General Discussion

General DiscussionRazor builds

Razor builds in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    The fall compendium has a razor questline and set. I've always liked the hero but haven't played him much lately but I wonder if he'll get picked more now.

    Why is his win rate so awful though? He doesn't seem bad to me. He's pretty good at kiting and draining all the dmg out of meta carries. He isn't that great at farming but he pushes well enough with aghs and taking down towers. Dragon lance is also really great for him, though not too many other items change his style. Lance is really nice though because with aquila and s&y it's enough hp without having to go for a bkb or heart so you can build aghs and refresher or more dmg items. I think phase/treads, aquila, dragon lance, s&y, aghs is pretty much the standard opening, they you can decide if it's a refresher game or a butterfly/ac game.

    Da Vinci


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          I go mid, bottle, aquila, treads/phase, dlance, mek (sometimes if team has arcanes), bkb (situational tho u will usually need it), aghs, ac/shivas, butterfly. Mkb against evasion, and dlance upgrade also viable.


            I like aghs razor cuz of the push tbh. And the hp is needed. It is easily skipable tho so up to u

            I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

              aquila bots sny bkb shivas
              i dont see the point of lance, you stay close to ppl due to link. maybe people think its op stat item i guess

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              Vem Comigo

                he falls onto late game pretty hard, make a fast build and push for throne pretty fast.

                Dire Wolf

                  I don't think he falls off, refresher + aghs double storms is 350 dps coming out of razor and he can run around doing that dmg without even hitting people so can't get kited or stopped really. Now those two items kind of suck for normal right clicks, but a razor with treads, aghs, refresher, butter, ac, s&y does around 1100 raw dps with a full link up. That's comparable to 6 slotted jug I made before adding in razor's double ults and that is raw dps not including reductions for the ac and hits from lightning storm.

                  Have a look:

                  Eye hits over twice a second, after 3 seconds you're losing a desolator's worth of armor from strikes if they all hit one target. Razor makes people very squishy.


                    sry for offtopic, but can u briefly tell me which heroes got compendium sets/immortals within this event so far?

                    Dire Wolf

                      Only the first treasure is out and the three quest lines. The three quest lines are like a supporter one, a stealth one and a dps one which is kinda weird there's no strength one. The supporter one is usual buy support items, get assists etc, the dps one is like get a number of kills, get farm, do x dmg to enemies, and the stealth one is stuff like bounce a bunch of shurikens on bh and steal runes, kill people out of stealth.

                      Protector set is bane, dps set is razor, stealth set is bh.

                      Treasures 1 is out and it's got slark, omni and I honestly don't remember anyone else.

                      oh looky here


                      slark, veno, nightstalker, puck, omni, am rare, warlock very rare.

                      Nothing that exciting. Slark and ns look good. Warlock golem is cool. Nice to see veno get a set but it's fugly.

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                        Finally theres a Nightstalker set that wont cost millions of dollars

                        @ Triple, Dotacinema has their usual battlepass video/chest opening where you can see the sets as well.

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                          bottle boots aquila brown boots lance travels sny and then according to situation like shiva bkb ac, generally tanky shit


                            El patron , this is a legit thread not a K thread. You just seem lame putting that in a thread actually talking about relevant dota stuff .


                              I think his biggest issue is he can't farm well you already stated that I know . He's viable in certain games but if the game slows down for what ever reason he'll just fall off due to farming slow or if enemy team can stall your early aggression .maybe some new style of razor will come out and he'll be viable again otherwise I think he needs a buff before he's meta .

                              Full Давай

                                I saw some Chinese guys going phase + dl + diffusal for securing early kills + popping linken.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Reduce mana cost on plasma field so he can spam it and he'd be a decent farmer.




                                      ^^^ I might try out diffussal next time I play him , no gaurentees tho.

                                      Full Давай

                                        ye post thread about it I'm interested in this hero's potential

                                        Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                          Since people mentioned he falls off because he can't farm fast, can someone explain to me what happens if he buys Maelstrom after DL and RoA? Does Maelstrom solve the farming problem or does he fall off more because of it?

                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                            Razor is not that good, though he can be a strong hero under right circumstances.

                                            Death Prophet is a lot better than Razor in all category.

                                            I'm only a NS player so I can be wrong.


                                              I usually go Aquila, Treads, Dragon Lance and SnY. BKB if needed and then make a Heart/ Assault Cuirass/Butterfly and Skadi depending on the situation/ what the team needs. I used to build desolator but only situationally build it these days.

                                              I would kinda agree with the above comments and say that Razor isn't really a hero one can spam or play repeatedly, although I did it because he was the first hero I started playing.

                                              As for falling off, in my experience, Razor falls off not because he fails to farm fast. Plasma Field and Shiva's are pretty decent for farming waves. He falls off because his skillset isn't really late-game oriented against late game carries. But that's just my opinion.

                                              Also, if you know how to, you can use Plasma Field to farm two camps at the same time