General Discussion

General Discussion3K and beyond!

3K and beyond! in General Discussion
rgz- YB `ztx

    So I just got to 3k this morning, didn't want to play until I get an idea of what players are like in 3k.

    From 2.1k to 3k I spammed OD.

    Not sure if I should continue spamming heroes in 3k though. What should I do?

    Playing in SE-A server btw


      3k is very low

      Corona FRIES

        There isn't much difference in 3k+, both 2/3k players are really inefficient still and made lots of mistakes.

        rgz- YB `ztx

          I see, then I'll probably continue spamming. Thanks!


            Nice man congratulations
            What items did you basically go for in most games?

            rgz- YB `ztx

              ^ Ring of Aquila , Treads, Drum of Endurance , Hurricane Pike , BKB and a Magic Wand.

              Luxury items: Shiva's , Scythe , Octa


              Ce commentaire a été édité

                also consider bkb


                  luxury? the items you listed for normal are easy to have at the 20 mins mark already

                  rgz- YB `ztx

                    Scythe of Vyse is a 5,650 gold item. If that isn't a luxury item, I don't know what is.


                      I think you will fee the difference from 2k or low 3k is when you already hit 3,6+..


                        Yo Guilt I just got to 3k recently too! Not much of a difference noticed yet and I am still climbing!


                          u can spamm till 4k od keep going sometimes dont pick OD if u can go something else wp

                          rgz- YB `ztx

                            @Sijerman I think so too.

                            @Kavayan congrats man! We're not 2k scrubs anymore haha we're now 3k scrubs!

                            @Help! Thanks! I got used to spamming OD, then I guess that's what I'm gonna do.

                            Thanks for the replies, you guys are awesome!

                            First posting a thread and not disappointed.


                              Keep spamming OD bro he's strong right now


                                con fucking gratys
                                you can buy null talis

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I've been as low as 2900 and as high as 3900, sitting at 3701 currently so I can tell you the broad ranged in the 3k bracket. Really the player skill like in lane and stuff doesn't change that much, picks don't change much, but as you go higher in the bracket you get a lot more players doing, for lack of a better term, "advanced" dota shit like smoke ganking mid, roaming supports, playing bounty or riki and ganking mid, adjusting lanes to counter, tp'ing to fights more etc. That stuff isn't really that advanced, it's pretty basic, but if you are like PA and diving their enemy offlaner at 3k you might get one tp. If you do that at 3700 you're probably getting a mid rotation and a support tp in and are going to die. They're just a tad more heads up.

                                  Another issue though that I've noticed is once you start to break into vhs players very clearly differentiate between roles, players are usually exclusively support, or offlaner/roamers or carries or mid carries. Unfortunately this kind of sucks for me cus I probably play safe lane cary like 80% of my games, and you'll get into a lot of situations where that slot isn't up for grabs, and people flame and rage hard fighting over it and especially if you fuck it up. Things get a lot more salty around vhs mark vs around 3k. Although a lot of it has to do with play times it seems. Weekends are MUCH more salty than week nights and the later you go into the night the worse it gets, not really sure why.


                                    yO0U CAN SPAM heroes up to 7k im pretty sure

                                    If you want to kjust carry just do that with one hero it doesnt matter there will be times in which someone is gonna take it before you yo just pick another confortable hero you want

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      gratz id say keep spamming od since he eats morphling up early pretty easily, and 3k is filled with dogshit morp spammers.