General Discussion

General DiscussionPulling using the hard camp

Pulling using the hard camp in General Discussion
inst:  MissMissclick

    its almost standard now, u push the lane, at x:53 you pull the big camp, stack it and deny creeps at the same time. but idont understand what the exact benefit to that when its actually easy for the offlaner to leech the exp, or even possibly farm your creeps + the big camp (while u are under ur own tower now).

    i hear some ppl say do it, and some say dont do it.


      Lane Creeps denied by natural creeps grant zero xp for offlaner. Extremely detrimental to their game, especially because many offlaner need their levels to be useful. Pulls lane back, and your carry can farm the nutural creeps while they attack the lane creeps. Very effective and can win your lane

      inst:  MissMissclick

        well usually u would be taking the wave thats coming close to ur tower, then the offlaner goes and steals the xp from hard camp with ur creeps in it. i mean if u have 2 supports to zone sure, but i think most of the time it helps the offlaner?

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        Dune, the Desert Planet

          @BigBird, they give 30% of XP not zero.

          And pulling this camp has been standard for ages. Just do it in a right situation.


            If you pull with the small camp without stacking or pulling it to another camp, then some of the lane creeps survive the pull and return to lane leaving you with an extra large creepwave next wave which pushes the lane.
            If you pull the large camp all the lane creeps should die plus you get more XP from farming the large creeps than you would get farming the smaller camp. It is easier for the offlaner to sap XP or contest though.


              @?-_- my bad, I knew it was somewhere and have read it was 20% before, 0% I know they changed it recently


                they cant leech if you do itproperly, you need to hard push the wave before hand


                  or at least they can from the low ground but they cant disturb it otherwise


                    They steal the XP because you don't control the lane correctly. You're supposed to push before hand so you farm it, you don¿'t pull and stack just tohave it there you need to farm it to increase your gold, xp advatange over him

                    If you dont push the wave he will go and steal it


                      u gotta comunicate with ur carry so he can push the lane prior ur pull so the offlaner will be busy hitting creeps under his tower and then next wave will never come to him


                        Pulling is most of the time a greedy way to get Farm for the sups
                        Eg dazzle can ez pull into ez Camp Stack, Farm it and Farm the Big camp with one weave
                        Just pull when you think it's effektiv(you get Farm, the off less , but your carry should always be able to Farm) you can also make Single pull before the Siege creep with only a semi offlane(Roamer+Woods) and carry like tb so you can get early Tower Gold+Map control
                        Sometimes if you want to gank mid just make a pull before so it's natural that your off map and your more likely to find a kill
                        Btw i almost never play sup and im 3,7k trash

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                          watched waga pulling the enemy creep near his creeps when he pulled big camp x53 he got all the creeps and his creeps got denied also he did that so he got some extra cs oh man efficiency