General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying as support to get high mmr

Playing as support to get high mmr in General Discussion
何ができる? 🌌

    im still at low level 4 and my question is
    does playing support have a chance to get high MMR not basing in kills and net worth? but basing in fighting and supporting type.

    and up until i reach level 20 and calibration starts?
    ive been winning games and my supporting is great but i'm still in NS bracket
    do i have to change role go to carry or semi-carry and kill a lot and get huge net worth so my bracket will rise to HS > VHS ?

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        何ができる? 🌌

          you see after that spec game it went up HS but im still winning as support now and it went to NS again =.=

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            何ができる? 🌌

              @Mekarazium what do you mean by that?
              and what does "kys" stands for ?

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                何ができる? 🌌

                  @mekarazium yes im still learning i need to play this hero for 10-15 games then i switch to another hero so that i can learn most of this hero's potential

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                  何ができる? 🌌

                    @mekarazium do i need to switch role to get my bracket high ? bec im still getting NS :(


                      me too


                        you can get to any mmr with any role.

                        you just need to know how to play like that mmr, your hero pick won't matter

                        i play jungle in a bracket where picking jungle would pretty much mean isntalose.

                        there's a 6k player who plays carry IO

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                        何ができる? 🌌

                          @Cookie i just dont understand whats the mechanics of mmr before and during calibration.


                            there aren't any, you play like some X mmr player and you'll calibrate at X mmr

                            何ができる? 🌌

                              ive looked at your 1st game in your account and i have somehow know what to do now base on your performance.

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                                no way you'll mimic my performance without my skill

                                that's a fact.


                                  Just be good, play until you reach vhs then go afk bot games till you get level 20 in that way you can preserve your good stats meanwhile raising your mmr uncertainty . just go play tbd on EU.easiest server to get 4k plus mmr.

                                  PMS Mantra

                                    Play Greaves Necro and then push high ground at 25 minutes to win. Easiest support stats in the world. And pretty much what everyone else already said...

                                    suck dick for pma

                                      if you are 3700 mmr, you will get vhs..... there is no secret way

                                      何ができる? 🌌

                                        @Cookie i cant mimic your play style and i know that youre a much better player than me, and i just wondered how'd you get in vhs bracket so fast and now i have my speculations, also i have looked at other new accounts too and they most likely have the same outcome.

                                        @crappy idk bot games give exp, but if it is i wont do it either bec i cant improve my skills every game if i play bot matches only.

                                        @BB i think dazzle is alot more better than necro bec he can save mates and also he can greaves too and dazzle's ulti helps alot bec most players pick right click heroes most of the time.

                                        @recovery thanks for the info mate.

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                                        Luminuos Adra

                                          Hey OP, checkout my profile. I'm a 100% support player. Just play really good I mean literally good. Then you'll get to HS/VHS very soon. You can see my win rate in VHS bracket is very high, that means I know really well how to do support stuff. My KDA rate is pretty decent as well. My LH is pretty lame it's under 100. lol but still valve put me in VHS bracket 'cause they know I'm a good support player. 😊

                                          何ができる? 🌌

                                            @vile yeah, but your 1st 10 games is most likely not supporting heroes yes ? and i can see there how'd you got in vhs bracket to fast and also the same outcome in other players 1st 10 games.

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                                              You'll get VHS when you deserve it
                                              You can't fool the calibration system unless you get uber lucky with 4 cool guys in your team for 10 consecutive games while having great stats yourself

                                              何ができる? 🌌

                                                @phoebe i know and yes i cant fool calibration system, its hard to have 4 cool guys now a days and thats tru depending your mmr #


                                                  i know and yes i cant fool calibration system

                                                  those are the things i tell ns scrubs :3

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    and im here proudly ns yet still made a vhs smurf

                                                    Luminuos Adra

                                                      @KoroSensei Yes, I forgot about my earlier matches. idk.. I just focus on my LH, get a lot of kills/assist and try to not die very often. I heard someone said to me b4 about the first 10 match is one of the most crucial phases to determine your skill bracket. I'm not so sure about that but it looks relevant to me.


                                                        doable on china, eu


                                                          im a support player,although sometimes I play carry. it doesnt matter what role ur in, as long ur skill is good, then ur mmr will raise. bcus my experiences, knowing the depth of dota instead of focusing role u play , is very important. try to watch pro replay, n know what exactly they doing. . sorry bad english.


                                                            its seems as though you can reach 5k mmr by playing omniknight, regardless of whether you know how to play the game or not, so just pick good supports and you'll do fine.

                                                            Avoid wyvern/visage if you are new to them.


                                                              sadly enough^

                                                              2k indog monkey

                                                                You can farm mmr with omni since 99% of 4k below doesn't knows debuff exists


                                                                  Watch 6k play support and play like them. You deserve to get very high skill if you belong to it.


                                                                    Koro sensei your dead bruh XD.

                                                                    For me I don't think omni that good.He's kinda to passive in lane. Sitting behind your carry and shit like that. I prefer oracle or any aggressive roaming supports. A support that constantly moves around the map and ACTUALLY do something.
                                                                    But in 3-4 k mmr tier any support heroes will help u climb mmr as long u know what u are doing .