General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to carry?

How to carry? in General Discussion

    I only play that role once in a blue moon, only up to recently I've started to try carry heroes (Note that some of the games aren't played by me should you look in my profile especially Meepo and Invoker)

    Here are the match IDs some of the recent games

    as Sven

    as WK

    as PA

    as Gyro

    Any advice on the heroes stated and/or what I could have done in one of the games is deeply appreciated. Yes, NS pleb here try to git gud but not playing ranked.

    yung griphook

      hard to improve truely if you dont play ranked. forces you to play your best each game, against people of similar skill, etc.

      casual gamer

        hold tp scroll always and always be farming and looking for better places to farm

        use ur tp to teleport into fights and win them for ur team. if a fight will take place away from towers either walk to it (you better be sure you will win) or go shove a lane to tower and take the tower when they start fighting

        just remember u cant die as carry or you will lose the game

        nobody cares if cm dies but if ur antimage gets ganked 4 times gg basically


          I do agree with you Star but NM grinding while learning is better than RM grinding while being a MMR assassin IMO.


            You learn the basics of the hero in pub
            Then you master it on MMR
            Don't play too much pub, 4-5 games is enough for you to get used to a hero


              Master last hitting
              Be disciplined in last hitting
              Get used to your heroes
              Pick with your brains
              Read the fucking map
              Know when to fight
              Know when to farm
              Know when to push
              Know when to end fast
              Be fucking patient
              Don't die too much
              Save money for buyback
              Build items with your brains
              Skillbuild too

              Ce commentaire a été édité

                Oh, and don't forget to master efficiency
                Thread switching, item dropping when bottling up, etc


                  ^Whats your mmr? Im not being salty but your words doesnt reflect on your profile


                    I don't play that much, I watch alot of pro matches in my free time and implements what they do in my matches
                    I lack A LOT of experience tho, maybe that's why you see alot of stupid shits in my profile


                      Know when to go for a farming build and when to go for a fighting build. PA is a good example of this. If they don't really have a hard carry, you can fairly safely get a battlefury because you know you'll win the late game. But if they have a hard carry like Luna, Spectre, Morph etc, you know they will win out if the game goes too late, so get Vlads>Deso and end the game before those heroes become a problem.

                      Also it helps a lot if you post the link to the match instead of just the ID. Most people (Me included) are too lazy to copy an ID and go find the match.


                        Okay I'll give some input on those games.
                        Don't get Cleave lvl 1, it pushes the lane and makes it hard to farm. You pretty much allways get stun at lvl 1 because its one of the best lvl 1 spells in the game. At lvl 2 get Warcry and then don't skill anything. Don't skill abilities or stats, just save the points. At 6 get ult but continue to save the other skillpoints. Once you're ready to push the lane and take the tower or you want to go into the jungle, take all those skillpoints you saved and Max out cleave. The logic behind this is that cleave makes you farm faster so you want to max it out as fast as possible, but it also pushes the lane so you don't want it in lane. What you do is save those points until you're ready to use them. After maxing cleave, you max out warcry and ult, but don't skill stun again. Get stats instead. The stun is 2 seconds at all levels, so you get most of the value with 1 skillpoint. The only thing that increases is damage, but you're Sven so you don't have a lack of damage. So stats are better than maxing stun

                        Wk game seems good. I personally like an Armlet as the first major item on WK but its more player preference.

                        Upgrade your boots. its almost always worth it to upgrade your boots. Otherwise seems fine. Just remember that Battlefury is sometimes not the best build on PA, especially if they have good late game carries. Vlads+Deso is the current fighting build.

                        Don't get flack cannon level 1. You pretty much always should have Rocket Barrage at lvl 1 and always max it by 7. Its a really strong spell early on, if someone goes near you just pop the rockets and walk next to them until they die. (Don't attack them since you'll slow down to attack and they'll get outside the rocket barrage AOE. Just run next to them). Also if you want lifesteal build the full helm of the dominator and get the helm of iron will before the morbid mask. It gives you more sustain and survivability than the lifesteal. Its better than getting a casual morbid mask. Gyro also usually needs a BKB, otherwise he dies pretty easily in fights. Finally, Don't get MKB if they have no evasion. If you want raw damage a Daedalus or butterfly is better.

                        You're on the right track. I recommend watching some pros playing the carries you're interested in.