General Discussion

General Discussioni dont know how to mid

i dont know how to mid in General Discussion

    can someone give me pointers on the basics of midding

    im mostly looking to play tinker first before anyone else, so giving me tips on him (specially skill build and what to do early game) would help too

    2k indog monkey

      So do I
      Rofl the only mid I can play decently is SF and storm (lets not talk about lina that hero is dead for now)
      I'll just bump this thread since i'm also curious

      M U R D E R

        actually lina isnt entirely terrible

        peruvian tilt machine

          always trade harass with your opponent, if they have a support with a stun (venge, lion, etc.) keep your eye on that support's lane if you don't have wards. if you do, just stay map aware. in terms of tinker, there are two builds. there's the march prioritized teamfight build and the ganking build. if your team has very few teamfight abilities, max march while in lane, and stack the jungle whenever you can. generally for both builds you still go bottle soulring bots blink but then ganker you go dagon eblade whereas with the teamfight build you go aghanims aether lens. if you are playing the ganker build, MAX LASER AND ROCKET IN LANE. you need those early kills to get the snowball rolling. never skip rearm at 6, especially if you are doing march build because you will need it to farm jungle

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Lina's great! She can last hit, harass and push mid with 1st skill when the clock hits 2 minute so mid opponent will be forced to decide whether to farm or get rune under the condition of being harassed by 1st skill a lot. I'm learning to Lina right now and was just assigned as mid for the first time! :D :D :D 670 range also makes harassing easier. OMFG I'm so hyped to master Lina.
            Anyways... All I know about mid is...
            Farm Bottle and Boots
            Zone out lane rival if can
            Push before getting rune IDK
            Gank when a lane is pushed and has openings for you to intercept, hopefully you can get runes like Haste and Invis so you can get through their vision before they notice and retreat.
            And there are some little skills like aggro and vision patrol


              I'm no pro but most of the time I think most people forget that there are things you should focus on when playing Mid. I usually get flamed when I don't gank but that's only part of playing mid. Most players would just leave mid permanently when then know they've already dominated the lane (at least in my bracket) giving the opposing mid player time and space to catch up. IMO, when playing mid, it's not really an obligation to gank. when you're dominating the lane, keep it that way, since mid is the shortest lane in the map, that's the lane you should be capitalizing on. I only gank when I know that my teammates are really having a hard time in lane or when we need a push in another lane. Also, if you find yourself constantly doing obligatory rotations, make sure you rotate back to mid ASAP because if you stay in your teammates' lane (that is, if they don't rotate to cover your lane or another empty lane to farm or push) for too long, you'll be sapping important experience and, if you're selfish or retarded enough, be getting last hits that should belong to your teammate. Lastly, regarding rune control, I really don't prioritize getting them unless im planning to gank. If it's a bounty rune, id prefer to stay in lane because ill be able to get last hits and experience thats larger in amount anyway. If the opposing mid player seems to be planning to gank, i contest the rune so that he'll get discouraged. IMO, playing mid is more on creating space and map control rather than constantly getting kills and not translating them to objectives.

              lm ao

                1v1 me, but pls dont weaver vs sf lol


                  if ' u dont know midd (which is solo lane ) u dont know offlane ...means u only know play safe which tells u that u must stop playing safe and play midd offlane even tho u gona proly lose alot mmr ..if im u i would do this idc for mmr until i play every lanes alot


                    Oh shit thanks for reminding me about that BAT reduction buff on lina -_-
                    Might start to pick her more from now on


                      Offlane is completely different to mid. I like playing offlane but I'm terrible in mid :(


                        @RussianPinoy pretty sure it's just you who doesn't know how to play lina efficiently


                          All I know about mid is: pick Venomancer and spam E...

