General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to escape low 4k faster?

How to escape low 4k faster? in General Discussion

    Getting out of 3k is easier, however, I don't know what to do to get out of low 4k(4000-4300).

    For what it seems to me, I've been in this MMR bracket for past 5 months more or less. I had times where I droped down to 3k, but getting out of it was easier.

    Now it feels like I have to learn something new, it's just that I don't know what, anymore.

    I'm aware that maybe I'm on my peak?

    The bigest problem I have in low 4k is, that, once we lose the lane our team will give up or just chain feed. I don't know how to recover from that.

    Sec. problem is roaming heroes like Mirana, Riki, BH, Pudge or fast rotations from supports. I don't know what to do against roaming heroes as mid hero, and I get rekt so many times when I'm about to kill their Invoker (for example) by their support rotation.

    I still know my mechanics are bad and that my decision making could be way better, but just working on this, it just doesn't feel it'll get me to, let's say 4.5k.. Or I'm wrong?

    My highest mmr ever was 4349 and tbh, I've never felt confident there, and I lost it pretty fast.

    Esp. when I get into avg. games of 4400+.

    Can someone who's noticable better than me do a quick check on my profile and tell me what to do in order to advance in MMR?

    I feel like even if I might be aware of what to do, talking to you guys or getting the answers(I might even know) could be helpful.

    Thank you.

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        It gets only more difficult after 4300 every 100 points. This is the time u have to learn 1-2 specific roles u want to play and shorten your hero pool to max 6 heros (some say even 3). I play almost every hero - thats why Im stuck on 4.7 k for 2 last months.

        To get and maintain 5k+ way is simple. Play your best heros, meta heros and play everyday. 5k+ is for dota addicts, no-lifes, and pro-wannabes. Normal people dont have time to maintain such a high mmr. Think about that also. This game will consume most of your life energy and time. When it comes to me, the better I am at dota and im grinding mmr back to 5k (4.7 currently) the worse I am at life.

        U can maintain 4,5 k with no effort playing whatever u like and still have some fun, really. Above that its only tryhard and flaming for every mistake u make.

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            Legit answer right there ⏫⏫⏫


              Im suffering from 4.5k-4.8k curse right now..pshhh


                I didnt mean to offend anyone but lets be realistic. Who normally have so much time to play a video game. Only practise makes u better, but dota is so much energy consuming and time consuming, its impossible for a normal person to gain high mmr and maintain it.

                High mmr people that i met in Dota mostly have some life problems. Only a few of them really have a talent for that and dont need to play 10 games a day (supports mostly) to maintain 6k.

                Saying that eveything below 5.5 is clow fiesta is not even related to what I've said.

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                casual gamer

                  man 4k3k dota isnt really even dota though

                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                    mmm I think the problem in that tier is the mix of MMR between players. I mean most of my matches are with guys with low 4k and mid 5k . so there's no sinergy. game knoweldge, decision making are quite different between players.


                      @ Meka, I'm not even playing Shadow Fiend anymore. Just sometimes, when I feel it's a legit pick(if it makes any sense).

                      I'm mostly playing Safelane Sven(when I get a chance), Riki(quite a lot, actually), or I pick what my team needs.

                      Right now, I feel LOST, because I'm not competent enough to play something like: Invoker, TA, Storm or something like that on mid.

                      I used to be semi-decent with OD, but it's been a while since I played him in 4k+ bracket.

                      @ Lex

                      Yes, I'm aware. I've been in 4.5k+ bracket several times on my smurf, and I know it's like that.

                      The problem I'm having is that I feel like I don't belong anywhere.

                      I'm a decent SF(dead hero, as stated above), but I'm afraid, other than(maybe?) OD, I can't play MID.

                      Same goes for Safelane carry. My decision making towards this role is kinda lacking, and the only execption would be:

                      Slark(if I get farm, if I don't have hard time dealing with my counters, and if I don't tlt)
                      Sven(if I get farm and if my team is semi-decent, I can't 1v5 with this guy..)
                      Antimage, Jugg.. (hit or miss, literally.. lul ) :-/

                      I can do some "roaming-offlane" with Riki, BH and that's about it.

                      Anything else is hit or miss. If my team is doing okay, I'll probably do aswell(or at least I won't be a deadweight, huh?)

                      So, maybe I need to start learning new heroes and stick to pos 1/2(I do enjoy mostly playing this, but offlane is also okay)..

                      Tbh, I never dedicated my life to Dota, and I never actually wanted to get something out of this game. I have over 4000 games if I count smurfs, but I never actually tried to get good at this game till I started to grind past 4k, which is about 5 months.

                      But for past 5 months it's dead-end, I never went above 4.3k on my main.. :-/

                      And tbh, I feel lazy learning new heroes?

