General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to die less?

How to die less? in General Discussion

    Dying less is probably synonymous with getting good I know. But right now it's just more of a play style issue. I think I die too much.

    Not unusual to be ded 3 times before 10 minutes. Anyone have this issue and know what to do?

    We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

      Map awareness
      If I support I'll die for my team a lot regardless


        Stay at the fountain and dun come out
        You will get very good

        casual gamer

          u have to know what will kill u

          i usually have lowest deaths and still lose lul. useless skill

          Dire Wolf

            Awareness, not diving. You have to look at the deaths though, early death isn't a huge deal in terms of time and gold lost, it becomes a huge deal if enemy snowballs off it and you're too far behind. If you're on a farming hero like sven who needs very little items to farm well dying once or twice in lane isn't bad, but if you're AM and it delays your battlefury you are done for.

            Riguma Borusu

              I die too much because sometimes I believe my 3-4k teammates know what they are doing. The reality is, they do not, and instead of chain feeding, I should just jungle or something while they are pinging me, but considering how annoying the unmutable pinging is, I sometimes feel better just dying with the team for no fucking reason.

              You accomplish nothing by dying less if you still have a low winrate, though, I see people with 51% winrate on their best hero while they have 4+ KDA, which means they don't die much but they don't accomplish much either, it's probably about finding balance between choosing to act and playing more defensively, and generally knowing what to do, sometimes you gotta throw your body at racks so you will end up with a much worse KDA but much greater game impact, and as a support it helps to play sacrificially and try to save teammates even if at your expense. A 4 KDA dazzle who lets teammates die does not win games, but a 6+ KDA spectre does.

              To add to one of the posters above me, also knowing what can save you helps a ton too, so you can evaluate the safety of your position much better as well.

              Ce commentaire a été édité

                Lmao u have the opposite play style of staying alive too much then.

                I think my map awareness is fine. I know the heroes that are there but always underestimate what kills me


                  Your map awareness is definitely not fine. Please get out of your bubble, unless you want to keep being shit in which case I don't care. You're decent at map awareness if you can spot everyone's moves around the map, skill cooldowns, playstyles, aggro movements, skill reach, movement speed as well as projectile with moving targets while purchasing your own items! Do you get it? Cause I really won't give you more info.


                    Play one hero a lot, I mean like every game. Pick only about 3 heroes, since you're 1k.

                    If I play in low mmr I can get away with a whole lot, what happens a lot of the time is I constantly make plays where I leave with like 10 hp. It's not like I thought "ok, if I do this I will receive 500 DPS" or someshit.. it's all instinct, instinctively I just do and it works out.

                    Point is, IMO if you play a very small pool of heroes, you will be able to understand limits of those heroes very well which will help you improve. You need to be able to do and not think. You play a lot of different heroes but you don't even know fundamentals yet, so you should probably learn 1 hero so well that you know him in and out and can focus on other things instead.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      It's kinda hard to say what kills you, though, because at 1k MMR lich is basically a carry and it is not unusual to see 5 carries on the enemy team. If anything, the game you are playing is much different from proper DotA and when I boosted this account from 1k to 3k I noticed that I was finding it really hard to play in the 1k bracket due to this, of course I'd end up outfarming the other 9 heroes by a landslide and winning the game, but the games are always initially hard because people are so bad you have no idea what to expect.

                      I'd say just trying to get higher MMR and playing better and getting better opponents will teach you way more than anything posted in this thread.

                      Also, what Benao said, unless you're 5k+, nothing you do is "fine" pretty much and you need to work on it.

                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                      casual gamer

                        6k+ ty


                          Afk farm with afk farming hero
                          Kill everyone


                            Thx benao I'll pay more attention to skill cool downs and range.

                            I'm trying to be like miracle. I watch his games. And he is so near fights all the time. And does so much. But somehow he always lived and rarely dies. My play style is I like to be in action and be the playmaker for my team. I always feel like I do fine in fights and the overal game but I always end up with highest deAths. Pretty sure I'll be able to do more if I die less.


                              IMO biggest thing...

                              stop having a huge hard-on for kills.

                              just because you can kill that support at 200 hp, doesn't mean you aren't going to die for it, which if you're playing a core it's not worth it.

                              before you go in for a kill always ask yourself if you can get out alive, and if not, is your death worth it.

                              also... assume your enemy team is 9k and plays perfectly all the time. even a 2k accidentally does the right thing once in awhile and you can't rely on your enemy making mistakes. then if they DO make a mistake u can take advantage of it.


                                Depends on your role but certainly for cores I'd err on the side of not dying in pubs at least. Better to miss out on kills than feed unnecessary deaths imo.

                                You can definitely play in a way that assumes your enemy will make mistakes. Often as shit like Slark I shadowblade over and hit people even knowing that if they play perfectly they will survive because people fuck up and sometimes it nets you kills. That being said taking risks where if the enemy plays properly you die generally isn't worth, you want situations where if the enemy plays right you waste a little bit of time and if they fuck up they die. This kind of risk management is what separates good players from incredible players imo.

                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                Full Давай

                                  why would you build PMS on oracle


                                    You're right about the low winrate, high KDA thing abaddon. I had a friend who would have monstrous KDA's, but he stayed 2k always with a 48% winrate. He asked me to coach him and when I tried to tell him how to itemize or play, he'd say "nah man, I know mjollnir is better on viper here than shadow blade." He would end up getting lots of cs, have lots of farm, but he was impactless and started killing people by the time they took all the towers.

