General Discussion

General Discussionbiggest counter to AM?

biggest counter to AM? in General Discussion

    i dont see much good AMs in my tier nor do i have trouble against him but i mostly play zeus-timber-am in solo ranked games so i always ban am (i then try to play him if i cant ban him) since he counters two of my better heroes, but sometimes he wont get banned and he'll be played by the enemy and in very rare cases, he might actually be good. so what hero counters AM as a whole? ive been using BS lately, running him jungle and rushing sb after aquila phase talon to keep AM in check but BS is in a pretty terrible spot rn

    im thinking about picking LC myself but im not very knowledgeable about that hero and i'd hate to play something i dont know well. is LC a hard counter to AM?

    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

      carry = pa sven drow
      mid = meepo (god tier)
      offlane = slardar lc
      support = sd


        Meepo lul and also Hi

        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

          ? me?

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            i thought am counters meepo because of cleave damage + m.resist passive

            is it because if a meepo is rly good he'll basically deny AM of all space ever in the map and kill his teammates then end the game before he's relevant?

            if so then is slark also somewhat a counter to AM (thought its hard for a slark to directly kill AM)

            also whats with this euls aghs BS im seeing in higher MMRs why is this a thing?


              @Junko its for op


                @Alice Meepo fucks am over early with chain nets preventing him from blinking away and even with skill 3 , meepo's geostrike melts him super fast.

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                Mode adiman



                    Sven is stronger than am at any moment of the game. Enigma lc disruptor work very well

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      lol plyo dunno why youd think that about am and sven


                        eYY but i suck at meepo and micro heroes in general

                        meepo seems fun tho, but is he really that hard to learn? how many hours do i hafta put in to be "decent" enough to play him

                        i'd go practice him but i lack time kek

                        Hanamichi Sakuragi

                          For starters, you can treat Meepo as one hero only with 10 skills, as long as you know the item build you will be fine.

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            they say with meepo you just need muscle memory to pull that shit off

                            I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                              i thought am counters meepo because of cleave damage + m.resist passive
                              is it because if a meepo is rly good he'll basically deny AM of all space ever in the map and kill his teammates then end the game before he's relevant?
                              if so then is slark also somewhat a counter to AM (thought its hard for a slark to directly kill AM)
                              also whats with this euls aghs BS im seeing in higher MMRs why is this a thing?

                              your damage via cleave isnt relevant against meepo until super late where he falls off, meepo gets bots aghs ~15min avg and at that point game gets pretty hard for you already, dlance and dagger by ~22min, global mobility means he can solo kill you at any point
                              meepo is one of the best anti split pusher.

                              slark has a timing window where he can destroy ams team before am can contribute,but that time window is super small and if you even make a slight mistake and get cleaned up by am tp void the games basically over

                              that is utility bs which is the best role for a jungler unless you already have a utility mid like mag puck

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                              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                Terrorblade and Disruptor counters him well.
                                Also, Anti - Mage doesn't counter Timbersaw much.
                                I checked all of your Timbersaw game pages until the last one and you haven't bought a single Linken's Sphere or Lotus Orb. :/

                                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                  just wondering if anyone have tried out going fury diffusal or fury bkb to counter his nets and how did it turn out
                                  or going the miracle 5 man am vg vlads manta and not play into meepo's split push catcher game


                                    Core - Meepo, Sven, PA, Drow, LC, Alchemist, Slardar
                                    Support - Kunkka, disruptor, SD

                                    A lot of countering AM is just playstyle. Having counterpicks helps but lots of shit can deal with AM if you play tight and shut down his space early on. AM's laning isn't that bad but you have a big window to punish him after he gets BF but before he gets manta/abyssal etc where his splitpushing isn't particularly fast and he does literally nothing in teamfights except mana void. If you 5 man and shut down his farming space games are usually fairly easy.



                                      tbh i can destroy AM as timber in lane (PMS + lv 3 reactive xD) but its not really reliable + maybe its just me being paranoid about AM going online before i can get bloodstone + 2 items...

                                      heh, makes me wanna try playing meepo, any tips on the micro? also i tend to panic in teamfights and i cant blinkpoof or tp blink poof at all :/

                                      I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                        hey cutnpaste did u ever try the build i mentioend


                                          alot heroes couter him early but late idk

                                          if anti cant diapell kunka x mark with manta then kunka can


                                            I'll list supports
                                            Lion (sounds dumb, but 2 long disable with one having instant cast time and a huge nuke before he can even get 2 points in spell shield is amazing, not to mention lion never wander around alone)


                                              LC also fucks AM hard early to mid game
                                              Late game she won't do shit when AM gets his linken or she doesn't have many duel wins

                                              ARC WARDEN

                                                bloodcyka with blademail.
                                                get eul or skull basher for interupt tp.


                                                  KotL is one of the best counters.


                                                    seeker , meeper

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                                                      Kia Boyz Leader

                                                        invoker. ez. triggered.


                                                          PA ( he can't manfight her, she force him to go mkb which AM HATES to go for ) , Sven ( he poop on AM when he catch him ) , LC ( spam gank him mid game with duels & get fed, she force him to fight rather than blink & run away ) thats the 3 i can think of right now , probably alot of other heroes in the support/offlane/mid roles also.


                                                            Biggest counter to AM is early push, it is known


                                                              I've never gone fury diffusal or fury bkb, both seem like awful solutions because even if you manage to avoid being solo killed Meepo is going to get aegis and rax you at 20 minutes when you are running around with no items. I tried the Miracle build a few times but never against Meepo, your issue there is that Meepo farms so fast that you could just lose 30 minutes in to a triple eblade meepo or whatever. I think overall the matchup is unwinnable unless your team drags the game out for 40 minutes and you get double butterfly or something.

