General Discussion

General Discussioni want to improve

i want to improve in General Discussion

    please help where should i start


      Seems like you're a carry player
      Know how to last hit
      Know when to last hit
      Know where to last hit
      Know when to not last hit (aka teamfight,pushing,rosh,etc)
      Know who to target in teamfight
      Build items and level up skills according to the situation
      Last but not least, positive mental attitude


        You could try to do the 600 LH 30 min challenge in an empty lobby to improve your farming pattern


          last game was playing meepo mid vs viper could not lane so i was trying to just farm both lane then go jungle by 10 min i had 90 cs but viper was pushing and i could not deal with him alone asked any1 to tp none tp so viper took the tower in 11 and he shifted to other lane to push so i took 5 towers when luna started flaming me ez mid i asked if som1 can ward sven stack no1 did so i did it when he started farming it i told them lets smoke and go kill him no one did

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            oh man i just hate when assholes flame me yes i do mistakes but look at your own first like luna and wr when they started flaming ez mid luna went drums and they had 0 td or this lion saying report meepo oh yeah i asked you 3 times to help me mid what is so hard to kill viper buy smoke come mid put down earth spike in his head then hex him but no he expects me just to deal with him alone and just go die like a fucking retard

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              Mate just keep git gud


                just do what i do, it's the fastest method

                but it only works for highly intelligent people :p

                replay analysis from your games and comparing it to pubstars(5-7k) who spam the same hero or set of heroes(role).

                dont take 8-9k players or pro matches, even i can't predict them. it'd be a waste of time


                  Agree cokkie uridea is really work at it

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                      so cookie since you are now the most famous on dotabuff community grant me a wish and do me a replay analysis of my last game you can upload it on your youtube channel <3

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                      casual gamer

                        master creep aggro

                        if ur really good you can pull only 1 creep on the edge, and can aggro multiple times without having them run back at all

                        it will give you more farm every time you have a super shitty lane, then having fast raindrop/stick/boot/pms can be the difference between dying to an aggro lane and getting shoved out vs killing them and ruining their lane


                          i was using creep aggro on lvl 3 i used double poof to clear the creep wave then go take that extra 3-5 last hits from jungle but viper can use his orb walk and it was lit bit hard my first creep wave got fucked was going for top rune then i saw all of the oracle used q sven dived me i was able to survive with 80 hp i and my creep weave got pulled toward viper tower i did a huge mistake there going base to heal instead of buying salve so when i got back to lane viper lvl 2 i am lvl 1 and i had 0 cs yes that was so stupid from me also about creep aggro i have to pay my 1/3 HP just to get the ranged creep or give up on it and that creep that matters the most for me thats why i let my ranged creep go first and try to deny it from enemy

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                            Don't pick meepo against sven&viper If you do own them in first 10 minutes in every lane


                              i have been watching a lot of meepo players they dont own mid by killing enemy they own the whole game by getting farmed 22 min 2 dragon lance aghs BoT blink

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                              casual gamer

                                yeah thats how the hero functions, he gets way higher lvl and gold than anyone else, can instantly kill any solo hero with blink hex, and takes rosh/towers quickly

                                then he usually wants to end when hes lv 25 and has blink agh hex eb, because hes not getting any stronger. especially if he has dragon lances


                                  see this my team lost their lanes ogre camping mid with pudge my team died instead of being dick who flames them and say gg report x i say for them it is fine we gonna win i already have 5 min BoT

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