General Discussion

General Discussioni finally reached the 3000 that doesnt matter

i finally reached the 3000 that doesnt matter in General Discussion

    from 1.8k to to 3k, climbing up is indeed possible >:D

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Haha good luck starting from 3k man
      It only gets tougher >:D


        Congrats !




            ohhhh WP. Congrats Mate! Carry On!


              Congrats bro..
              Road to VHS real..


                Congratz :)

                Once you reach 4k, let me know! I am on the same road right now (started with a similiar mmr) .

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                  sea server is real lmfao


                    wp now master 1 hero and spamm him and u can reach 4k

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Congrats !!!!


                        thanks everyone! i think i'll try getting high skill before september ends first, then probably make 4k my long term goal


                          I started with 1800 and im 4k now :D


                            you are my hero


                              grats man!!

                              it does matter though, good achievemnt

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                                I started at 1900 now 4k


                                  Well i guess I started at 2k flat but fell to 1900

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                                    Yea but even in 3.7k you get offlane invoker picked into an antimage safelane that goes 0/5 in the first 7 minutes....


                                      ^I never get that kind of shit
                                      High skill pub in SEA is hell btw
                                      Check out my alt acc here
                                      Filled with 4k wannabe smurfs and ako mid 2 tangoes plz putangina mo and dagon life 4head(me :v)

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                                        Started at 1500
                                        Currently at 1900
                                        Any tips to improve consistency guys?Or is it just me picking heroes like a retard?I don't want to improve too slowly only because I only play once or twicea week :( Any critics are well accepted


                                          Try to watch pro replays, y can learn alot from that.And reading guide about all dota 2 heroes then apply ur knowledge in ur game, like should i aim A or B? Should i aim invoker first because he is the biggest threat in teamfight? Should i use orchid on tidehunter on a teamfight and aim another, because his passive will remove negative debuff after losing some hp? Thats what i did to climb from 2k-3,7k. And only use hero you're good at in mmr, dont bother pick a hero tha u cant use eventhough all ur teammates force you to pick it


                                            i dont think u can really improve that much if you play once/twice a week

                                            you actually need commitment to git gud, this is how u build ur consistency, theres no quick way for anyone to be consistent

                                            but being consistently good to rise up in mmr is a different goal from just solely rising up in mmr, if u just want a better mmr quickly u can cheap it out by mastering cookie's challenges and applying them to your games (since ur a carry player) OR pick 2/3 heroes that can solo games (slark, mirana, maybe timber comes to mind)


                                              Might consider practicing timber
                                              Hero seems too well rounded to ignore
                                              Never had the chance to improve my hero pool in the past few months :(


                                                yeah timber is good, he creates so much space for the team and can even take away enemy resources if played correctly

                                                only problems is that he cant push towers on his own, but you have your team for that. people arent braindead enough to not push towers after some point, if they were i wouldnt have a high winrate on timber for the past 3 months


                                                  Just made it to 3k from 1k as well. I want to do another High skill vs Low skill again.