                          Corona FRIES

                            there's a lot of stuffs actually but one thing about midlane thats similar to safelane is there's timing to push your wave, like safelane you would want to push wave after 30sec so you can stack pull big camps, its same as mid always push your wave before crucial timing like 1:45 / 3:45 etc so you can go for rune or stack camps/ancients without sacrificing lane creeps exp. Also jungle-lane creep rotation is really crucial if your midlaner can flash farm jungle/lane creeps

                            Corona FRIES

                              Mid is usually getting ganked a lot too, you can kind of expect if you're going to gank a lot or not from enemy line up / your offlane hero and enemy offlane hero.

                              Weak offlaner is usually a red light, if they are unable to stay in their lane to leech exp there's only 2 possible routes for them: 1.iron talon jungle, 2. Gank mid if they think they could kill you

                              If your offlaner is a weak offlaner its the same thing too, they will be forced into jungling and that gives space for the 2 supports in safelane to go and gank mid. So watchout when your offlaner is being forced out of their lane


                                For what its worth, here's my take on mid.

                                Picking your mid heroes:
                                Depends on what mid heroes you play, your role in the game varies from being a snowballing carry, to a situational hero controlling the tempo of the game with various items that will benefit the team as whole, to early gank/push, etc.

                                What heroes you play mid depends on your team composition and the enemy team; of late though, we've gotten a lot of players playing unconventional heroes mid, such as jakiro mid. What you need to understand from this is, not what heroes are best mid heroes but what is the goal/strat of your team. What you pick mid usually has to has some synergy with the rest of your team. Doesn't matter if you pick the hero that you're good at but you can't do anything because your team composition is not ideal.

                                Counter heroes:
                                Is this still important? Definitely. Picking a counter hero doesn't always mean that you win mid, it just means that you win the game because you counter whoever is mid late or when you reach a certain level. For example, Alchemist mid against AA mid. An experienced AA would be able to zone out the alchemist from farming mid early but will not be able to stop Alchemist from getting huge. However, AA with Aghanims will mean that Alchemist will no longer benefit from the massive life regeneration from chemical rage or the radiance octarine core build; which in turns means that your team mates are able to take him out in a fight easy.

                                This again depends on the heroes you play and sometimes, to win a game, you have to get items that are not ideal for your hero but allows you to win team fights. Items such as euls on a WR against an axe for example; when Axe jumps in with a call, it's usually in a 2-3 man call or more if possible, that means that if he calls and then was euls immediately after, no one in your team will get their health cut down to half or more from just one initiation. A lot of players I've played with has undervalued items that helps team fights. And this can win you games.

                                Harass/creep aggro(pulling)/last hits/denies:
                                Usually a mid laner will be solo, but not all the time. In a scenario that you are solo mid, you have to juggle between harassing the enemy, last hitting, denying enemy creeps and creep aggro. Creep aggro mid to make it easier for you to last hit, deny and harass the enemy; and ideally the creep wave is near to your tower on high ground where the enemy will have a % to miss last hits and easier for you to deny but not too close to the tower that the creep wave is pushed to the other side. It also allows you to harass the enemy and zone him out once you get comfortable with your hero.

                                I usually get my own ward mid because I like my wards in a certain location and its too much hassle to ask supports for wards and wait forever. Besides, one observer is about 1.5 last hit anyways, and this shouldn't be a problem at all. Even when there's riki or bh roaming, I'll get sentries put one down and keep one in the inventory for later use. Wards will help you see what runes are up, and also allows you to see a gank coming, and helps you with creep aggro. Don't just rely on your supports for wards. Get them yourself if you have to.

                                Hard mid laning phase/constant mid roams:
                                If you are having a hard time mid, or are constantly harassed by other heroes roaming mid, the best you can do is, stay in range of exp but not too far out that you can't run when you see enemies coming at you. If you can't get last hits mid or are losing out, go stack your jungle camps nearest to you or easiest for you every minute. This will allow you to catch up to the game later on, especially if you have aoe nukes (as most mid heroes do anyways). Wasting your time mid looking at the enemy getting last hits while you're zoned out is not going to help you or your team. So do something else that's useful. Don't worry too much about sacrificing lane creep exp or gold if you are having a hard time. This should apply to any lane, not just the mid lane.

