carry

Good start but I can't carry in General Discussion
Mary Poppins


    in this matche I have a really good start, in the first 5 minutes I got 2 double kill on sven and AA. At minute 8 when Timbersaw (playing mid) gank me i kill AA Timbersaw and Sven kill me (but he die from bloodseeker).

    After that I TP bottom, kill 2 people (timbersaw & Jugg) and take the tower, same for mid. So a pretty good start for me.

    I know bloodseeker & invoker have a bad game and die many time by runing on the enemy but why I can't manage to win this game alone ?

    After the mid tower axe got his blink and we start losing, impossible to farm, they just destroy us (we lose every teamfight).

    PS. I'm the last pick, so tell me if razor was wrong.

    Thanks you :)

    casual gamer

      you have no farm. kill creeps at all stages of the game for additional gold


        ^What he said,plus you should have coordinated with your team to push fast since razor is really strong earlygame to midgame

        Mary Poppins


          thanks for the answer.

          tbh i'm a bad farmer for you (because you are good players) but for my rank i'm pretty good when I focus on my game. The problem is, in this game I was waiting so much time hide in tree because my team want to fight, sometime more than 2 minutes mid waiting for the fight.

          When I don't listen my team at all, I can farm well. For me the perfect game is like this one : . I played offlane with void, and we fight in 4v5 the whole game. But everytime we lose a fight AM take towers, racks and farm a new core item. So for me we won the game because we create enough space for AM to farm and take objective.

          But when I play carry, my team, trash talk me because I farm and take tower when they try to fight mid.

          If you Watch a 3k game you can see what happen, so many time you have 5 guys waiting mid and watching the enemy team for like 1 or 2 minutes. I try to avoid that but I don't want to go in low prio so I join them when they cry on me ^^ .


            300 gpm is quite the opposite to playing good

            Dont listen to your teammatrs, theyre also shit

            Just do what is needed to win the game

            In this case you need to farm and push waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more


              I think invo is the hardest carry there,won't do any shit with that shitty farm tho, and razor isn't supposed to be a hard carry right?

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              Mary Poppins

                @Cookie I know i was playing bad in the first game and after watching the replay I know why. People say "do a bad move all 5 is better than a good move alone". So I follow them because they want it ^^ .


                  Then stay low mmr forever

                  Who needs to think for himself logically when you can all be feeding, but at least you're feeding togeather as friends


                  casual gamer

                    u can farm farm farm and teleport when your team fights and help

                    if u have to, buy boots of travel

                    ur team might think ur dumb for farming but when you have an extra 5k gold item and get an ultra kill they will say wow razor pro