General Discussion

General DiscussionHappy 911 guys

Happy 911 guys in General Discussion
lm ao




      doc joferlyn simp

        deus vult


          doge aprroves

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            Thanks. 911 is actually my birthday.

            < blank >

              Tidehunter did 9/11

              waku waku


                Pale Mannie

                  Harambe did Bush did 9/11

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Whoa! It's my birthday too! September seems to have high birth rate.


                      Where were you? When we build that ladder to heaven...

                      Hatsune Miku

                        its 11/9 for me :<

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          lots of bbies being born bcs those souls that get taken back are replaced by new ones, im a september baby myself

                          Potato Marshal

                            Why are people so sad about two towers falling? Pretty sure the U.S. still had their tier 3 up.


                              Im dead xDD

                              lm ao

                                Daily reminder that jet fuel can't melt steel beams, unless the system is under considerable pressure or there was a beforehand application of a non-ionic catalyst in at least 4 hours before

                                lm ao

                                  Yes, to those normies who unironically say jet fuel melt steel beams, it came from a 9/11 conspiracy theory


                                    Jet fuel can easily melt steel beams, very easily. I've done it myself at even below atmospheric pressure. No catalyst or high pressure is required. The reason the structure melted however was the failure of the insulation. It was originally designed for asbestos, but a crappy substitute was used instead. This is the real reason the steel melted.

                                    I have engineering experience in a wide range of fields including aerospace, power generation, mining, and manufacturing. I don't have time to explain it much more at the moment. I have no doubt the jet fuel from the planes easily melted the steel in the World Trade Center towers.

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                                      9/11 conspiracy in 2016 GIGALUL

                                      D the Superior
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                                          First off I will be that guy to point out that the beams do not need to melt for a structure to collapse. It is pretty basic, if you heat the beams up enough they will become weaker compromising the structure. So the whole "jet fuel won't melt steel beams" is not really even valid for the argument in general.