General Discussion

General DiscussionThis game is killing me.

This game is killing me. in General Discussion
Jar of Milk

    Just wanted to write this vent/rant/asking for advice thread. Let's be honest, everyone gets pissed at this game.

    Flame me all you want, idc. Right now I kinda just need a good reason to keep playing this game, like some major thing that I have been doing/thinking wrong, before I destroy a keyboard or punch a hole in my wall.

    Every single fucking match....there's some bullshit that ruins it for me, and makes me want to abandon and close the game. It can be something as little as a Pudge being an annoying little fuck and rotting half my hp away at 1 minute into the match, some asshole teammate, or dying in a situation where I thought I was doing fine (probably the most common reason I tilt). At this point I don't even care about my MMR anymore(Which is complete shit btw), all I want is to be able to enjoy a single fucking match. My main problem has always been accepting the "balance" which apparently exists. There are 111 different heroes, so it's no surprise that some are stronger than others in certain situations, and some even counter other completely. What I don't get is how flawed that is...the idea that almost every single match, you will either have a higher or lower chance of winning than your enemy, simply because of the hero picks, not even considering skill. For example, playing solo mid. Let's pretend you spam TA mid every single match. You could spend 23.5 hours of your day training with her in bot matches, getting 82 cs every 10 minutes. You could even have 1000+ matches of TA, but....a guy who started yesterday picks Viper...and right clicks you. All your effort was for nothing. "Learn to counter pick you trench tier nob jajaja." Yes, I understand counters. But what if that enemy Viper picks at the last second? It seems a little ridiculous that no matter how hard you try, or how good you are, you are still (probably) going to lose that lane if you pick TA.

    This is also kinda related to dying in situations where I thought I was doing fine...
    For example, I could be playing a match where I am mid and I get 60 cs at 10 minutes, and I decide to gank one of the other lanes. I see a jungling lifestealer who is still level 5. He has no escapes, so it looks like an easy kill....but he somehow kills me instead? What did I do wrong? How can anyone not tilt after a death like that? Most people might say something like "git gud" but...that situaton had nothing to do with skill. It was simply his choice of hero. Am I a noob because I don't memorize the 6,105 1v1 hero combinations, like every "pro 3k player" apparantly does? There is probably nothing that pisses me off as much as a death like that, where I could press every button PERFECTLY, yet my opponent casually presses 1 button, and i'm dead...

    Sorry for this disgusting wall of text, I suck at planning what I'm going to write about...I hope the person who for some reason decided to read a long, random vent post by some random shit-tier stranger will actually understand it...

    TL;DR: I fucking suck.

    Mike Wazowski..!



        Yes u are

        Mike Wazowski..!

          BTW if you get tilted for every smallest thing and start feeding, you'll be bad at life as well as dota.. You need to change :)

          the M

            So I assume you always play soloQ.

            Yes, Dota sucks when played alone.
            This game was created plainly to be played WITH FRIENDS.
            That's all. I stopped playing soloQ one year ago after getting 4k, only to play with my 4 friends; since then, things have only got better and better for me. I enjoy the game like I never did during the past years: no flames, no rage if we lose, no toxicity, no trashtalk, nothing. Just Dota.

            That's how this game is supposed to be played.


              1. First understand that the main reason you tilt is because you suck. Good players don't need to tilt because they know their chances of winning the match are extremely high despite any of the re+ards on your team.

              This is just reality.

              2. Being good at dota INVOLVES MANY THINGS... knowing counters IS ONLY ONE OF THEM............

              Good players know exactly what they and their team should be doing at any point of the game, and know what their enemies should and could be doing at any point of the game, they have high team fight skills, high famring skils, execution skills, they can farm even when contested by good opponents who lane and harrass well, they know when to push lanes safely without being ganked , good players will gank the shit out of you..

              if that doesn't sound like the kind of player you are then stop bitching. And i already know you aren't that kind of player.

              If there weren't counters, that would allow for things to be OP.. which you wish existed so you can have HIGHER CHANCES to win because your SKILL does not cut it .. :l

              Sorry for being harsh man but dota is not for lil pu$$y bi+ches

              Get fuckin good at the game and you will win more.