                      @ JDF8

                      Bro, I don't claim 4.3k is where real Dota starts. Why you state obvious?


                        I feel you bro, I escaped it last week, but due to power outages,(=abandons) I droped back to 4.2.
                        To answer your question though, It's best to play your most comfortable role


                          @ Renshin

                          That doesn't work for me. Check my atempts to play Slark, for example. It's 7 losses in a row.. :-OO From 54% to 53%.. :-/

                          SF is just not a hero you want to insta-pick.. I'd go back in 3k in no time if I do that.


                            Forget about playing in the hero specific stuff and simple mechanics, you should've mastered this by 4k.

                            Most 4k's lack one or more of the following:
                            Map awareness, decisionmaking, gamesense and/or teamplay



                              And how do I get good at it and not ruin my 4k by minus 500 match making points?

                              Because grinding out of 3k is not hard, but hell, I don't wanna do it anymore.


                                brate mozes ti da dodjes do 4300 ( kao ja do 4550) ali ostao sam samo dve nedelje i mislio sam do jaja ostavu ovako kad ono kurac em losi igraci em pikovi em ja fidam i onda padnes mnogo lakse nego sto se podognes...
                                najbjtnije da si pozitivan da koristis mikrofon da ne pises puno na cetu da igras kako treba pozicija i pickovi mnogo bitni ...


                                  @Vertoxity, then probably just pick a strong roamer, like pudge,mirana,riki,kunka. I've noticed, I would always lose to strong roamers, especially kunka
                                  and yeah how i wish Sf could be viable again in ranked mmr, miss that hero


                                    ne mozes tek tako da ostanes na nekom mmru stalno a tek si dosao dota je takva mora mnogo da prodje zivot da bu naucio a ne vetujem da imas tolko vremena


                                      No one even mentioned in this topic where real dota starts, they jsut got offended by me saying that u cant be normal to waste so much time on a video game to maintain 5k+. And u have to be in shape all the time to keep up with the difficulty lvl, and play everyfreakinday. But dota is not a real sport, will not get u puussssy unless u are pro.

                                      Im just sayin to u Vertoxity to think it over if its really worth wasting so much time and energy on taking grinding seriously. Just to have a big e-peen on DB and show it off ? Just to tell mid 4ks that real dota starts from 5.5 k ? They will never admit (ofc not all) that their life is leaking through their fingers. So is it really worth the effort ? Thats what im asking myslef recently, cos my life quality used to be better before i started playing this game honestly.

                                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                        SF is not a meta hero but he can snowball fast, also in 4ks most of them have no idea how to deal with SF,
                                        Also there're heroes that most of 4k has no idea how to deal with.
                                        Storm, SF, sven, Antimage, sand king.


                                          i guess you ought to make a serious workout schedule and go at it every time you lose a game, proportionally to the times you died there. that way if you won't become 5k, you'll at least get ripped.


                                            So true about something different happpening past 4.3k I keep going just past 4.3k before dropping back down to 4.2k I notice a decent difference between 4.1k and 4.3k games even though just 200 mmr difference .


                                              @ Lex, I don't know mate. right now, I have a free time. I want to dedicate it to something. Not saying I will waste my time if I have something else to do.

                                              I do work and I have to pay my bills, so, yeah.

                                              @ Filthy, difference between 4.1 and 4.3k is probably non-exitant, it's just that when you're 4.3k you get into 4.4k, so game is harder, but, when you're 4.1k, you get into flat 4k games.. So difference can be up to 400 MMR sometimes.


                                                It's impossible to tell what ur doing wrong without watching ur games and u do most things wrong I'm sure. But you should work on things that most ppl should too like farming, being efficient with it, patterns, map awareness, who to focus in fights, positioning, when to take rosh, when to fight or not and so much more. Just open some replays and try to think what u could have done differently and how to win that game. Maybe idk check some higher mmr smurfs see what they do to win in your bracket, because if you look at high mmr games they are just way to different, too fast and stuff. And mechanics u can always practice alone, against bots or against ppl.

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                                                    @Loosing streak, nc rank winrate fam



                                                      Why not try to be better at sport activities or to look better, or take care of your girlfriend/wife better ? Instead of trying hard for 5k. I recently play a lot dota, but only cos Im sick and cant go to the gym right now. I dunno there are so many things that can benefit u in life rather than a video game. Things that can actually make u more satisfied about your life quality. Im sayin this cos im on the edge of quiting dota, mostly cos of the community.


                                                        @ Afeect

                                                        I guess it makes sense what you said. Maybe I'm just lazy and expect results without actually doing the right thing/things.


                                                          try oracle.


                                                            @ Lex

                                                            My girlfriend is fine, it happens she lives in another city(300 KM) away from mine, so when we're together(up to 10 days sometimes)I rarely play Dota(only whe she sleeps or something like that).

