General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy isnt Moprh Winrate higher?

Why isnt Moprh Winrate higher? in General Discussion

    I can spam morph for days and have no problem with majority of my games, however, I cant see why in lower mmr brackets his wr is shit? I understand higher mmr because all it takes is a heavy counter to shit on moprh early game, but in lower mmr that doesn't happen. Any 5ks want to answer? ty bbs


      Since im a low mmr normal skill scrub I can give you the best reason it is because when you die with full str you forget to morph back to agi in fountain and you go back to lane and gg lol

      casual gamer

        morph suffers when lanes are weak

        lanes are weak in pubs always


          Takes long to farm. Any hero that takes long time to farm is bad in lower brackets, despite longer games


            because im picking him


              its the exact reason why invoker winrate is so bad

              bad players, like me, play it.


                one of the near autowin heroes in good hands and really really game ruining if not in good hands


                  and no, if u r good with morph he is probably better in lower brackets. the more uncoordinated people are and the easier it is to splitpush, the easier it is to play morphling. nothing else really matters.


                    kitrak is right on this one
                    Tho the last 5 games I've tried morph I've had aggro tri vs me 2 games while I was without a support. Other 2 games I was vs some cancer without support and then there was that one lucky game where I was vs a solo offlaner with a single support. Won 3/5, yet it's still super cancerous if retards just come to you aggro and your team is losing every other lane somehow by pulling sub 30iq dota gameplay vs drowstrats n shiet.


                      Because retards watch kamikaze highlight video and first item eblade


                        He is one of the higher skillcap carries


                          because we 2kers are too braindead to use him


                            i basically just gave up on this hero because i knew im not going anywhere with this hero unless i get better last hitting mechanics + game sense and proper decision making on when to push and do morphling stuff

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              this hero is too hard esp. when u play with ur brain off


                                This hero has low winrate because of people like me.


                                  because of aa and maybe drow ( generally silencing Heros) early


                                    Actually if you are comfortable with the hero the kamikaze build works good especially at low mmr if you can rush eblade.


                                      People don't know how to play him.

                                      You need to spend time learning this heroes strenghts and weaknesses.


                                        You can't just pick this hero up and expect to play it well, it is probably one of the hardest carries to play mechanically. The vast majority of the playerbase is awful at dota so it's no surprise his winrate is low.