General Discussion

General DiscussionFps vs graphics

Fps vs graphics in General Discussion

    For some reason my dota2 performance keeps decreasing patch after patch and ive dropped from running the game on max settings at about 40fps to 25fps on just high quality. Now i obviously want my game to look beautiful when playing but now i just want to know what do you guys prefer, playing on low graphics and getting a smooth gameplay or maybe sacrificing fps to play on higher graphics.


      All medium settings master race

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        All low
        Less distractions
        Higher FPS
        More performance
        If I want to play games for the visual I won't be playing DOTA2 in the first place


          Look up what are the settings having hte biggest impact on your FPS and alter them.


            Don't you guys feel reducing the quality to a minimum would somehow make your game a little difficult due to less particle effects being visible such as rikis smoke screen which honestly is not that visible at low settings.

            M U R D E R

              ^rune spots dont show on "low" too