                                Hero transitioning:
                                If you find yourself falling off sometime after mid game (as some heroes will anyways), don't beat yourself up or blame your team mates, go into semi-supporting. Usually you should know by mid game whether you're doing well enough to go into a carry role, or if you should change roles. Don't be afraid to switch things around.

                                Player mentality:
                                Stay positive. Hard to do, especially when you are having a shit time with crappy team mates, and everyone blames you. Honestly, staying positive most of the time will not win you games when games are hard and your team is not doing well. It can occasionally turn games around, but staying positive is more than hoping to turn games around. Its the attitude that you are going to bring into your next game. If you are angry, frustrated, etc at this game and you lost then go into the next game, you're still going to be angry,frustrated, etc, and chances are that you're going to say something like "Ok you idiots, I had shit game last game, so fuck you guys. I don't care what you guys pick. I'm going mid." in your next game. Not ideal to make enemies with new team mates in a new game.

                                You win some, you lose some. Some games are easy, some games are hard. And some games, no matter how hard you try, you just can't win. Just accept it and move on and leave everything in that game because the next game is a new one.

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                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  This^ Commended.


                                    i just love how all these comments are basically obvious shit

                                    look, if you want to get good at midlaning spam 1v1 mid gamemode till you can get at least a 40 winstreak.

                                    or find some high mmr scrub to 1v1 you and point out your mistakes

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      how's the queue time on 1v1 solo mid? i personally havent tried it ever in my life

                                      also i think my main problem with mid is that i dont know what to do when im losing the lane

                                      should i try to gank, or stay in lane or something


                                        how does 1v1 mid mode simulate actual mid lane in ranked matches WHEN THERES NO FKN BOUNTY, RIKI, or literally any hero who decides to gank the mid lane around?


                                          if you are really serious about getting good at mid, read this. Read ALL of it.


                                          chaq very high skilled player, this guide had a huge effect on the pro scene when it came out - it was around the time when rtz was new to the actually scene and it was the giants Na'vi vs Alliance, a lot of the tricks rtz used that surprised people can be found in this guide.

                                          It's a little outdated (EDIT he rewroote it i have linked the new one), and the most apparent thing is that it doesn't include dealing with the very popular roam mid riki/bounty in higher elo but since you're at 3k you probably wont see this for now - and a sent deals with it pretty well.

                                          1v1 isn't really good because you're likely to get matched to a player with a totally different skill level due to the fact that so little people play it. Just play mid in unranked, put your icon there at the start of the game. You will feed as you learn. You will have terrible games. You will get flamed, but that's ok - it's all about learning. People will tell you "never play mid again" and you tell them you will, because you want to get good - only so much you can learn from theorycrafting.

                                          also short note from ur above comment - if you're losing lane you have to assess the matchup. if you're against say a viper, that hero is good at dominating lane, so you have to get whatever you can out of mid lane - be it xp, be it farm from the jungle. just don't get frustrated and put yourself in a dangerous situation when you don't need to feed. ganking mids have fallen a lot out of favor because if you leave to gank your tower will often lose 1/2 hp or fall due to the popular mids now, but the ideal situation to gank is one of the following in this order - 1. you use your TP scroll which you HAVE to tp onto a tower where your ally is being dived for a kill you know is guarnteed 2. you get a rune you know you can turn into a kill 3. your opponents in the sidelane are pushed very far up

                                          i really don't need to write stuff out, it's all in the guide - just read, and don't be discouraged!

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            You need a good player to take you in 1v1 and tell you everything you do wrong.


                                              Mid used to be 1 v 1. It no longer is. Good luck trying to learn that role.

                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                That ChaQ guide is great! Thank you for sharing! But RTZ block is not available anymore, right?

                                                STE 8-1-8

                                         this video might help, blitz is awesome.