General Discussion

General Discussionhumour abt cash player get good team is real?

humour abt cash player get good team is real? in General Discussion

    im a non cash player , and i always get team like this
    the hero pick sequence is like slark>tiny>mira>sniper>pa
    mira go hill to farm ancient ... 13mins midas 20mins still farming for scepter and get kill then go again and die again ... what kind of brain think he alone can chg the game after he pure farm 20mins + for his scepter ... 1v5? nvr win with all the same mira that build midas > scepter

    FMLFMLFMLFMLFML bye mmr ....


      Actually it demands some hero knowledge to successfully leap to cliff. I would commend her.


        what kind of cash player are you talking about?

        you're HS, you're not attending any tournaments


          cash player = player that brought battle pass / set item , those player that let valve earn money


            nope, idk where you heard that stupidity


              It is correct usually valve puts pay 2win players with good veteran players

              Ce commentaire a été édité

                so frustating this 3k bracket , all abt luck
                play ur best > = lose coz my teammate hold my back and being cocky
                play poorly and hold my teammate back > = suprisingly i won...
                lesson learned > wtf???

                2k indog monkey

                  I'm sure I get as much retard in this account as in my main because I belong in a shit bracket
                  Where the fuck did you get those words from
                  Dota is full of fucktards and no matter how much you spend money into the game will change the kind of teammates you get
                  I have a lot of friends who have spent shit tons of $$ and still gets dogshit teammates, because he's also dogshit and deserves to be in a bracket of retards
                  You can't change what kind of teammates you get
                  You can only change your own playstyle and your teammate's mood

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    valve doesnt favor rich cucks, but in my experience it gives the team a good atmosphere

                    in lower brackets lots of hats = skill, so ppl respect you more. ex if two mid players fight for mid, most of the time the dude with the better set wins because the team backs him up or the other guy voluntarily lets go

                    stop blaming being a poor bastard isnt an excuse for failing to smurf in 3k smh



                      Watch this learn the matchmaking system

                      par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                        so you're upset people can afford to support the game they love which is free to play?
                        they are sell outs?

                        you should go get a job so you can buy things you want rather than make excuses on your games lost because someone paid for a battle pass and you weren't able to

                        there is no pay to win on this game, don't be fooled

                        M U R D E R

                          there is some truth in this. like if you buy hat, you are more likely to get matched with people who also buy hat. and people who buy hat are often mroe skilled than people who dont buy hat, therefore buying hats can possibly gives you more skilled team.

                          even in csgo they match people who have similar skins together, so why not in dota?

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            I payed like 200 € to valve and my teams are still shit.


                              Cookie it's probably just a local slang


                                another game another throw ... fml
                                i do support early game... but sad carry cant fat and keep feeding.... 3 carries, ez mmr
                                another broken system of solo mmr , naut and morph is in pt... 2 late carry ... wew

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                                  the title looks like a bunch of random words combined together tbh


                                    this ain't true. Bought all compendium since 2015 but I'm most of the time put in a team with low doto IQ.