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                                                                OFFLANE TB


                                                                  literally everything

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    axe disruptor kunkka

                                                                    high burst damage

                                                                    unpurgeable silences

                                                                    high duration stuns


                                                                      Physical burst tho.


                                                                        Ta and slardar can probably burst him in the duration of one crush with amp dmg and meld.


                                                                          Wait what? slark counter of am ? wut ???

                                                                          Axe pee on am all game long, lc's same (but somehow easier to get countered)
                                                                          ta is great, and a stat build sf also deal remarkably well against am.
                                                                          naga is awesome against am. Tb doing great also. Luna is probably the best carry to counter him.

                                                                          countrary to popular believe, sd isn't doing particulary well against am (at least not to a brain dead one), but every sup that hinder his mobility are awesome, like kunkka or disruptor

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                            phantom lancer


                                                                              Bloodseeker ult plus any other hero with stun is how I deal with am the easiest


                                                                                shadow demon is really good against antimage. some of the ppl ive talked to say its potentially worth not skillig ur q at all until u have bfury yasha or something because if u get disrupted into one stun u just die. sd kunkka for example is an automatic kill on u and so on

                                                                                luna sven tb r the best

                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                  Sven is good vs antimage however I will say a 6 slotted antimage has an advantage over a 6 slotted Sven . Sven even with god strength activated and a Mkb to hit through antimages butterfly needs 5 seconds to drop antimage by himself and blink stun only lasts 2 seconds so am can blink out if initiated on by a solo Sven whereas a antimage jumping on Sven with abyssal will stun Sven before he can pop bkb and drain all his mana leaving none left for gods strength and from there am will just kill Sven . I thought Sven dumpstered am myself all game until I saw it with my own eyes 6 slot vs 6 slot . I put in he dps calculator Sven : daedleus , bots, satanic , Mkb , blink, bkb and eaten moonshard .

                                                                                  Am: butterfly , manta , heart , bots, abyssal , battlefury , eaten moonshard .

                                                                                  Would take 5 seconds for that Sven to kill that am less if am is getting cleaved but not doing cleave in this scenario .

                                                                                  Also am is more mobile than a Sven even with his blink dagger so it's more likely am gets to jump Sven vs other way around .

                                                                                  In teamfight it depends on the circumstances ofcourse , am would probs want to stay away from the Sven and hit the back lines atleast until Sven bkb wears off .

                                                                                  I am by no means saying Sven is not a counter to am because he is . Sven counters am due to having such a large advantage window over am , however I think it's a myth that Sven Beats am all game long if game goes late , I've seen it several times my self and the am wins 2out of three of the times the game goes super late .


                                                                                    if ur a sven and u dont just buy shadowblade and repeatedly kill am and end the game ur an idiot.

                                                                                    this heros absurdly easy to win with in ranked too.


                                                                                      Shadow demon isn't good against am, it's just super annoying early, but that's it.

                                                                                      And yeah, sup with sven, i forgot this dude; it can be hard when opponent's team is kind of heavy splitter, but yeah, you can literally 3 shot him from min 15 to the end of the game, it's actually scary to split against that and you cann't fight him at all.


                                                                                        deso PA shits on AM so hard it isn't even funny

                                                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                          AM is not a big deal, he is very easily countered by many things. People just do not know how to play against him.

                                                                                          Pressure towers, do not let him farm and you get an ez 4 v 5 game with the team that has the am resenting the am and reporting him.

                                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                                            ^ hes not easy to counter at all

                                                                                   (played this on a friends account)

                                                                                            heres what happens when u try to "counter" him like that. huskar spent the whole laning phase clicking his W on me every time he saw me, his teammates grouped and knocked down all of our outer towers, but it didnt matter

                                                                                            every time they took a tower i took a tower, i farmed way faster than any of them and then by 30 minutes i have treads bfury linkens manta abyssal and they can't touch me


                                                                                              actually before nerf huskar was an insane counter to am.
                                                                                              Back in 2014 I used to almost instapick huskar after enemy picked am.
                                                                                              Am can't win if you finish the game by 20-25 min mark and he can't fight you at all. Maybe with 50% magic resist left the ult deals enough to be viable, but still I feel huskar is pretty strong.


                                                                                                huskars manapool is 0 to begin with so if ur mana voiding him ur a retard. huskars one of the best counters to him but it requires your team to play around u which is really annoying, similar story with luna and stuff, which is why imo in pubs svens the best counter because u can deal with him on ur own and sort of play ur own game

                                                                                                the way huskar becomes bad against am is if the enemy team picks annoying depush heros like kotl or elder titan. there was a secret game where they were morph against huskar but they had like elder titan spam and some other hero and col's huskar pushed slower than the enemy morph 15-20 minutes in.

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                                                                                                  KR regarding that sven game, what was your item progression? did u still go echo sabre or blink-sb or something similar


                                                                                                    My decent/good am of last game had a relatively hard time vs alchemist, i feel like we woud have lost if i didnt aghs-ulti the alchemist successfully.


                                                                                                      i went like hod echo shadowblade and just ran around killing invoker and antimage in sidelanes


                                                                                                        legion with blademail can kill am even when she is 2 items behind.

                                                                                                        also yeah PA 3 hits him, but you can say the same with tiny, sven, ck, and others, anti-mage is nowhere near as cancer as other heroes.