General Discussion

General DiscussionEarly game warding

Early game warding in General Discussion

    I play a lot supports. But im always confused about the early game warding. How much should i ward in my early game and where should be the the ward spots?

    casual gamer

      u want vision of mid lane so ur mid doesn't get ganked and die

      vision of the rune is also ideal. at about 5-10 minutes I place a ward near the end of our safelane so the carry can see tps coming into his lane and people trying to kill him. sometimes in dangerous games I will buy this ward as carry myself, shit is important against some heroes


        Just play and learn by experience, your mistakes will be your greatest guide to getgud in dota. You can't learn by asking advice, by doing it ,experiencing and overcoming your hardship makes you a better gamer or a dedicated support.

        Potato Marshal

          Depends on the enemy lineup and playstyle. Usually ward rune spots and areas where you can spot heroes crossing lanes to gank. If the enemy team has gank heavy heroes like pudge or mirana, ward for your midlane. Leave a ward for your offlane or ward yourself the enemy safelane if the enemy is trilaning. Depending on how good your opponents are, warding where the eyeballs are may be too obvious.

          Vem Comigo

            mid and safelane rune, so you dont get ganked both on safe and mid, advanced ward in the enemy offlane is pretty good as well, it gives you the space to safely farm, whitout the worry of getting a hidden tp gank.


              The standard answer for Dota questions applies here as well: it depends.

              It depends on your lineup, the enemy lineup, which lane is most likely to get ganked and stuff like that. If the enemy has a jungler camp blocking is also very nice. If your grouping up its also nice to have an aggressive ward behind the tower to be pushed (but a bit dangerous to get the ward there if you don't have an invis hero.)


                the way i play it is different from everyone else:

                i play it as chess, if i'm ahead i'll advance my pieces to the enemy's side. if i'm behind i'll pull my pieces towards my side.

                same with dota, if we're ahead i'll put agressive wards on the enemy side so we can get objectives and ganks, if we're behind i'll put defensive wards to my own side so we don't get ganked and we have some counter play space.


                  DOTA 2 is not like chess, but more like Syria. When you ahead, you carpet-bomb enemy's base. When you behind, you fight like suicide-bombers, because every exchange is favorable for you (thanks to comeback mechanics).


                    ^only favourable if you don't lose any objective from it, which is not that ez if you are far behind.

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      Honestly the real is the most common one "it depends on this and that"

                      There are so many variables, that honestly, the best teacher for you right now, is yourself.


                        if you have a dangerous ganking lineup against you, you might consider putting a ward on mid. With dangerous I mean mirana, pudge, bara, maybe even sth that can manipulate your positioning like disruptor or kunkka
                        if you have invisible ganking heroes against you, put a sentry on mid

                        what I always do in bellow 4k games is give a ward to the offlaner because I lost a lot of games because of offlaners tilting and thinking the team doesn't want to help n shit

                        when there is not a good ganking lineup I just put the ward on a nice spot to zone out the offlaner effectively and let the carry farm
                        that also means that you are obligated to secure the safelane side rune for your mid at 2 mins

                        after min 3 you buy the fly curier and one more ward for mid for the gank rotations or for whatever lane needs a gank the most

                        early game wards are not that important if you don't have an extreme ganking lineup against you and there are some heroes that require additional wards(ursa for rosh, lycan or lc for enemie jungle and the 4 tinker wards if he gets BoT + blink)


                          I always give the midlaner 1 ward, go to oflflane and block the small camp used for pulling before the game starts, from then on, it's just guessing work


                            In the beginning ward mid from the lanes that will most likely gank mid, about 5 or 6 min in when or when you want to gank make sure your safe lane carry has a ward they don't get ganked to shit. Then after that I play by towers, if you're down more towers than your enemy you have less map control, ward your side more than theirs, however if you have more towers than theirs do the opposite. If you have all their towers put most of the wards in their jungle, odds are some idiot will go farm the jungle while others are pushing out lanes. Helps you get a pick off then you can end


                              Im with cookie😂
                              You must master the art of being a support.
                              Basic tips, know when to ward defensively or offensively.
                              Example, they got jungler ( ward offensively for sure gank,to avoid lossing xp/gold in roaming.)
                              And my advise, early ward betweeen tower 2 and 3 . Early courier snipes play's a big role for your midlaner. Especially at high level games, where courier upgrading is too proactive,milliseconds that you can buy flying courier someone ardy bought it either carry or support.


                                #cookie i liked ur idea of aggressive and defensive warding as we are winning or losing but what if the enemy team is continously dewarding. Then can u give me tips how to counter ward stratergically?


                                  Never give ward to invis heros. They will place inside the opposite fucking jungle while you are turtling at tier 3 since you have no vision apart from the ward where you will never ever be around for the entire time its up.