General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to offlane

How to offlane in General Discussion

    So I'm just starting to grind offlane and finding rather ez in my skill bracket but then I look at pros and well I have a lot to improve on. So what I need to know is how to improve and get to high Mmr by being a playmaker in offlane.
    To list a few heroes who I'm spamming,
    Dark seer


      493 mmr, alright.
      Lower skill brackets all lanes are the same, fv is great offlane if they have no stuns, timber is good vs almost any offlane, dark seer is good, but if the enemy has an oracle do not offlane, he will remove ion shell from creeps if he understands how oracle works.

      Learn to abuse creep aggro, and understand the limit of the hero youre playing, while understanding when your enemies are out of position. Try to block their pulling camp so you can keep a good flow of exp.
      if youre going offlane youre not going to carry, at least you wont be able to if the enemy teams sup does their job to push you out of lane as much as possible, so it is okay to not get all the items, thats your safelanes job. The heroes you mentioned need levels over everything, zeus is not a good offlaner though.
      Get your levels and contest the enemy carrys farm, if the enemy carry cant farm, your team should stomp, or he will rage.
      If you feel like you are getting forced out of lane too much, buy iron talon and farm the large camp near your secret shop.
      Just keep playing offlane and itll all come together.
      I am not a 4k player so i am sure the ones who do post that are higher skill will offer much more than this, but gl


        I have gotten about 500 Mmr more but haven't put on prof so doesn't register also I can play about level of 2k when I play with high,mr friend


          But thanks for advice dude


            Dude that was great I learnt a few things this is gonna help, also I liked your post I saw just a min ago


              Go watch gameleap channel content on yt makes ur dota better in general


                I already do but thanks for advice I will watch more of it


                  Windranger is the best offlaner



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                          You can play with me anyway I don't mind being in higher Mmr game would help me improve

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                              all good, i was 1.3k like 3 months ago so i understand the grind. As time goes on you will get better lol


                                In low skill games, the enemy support probably wont to a good job of zoning you, so you should get a level advantage. The moment you have and advantage, use it. In low skills people don't expect you to go for them early. If youre lvl 2 and theyre lvl 1 or if you are 3 and they are 2 you have a very good chance to kill one of them with certain heroes. Clockwerk with cogs and 2 points in battery assault can kill most safelaners if they don't have an escape. Void with timewalk and bash can bully people at level 2. Timber can bully the enemy out of lane the moment he has 2 points in reactive armour.
                                The important thing is to know just how far you can push your hero. If you go past your hero's limits, you die. This is something that comes with time and takes practice. When I first started playing Clock I didn't know his limits well enough and I ended up with a 44% winrate. Ive recently learnt the hero much better and I just made it back to 50% winrate with him.
                                Some tips:
                                Abuse any level advantage you get.
                                Get an early magic stick. (unless they literally have no spells; eg heroes like AM, Viper)
                                Get Raindrops when they become available.
                                Get boots ASAP. good for keeping you alive and for chasing down enemies.
                                Know the jukespots and pathways by the side shops.


                                  I'll keep it simple
                                  Control the lane (creep aggro and shit)
                                  Ruin the carry's life
                                  Use the xp advantage to the max
                                  Know your limits


                                    You kill creep, level up, kill the enemy.

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