                                    There's definitely more to winning than KDA. If you're not well-rounded, you're nothing.

                                    Im so Cute

                                      I die less.. lol..


                                        My play style is not to try and go for kills. Hence I get low kda.

                                        I'm just trying to cast spells and look for a good time to go and a good time to back. Any advice on this sort of play style?


                                          There is no play style. There is only actions that make you lose, and actions that make you win.

                                          Think, will being aggressive in this moment be beneficial? Will it be beneficial to just farm and avoid fights since void has chrono and my reincarnation is down? Etc.

                                          Some games, even in 1k when I'm smurfing, I need to farm. Some games, I can go 50 - 0, others "only" 7 - 0. Think situationally best I can say


                                            @im so bad. Dude that is some high level shit. Keep it real son.

                                            @aaron. i know what u mean. But the examples u gave are about kills. Any games where u felt feedin more is okay?

                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                              Yeah.. in low MMR (<4k) I can generally assume people (supports) won't tp and I can dive very reliably. That's definitely a factor in the way you should think.


                                                There is no play style. Only actions that make u lose and actions that make you win.

                                                Forcing fights and baiting spells, providing vision is an aggressive play style and one way that can win games no?

                                                Im so Cute

                                                  What is the reliable KDA ratio in calibrating? Gonna calibrate later..


                                                    My point is you shouldn't try to lock yourself into a certain way of doing things, low mmr players are way too set into what is "right" and what is "wrong" -- higher MMR players adapt.

                                                    You can play aggressively, sure, but you don't have to label yourself as an aggressive player. Fact is, even if you're miracle being aggressive in every game will lose you games that you can win. Sometimes you find yourself needing to be really passive, e.g. team lost early game hard so you lose all t1's in 10 minutes.. in this case you probably have to split push solo, farm, and force tp's, you know? Then slowly build up a momentum to be able to be safely aggressive.

                                                    Basically, sometimes there just isn't kill potential. Sometimes you just can't be aggressive. But you should know when you can and when you can't. You can't fit a cube into a circular hole, you know? There's nothing wrong with being aggressive.. just make sure to "think outside of the box"

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      @[E]ffect.Plug &amp; Play

                                                      if you have to ask then you'll calibrate where you belong regardless.


                                                        Hey. Good point. I guess I need to know when to be aggressive and when not to. Kill potential is the hardest thing to figure out.

                                                        Usually ppl just play the game and it is a soup of different outcomes depending on the hero+individual playing the hero.


                                                          People below 4K definitely let free kills slip through their fingers wayyy too often. There are lots of kills to be had in 1k, so if you're not getting 10 - 20+ in like 9/10 matches (even as support if your carries are worthless) you definitely are doing something wrong.

                                                          Is this your first dota account?

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            after a million dota games you can look at pretty much any matchup and figure out who dies and who lives


                                                              i just love the walls of text.

                                                              simply enough there's only 1 way to not take unnecessary deaths: know what's gonna kill you in advance.

                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                every player in dota should not know how to die less...
                                                                imagine if everyone play safety.... 20 min first blood....

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  ^ there is a reason low skilled games are bloodbaths much more often


                                                                    Buy a tp kill and run,see situation to war
                                                                    Dont dive in alone...always have a bkb


                                                                      One Dagger and I'm die


                                                                        Yesterday i played on my 2k Account and saw slark diving tower with only brown boots and shadowblade on lvl 8 vs lvl 11 Viper with meka. I was like wtf boi what ya Trying...

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                          i also figured pros dont use all shits to kill someone if hes allrdy dead
                                                                          for example miracle sees suport and can kill him he is on his own
                                                                          2k player will ethereal nuke wave ulti every thing on him
                                                                          while miracle would do some hits and nuke him once or waveform ....
                                                                          pros saves their magics cause maybe the next move have to be done and dont waste just like that...
                                                                          and i see pros aswell get back if hero left 1 hit more but is very risky can be stuned and can die so they just bb i think people do that in 4k too but pros are in different situations

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                            I used to have the same problem as you. In 1k people always like to gank and not farm. This result in 2 way won a stomp or lose a stonp. If you are support its ok too gank everytime if you are also winning but if you are losing just def tower and farm and gank occasionally. This takes a lot of practise in 1k.

                                                                            So i figured out another solution for you. Play braindead hero. I recommend alch and am. These hero have only 1 playstyle farm farm and farm.


                                                                              They dont care if team is losing farm enemy jungle if youre winning farm enemy and yours. You got big teamfight and farm again. Because 1k dont farm you will outfarm them.

                                                                              Alch can be earlygame fighter but hes great late game too.

                                                                              Sry i accidentally post the last one


                                                                                I was so triggered when you say aggressive playstyle and trying to be miracle. Like a lot of 1k player dont know their enemy power like trying to kill drow solo with tinker who only have bot2 and dagon2 while the drow have a lot of items. You must make a split second desicion and this what makes 1k differ from 4k. Sure 1 k have all of the theory of 4k but dont have the desicion making of 4k. Like i said, you are on a 3 vs 3 and you must make a desicion if you guys can win or not. If no just leave i know that other player will rage when you dont "help" them but its for the sake of winning. Miracle know that he will not be focused can he fight in low hp. But for your level please for the sake of great god play safe


                                                                                  You die a lot when you play against tryhards and vise versa.



                                                                                    i go full russia most games and usually have the highest kill and death count :horse: