General Discussion

General DiscussionSpamming support lion, need advice :-)

Spamming support lion, need advice :-) in General Discussion

    Hey guys

    I'm thinking of starting to spam lion every single game(lol)
    I think he's a really powerful hero, and can do a lot early into late game. What should I buy/rush? Any better hero I should be spamming? Thoughtssss please


      Hi Blitz,

      You need to get dagger first for better positioning.

      You also need aether lens since all of lion's skills are ranged.

      Then u should save for aghanims since it greatly increases your income capabilities (you can finger the creepwaves since it becomes AOE).

      Or if you're not doing verywell. You might want to get euls or mechanism

      You may want to get linken or bloodstone for a bit tankiness

      casual gamer

        don't get bloodstone

        if post blink/aether consider ghost force glimmer etc, mek will rape ur mana pool even more

        luxury items are aghs eblade veil etc. stuff that amps ur damage

        Hackjack- I am nice

          boots of speed dagger force staff gg wp you won6


            Do what supports does
            Buy wards
            Buy courier
            Buy detection
            Dont farm too much (tolerable to farm until dagger but still)
            Hit your stuns
            Dont stack your disables
            Position well
            Items are usually tranquil to dagger,then team utilities like mek,force staff,urn and shits like that
            Easier said than done tho :/


              Lion is good for spam i think, as the hero is flexible.

              tranq - wand - blink - aether lens - aghs and/or veil -> OC or whatever necessary extension items

              ofc you would still buy ghost force and such items according to what your game is about


                Wards > boots > ward > mekans > ward > escape (force / ghost / glimmer) > infinite ward


                  Arcane boots - blink - game is over because you also bought all the wards


                    After blink you get glimmer or force or ghost scepter and more wards


                      You could consider taking lion when you have to be offense, and Witch Doctor (with heal, not maledict) when you're looking to play defense. There's also better heroes against broodmother... the spiders munch on lions like lettuce


                        Lion is a good hero just make sure your team can get kills around your stun and hex. only downside is that he is extremely squishy with no real way to get away. if the enemy goes orchid youre pretty much dead. gl and let us know how the spam goes

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                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            fucking noobs lion doesn't need arcanes he has mana drain omg


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                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                ye u are a big retard bcuz lion alrdy has mana drain so he needs no mama omfg logic====killed


                                  Lion cant carry retard hardcarrys, you need to Spam omni or Oracle


                                    he doea need..what if he is vs nyx or invokeer quas wex or kotl ....and i ln your team is bristle....think little 1k retard think....

                                    Player 56068415

                                      > try to set w to smartcast

                                      better set ALL to quick(smart)cast (and cast on key down)

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                                      casual gamer

                                        arcanes is awesome and builds into aether lens anyway

                                        Story Time

                                          just dont forget getting the carry who is potent of killling a hero, because lion has to be in an offensive combo, otherwise he looses levels


                                            These are some awesome ideas, thanks everyone! :)


                                              Spam omni or ET they are both supps and pretty imbalanced, and a lot of people don't even know how to play against him.
                                              Or CM, she is also pretty imbalanced but she is not really a position 5 altho I use to play every of my supps as pos5.
                                              Honorable mention would be Treant and AA.


                                                ive tried going 4 4 1 2 with arcane boots in 4k pubs but it rarely ever worked out. your team is way too stupid - getting arcanes for their mana sustain is rather waste imo. although you have BARELY big enough mana pool to cast all of your spells in fight without arcanes so you'll probably need to drain someone at times which is kinda dangerous with 700 hp support as you can guess
                                                just go 4 1 4, get tranquils and run at people.

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                                                  Remember to use Mana-drain to kill off strong illusions. If there are multiple strong Illusions (CK Ult for example) it might be worth using both mana drain and Hex to instantly kill off 2 of them.
                                                  Also Finger is not for stealing last hits on enemy heroes. Use it near the start of a gank to bring the enemy low for your cores to finish off. Don't use it on the 50HP KOTL who has no way of escaping :P


                                                    hero is bad