General Discussion

General Discussioni'm done

i'm done in General Discussion

    i'm lost my ranked game 4 in a row
    because of that i'm not improving well
    i'm improving a little bit from 1.7-1.8k mmr
    to 2.1k mmr in my calibration but still
    its not enough i need to improve my game


      If you want this so bad, never quit. Find room for improvement. But if not. Go, do something else.

      we work hard to be successful for the things we love. Nothing great comes easy

      Keep it up brp


        4 losses in a row is really nothing. I was 45 mmr off of 5K once, then a few times I went down to low 4k and as low as 3.8k. Right now I'm 4.5k. Even if you're losing, you are improving. Though the path may not be how you want it to be, that's just how it is. You have to suffer before you can improve, that's why skills are admirable.


          Neversoft XV thanks bro

          Untiltable Mexican i think i'm getting in 1.9k mmr now =((


            You only have 60 hours of dota, I actually don't know how you are playing ranked in the first place.

            Anyways, we all start off somewhere. I calibrated at 2.2k two years ago. I just kept playing and improved, that's all you can do.


              good for you, my mmr is going down i lost 120 mmr today

              Avida Dollars

                Simple and damage oriented heroes wins the game in that bracket. Supports dont matter, aslong as you kill the enemy heroes


                  my team literally feed always, and no wards, the wards always stack in the inventory
                  poor team fight always scared or jump in teamfight always ran away


                    Dude trust me, I was your mmr over 2 years ago and you're totally wrong. You're not good enough yet to see that you're just shifting the blame to your team when really it's just yourself.


                      i'm not blaming about my teammates, i'm just playing a game, it just feed

                      ✪ BATSSS

                        Not that feedy...


                          After the 6.88 update it says that you only need level 20 profile badge rather than level 50 exp trophy to play ranked.


                            Teal, a suggestion that I can give you is that don't stop playing. Well, sometimes you need to stop if you have a losing streak (it won't be good if you keep playing when you're in tilt), but you can play unranked or practice with bots instead.

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              i'm sorry slark feed in that game


                                thanks for the tip bro, i'm tilted in my 2 games, i should probably not play a game


                                  I don't understand why people would play ranked with so little game experience? Everyone I personally know plays at least 200 games or so before playing ranked

                                  Feeding in progress

                                    I have been playing for over a year and I'm still at 1.7k. Don't give up.

                                    endless grinder

                                      Dont give up dude, try not to tilt when u have a bad game where ur team feeds. Instead take a rest for abit watch something on youtube tht will enlighten ur mood then go ahead. Remember ur not playing solo, theres always a game tht is out of our control.


                                        You would never know the real meaning of losses until it hits you 10 in a row


                                          WIN RATE

                                          And proceeds to go on dotabuff to talk about why he is not climbing MMR

                                          BRO you picked sniper 4 games in a row

                                          The fuck do you expect?

                                          You are bad at this game, you will prob go down to under 1k..

                                          im sorry