                                                            Now, I look like shit, because I got fat an I have over 90KG(I gained about 15KG), but tbh, not only thanks to Dota but, also, thanks to my job.

                                                            I'm just lazy and I can't make myself go to gym or start doing something to lose weight, etc.

                                                            Oh, well.


                                                              words of advice
                                                              -play what your comfortable role like the comment said b4
                                                              -communicate with your teammate more like if u playing mid and u starting to lose just say guys i need some cover from their gank if u play safelane and u got some problem like enemy harassing u with 2 heroes just say u need to be babysitted if u play offlane and u losing the lane communicate with your team like guys im zoned i get to nc 1 or 2 mins
                                                              -watch pros play and learn how their make their decision
                                                              -if u are safelane carry ex. slark try farming to get min 10-13 sb when u get it start ganking
                                                              -play hero that good in the meta like drow
                                                              if u cant do all of this, last advice get yourself some vacation or a break it help you alot, you cant play well if u stressed out

                                                              QOTD: believe in your team and people around you.

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                                                                  wtf dude haha me from 5k now 4.8k sea server is the most epic server in dota2 i wanna use vpn to play greendays


                                                                    @ Lex

                                                                    I mean, having a girlfriend is nice, fucking chicks is aswell nice, but life is about passion.

                                                                    It happens that Dota is one of them. Sometimes, I'd gladly choose Dota over a girlfriend I don't like or just a good ol' sex.

                                                                    But hey, guess what? It's obvious for someone with over 3000 games.

                                                                    Then again, not sayin' I don't love to have a girlfriend, and my current one is way more important to me than Dota, but just talking in general here.

                                                                    I'm not desperate at all.

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                                                                      Warren Buffneck

                                                                        Just play high game impact heroes that fit with your team. I feel like so many games in 4k are lost from greedy and awkward lanes because people have less than a handful of heroes they play at a 4k level, and none of them fit the specific game they are playing. I am convinced your mmr rests on your weakest role, whatever it may be.

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                                                                          ive slept with 180 girls and im 5k so fuck your logic, you are just a sadcnt mate.



                                                                            Why would you count how many girls you've fucked, that's stupid.


                                                                              how is that stupid? how can i know if im past 200 if im not counting?

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                i just dont think i could enjoy dota if i was 3k lol. it angers me so much when they just fucking roll around as 5 at 10 minute "ganking"

                                                                                even though i can destroy them the "fuck efficiency and map control lets all walk at storm as 5 for 20 minutes" shit makes me want to punch someone

                                                                                then theres


                                                                                  Radoš I told you many times what your problem is, no need to open a thread for that.

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    the fact that these 0 knowledge dota players will flame you for completely game winning builds/play (gg storm no gank, basically)


                                                                                      lol come play sea server it's harder to get out of 4K like a 10 time than other server


                                                                                        Dota during the middle of day in us servers pretty rough no one speaks English until atleast 5pm


                                                                                          As a heads up, since this discussion has already derailed into something else here and there: Using demeaning terms for women/girls is against our Code of Conduct and quite frankly just generally inappropriate.


                                                                                            There was nothing bad in their language. Go be a sjw somewhere else, pls. And afeect's post was a humorous one in the first place.


                                                                                              believe in your team and people around you.



                                                                                                If you think their language was appropriate, then I suggest you use the term when talking to your mother, grandmother and other female family members. Look how they react and tell me it's a "sjw" thing.


                                                                                                  nazi nazi nazi where's freedom!? USA! USA! USA! I vote for trump!

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                                                                                                    it was hugh mungus


                                                                                                      things ive noticed:

                                                                                                      the draft!
                                                                                                      being versatile with your pool allows you to understand what counters actually are. not just what youve heard. and of course benefits offensive coordination & synergy.

                                                                                                      dont play the hero, play the player.

                                                                                                      look up the heros with the highest winrates in your bracket and play them.

                                                                                                      dont flame at all. inspire & lead. if you have foresight vocalize it in great detail. withought being condenscending.

                                                                                                      dont play for kda, play the objectives.

                                                                                                      in 1k roshan is poorly utalized. dont be 1k.

                                                                                                      sometimes common sense dota is forgetten in the tunnel vision heat of the moment.

                                                                                                      dont just watch the map, proccess the evidence given.

                                                                                                      sometimes we get careless with our position, remember to stay behind your cores or tell your squishys to hang back.

                                                                                                      staying collected and quick with decisions is what seperates mmr to me.

                                                                                                      like remembering items in your inventory! & tread switching

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                                                                                                        can some1 post a tl dr gif plz? idk how to do it on ipad, but i feel like it should be posted rn.