              At the same time tho focus don't let dota distract you from your life goals . =)


              you suck bro


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              Jar of Milk

                Ya I know I suck....and be as harsh as you want to, I want legit advice. What I don't really get is how players that are 6k/7k mmr even managed to get past 2k or 3k mmr, without dying of cancer....

                muted all, it's just a ga...

                  Because 2k and 3k are too damn easy for them, that when they mute 9 players and solo win the game, they wont touch any toxic.

                  Its just like a butterfly telling any larva how to walk
                  "Just do it, if u want to fly, just fucking fly, its easier than shit." And those larva wont understand how to fly until one day they becom the butterfly itself.

                  "Watch your own replay"
                  ^this is the only thing I get from dotabuff to git gud

                  Jar of Milk

                    Well I kinda meant players that started with Dota 2. I don't know why a Dota 1 veteran would calibrate at 2k or 3k either...
                    For someone who actually calibrated at 2k mmr, for example, it wont be "too damn easy for them", it will actually be around their own skill level.


                      something like that kinda happened to me, just make a new account and start fresh. Im not talking about makeng a smurf with high mmr i am talking about just restarting the whole experience and leaving all the bad stuff behind, play heroes that are legitimately fun like pudge or heroes with different skillshots and just try to find heroes you think are fun.
                      A counter pick might be bad for you but remember if you can outplay the guy, him counter picking you is almost nothing.

                      Your Wife's Boyfriend

                        Most of the 6 and 7k players were never even close to 2 or 3k because of high calibration, but if you are going to abandon every game where there is an asshole teammate then dota (and probably other mobas) isn't for you and higher mmr wont save you from asshole teammates. I even think 2k is far less cancerous than ~4k-5k.

                        About the TA, I totally get what u are sayin, I have 500+ hours on her with bots and 1v1 lobbies and still like 40% winrate in mm cuz I usually 1st pick her and end up playing vs something like dark seer, veno, lancer. Yea some heroes counter others (nyx>tinker/50% of the heroes >ta) and some heroes are just better than others (earth spirit > lich / slark (also every other carry) > sniper). Thats why you see "meta" all the time.

                        Like 90% of my friends stopped playing dota (most of them 4.5-5.5k) and moved to other mobas including league because of the simple fact that some heroes are better than others (like even 90 cs lvl 9 sniper cant kill lvl 5 jungle naix and he kills him instead, thats obvious) and certain heroes were always in the meta since they were introduced (ex invoker, slark, etc.) while others (luna, sniper, pa, sf, etc.) were super situational picks and even a rly bad one in most of the patches.

                        Just remember that dota is not only about mechanically outplaying your opponent (even tho dota 1 was pretty much that) it is also about picks, decisions and getting used to cancerous teammates

                        Also a friendly tip - don't play solo and never try to be a pro in this game just play casually

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                        Livin' Real Good

                          ^ Really? I find 2K to be absolutely horrible, they'll flame you for even missing one hook, where as in 4K they'll see that you missed it, and usually not say anything and just be like "oh, he missed, back to farming, or whatever i'm doing. "

                          I played on my friends account to experience a 2.1K game again, and I missed a hook, literally one of the first ones I threw " GG pudge noob. " Then I didn't hear the end of it from that trash 2K Wind ranger player who built Crystalys, brown boots, urn.

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                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                            @im on my way

                            Yea, sry, mb im wrong, never played in 2k tbh. But I was thinking 2k = less players care much about winning so they won't flame you for every misplay.

                            And in 4k+ you can get flamed/reported for picking a non-meta hero or even giving a first blood (even tho fb is part of the game and some1 has to die first) and if you get into a deeper conversation they tell you (in a very rude way) how important mmr is for them and how players like me are holding them back from becoming a pro or a 7k (a week ago a guy told me that I literally ruined his life because i didn't pick bh and we lost the game when he was 1 game away from 5k). Of course not everyone is like that but there s always this guy who starts crying and blaming for some or no reason.