General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for people who are expert rat

Question for people who are expert rat in General Discussion

    ive seen some np killing towers and rax without creeps after he is farmed alot.
    Those who rat with np can teach me few things. also what minimum items are needed to pull this kind of rat. i know one item is desolator.
    more tips about np and other rat will be appreciated.


      2x Rapier and 1x moon and ur gucci

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        i think u can do that in less.

        casual gamer

          rax are easy towers are hard

          go into a lobby and experiment with cheats, some cheese shit like double necro AC lone druid has absolutely retarded dps, even cheesier shit like 4 hotd creep summoning skeletons AC lone druid has even more retarded dps, but skeletons have about 150 hp so its not very practical


            Arc warden deso ac blink/shadow blade with drow aura.


              well i tried it in lobby.
              made desolator+necro(lvl 3)+daedulus after this u can do take towers too. but it will be slow and enemy can gank easily. plus your team is doing 4v5 in the meantime

              casual gamer

                replace daedalus with AC and it is faster I think, although its still slow as fuck probably


                  ac is slow and painfull
                  daedulus did the trick for me
                  i tried moonshard and mask of madness too not worth it. you need some good damage with attack speed to pull this off. plus arm reducation from desolator is there. What is the regeneration rate of tower during backdoor?

                  M U R D E R

                    Arc warden with agi stack, 4 manta illus+double (no real arc warden) drops tower in a few seconds. Safest rat ever.

                    But its not that practical (just clone with ac deso and dps items is prob faster), just safer and more noob friendly as you dont actually need the clone.(its a bit risky to rat with clone as you need to be at the tower yourself to tear it down with clone, not the case with manta illusions)

                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                      hmm i will try arc warden too. never played the hero.
                      i emphasized on np cause of his tp ability. its just insane. not only backdooring but if all enemy is trying to take high ground tower u tp in mid of lane towerds there high grounds stop creeps. and if u are lucky and the enemy dotn have a good pusher they will never take those high ground towers. backdoor protection can be used to defend too.
                      But its just theory i never tried it in real game.


                        btw how is clinkz as pusher/ backdoor? have anyof u ever tried the hero for rating.
                        i mostly see people using it to gank.

                        Besn1q 3.0

                          just get lycan or TB, much better rats than Furion.


                            im best rat player i world and best rat hero is beastmaster

                            M U R D E R

                              ^hes right i think, and also manta sucks on arc warden, but you can still buy it as there is no safer way to rat than using arc warden manta illusions.

                              casual gamer

                                illusions have really really shitty damage vs backdoor protection, ur best bet is lycan or at least some max physical damage strat with deso


                                  beastaster is very underrated hero especially in 4k <
                                  but if be win 1 fight enemie gona lose 1 2 side of racks in a minute two
                                  and hes my new way of boosting mmr definitely


                                    there's 2 ways to rat: either you have some super high amount of networth that you can break the backdoor without enemies noticing you

                                    or you just learn how BACKDOOR GODAMNN WORKS


                                      Lycan with necro manta ac can cut through backdoor protection without u even having to be there.
                                      Cant kill a tower from full hp tho
                                      But is a good way for forcing someone back without putting yourself in danger

                                      Shikanoko Noko

                                        get rapier than back door. if you not retard you will win. i already try it


                                          I play np as a ganker/rat bloodtorne/hex,se/blink,ac,mjonir,treads,deso. Unfortunately in every game of np i need to transition to carry so skadi,hex,daedalus,mjo,treads,ac. Im thinking tiny as a rat hero though

                                          Dr. Banana

                                            Ratting is not the same as backdooring. As you know, backdooring is when you can kill the tower through its backdoor with immense damage.

                                            Ratting is basically the same as splitpushing. When the enemy is fighting with your team, instead of fighting you push (here 'push' means both pushing lanes and towers). By doing this (if you successfully pulled it off) you give the enemy 2 options. If they fight, they lose a tower. If they to to defend, they forfeit the teamfight, giving a chance for your team to push. This is called ratting or splitpushing. Backdooring can be splitpushing since you are giving the enemy the same two options, but backdooring and ratting/splitpushing are not the same.

                                            Vem Comigo

                                              Clinkz rats pretty fast, with deso alone and lvl 20 you can take towers no prob


                                                yes i understand the diff between backdooring and ratting. its just that NP rats like to backdoor when they can. Basically most rat are capable of backdooring if needed after all the taking towers an rax have their importance. but what item is minimum required to pull that off was my question.
                                                As i tested i found couple of good build


                                                  clinkz is really good but You've to make sure enemy uses fortification before u start q


                                                    WOW WHAT A TIP TY MATE COMEND HIS NORMAL SKIL PLEB


                                                      meepo with bots and stacked eblades

                                                      BRENNA SPARXXX

                                                        clinkz is really good but You've to make sure enemy uses fortification before u start q

                                                        AGREED SO MUCH :D


                                                          Idk why people stack eblades on meepo, can someone explain?


                                                            Shadow Shaman best ratter support

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              ^^ agility

                                                              im pretty sure the best build is almost always travel agh blink (DLance) hex -> EB, although i'm not a meepo player i think stacking EBs to the point of not having a hex at all is stupid in the extreme


                                                                Wait for the creeps on other lane come near the other rax 1st. For example u want to take top rax but u must let the creeps on other lane come near the rax also either mid or bottom. Then the top will not regenerate hp even there is no creeps in that lane.

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  sven aghs + meepo can backdoor a t4 tower in about 1 second


                                                                    @kiro didnt know that thank you so much man :D


                                                                      agi meepo