General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to climb 4.7>5k

How to climb 4.7>5k in General Discussion
ejovik intense user

    Hey guys i rly dont know how to climb this fucking mmr. Got winstreak of 12 up to 4950 and got down to 4.5 with the biggest lose streak. Pls give any advices and recommendations THX ^^

    a positive player

      While I am by no means a 5k player. Here are somethings to take into account that might help you:

      1.How often do you watch your replays for mistakes? When reviewing your replays how many mistakes do you find?
      2.When you lose,putting your emotions aside,what was truly the cause of your loss? If playing support did you get the items that will have the most impact and were appropriate for those situations? Did you ward enough and in the ideal locations? If playing core what did you have to do to ensure victory? Did you have to split push or slowly pick the enemy apart and advance towards their base? etc.
      3. How's your communication with your team? Are you nice or toxic? Harmony with your team plays a big role in victory.
      4.Maybe you should consider growing your hero pool to better adjust to games?
      5.When playing core do you tunnel up? If so perhaps you need to focus on becoming flexible.
      6.When making decisions do you take into account: Your enemys items,lvls,game phase advantages,space.

      The list can go on but these should provide enough food for thought. Good luck. And if you continue to struggle consider dota 2 coaching.


        i cant speak anymore . EleGiggle


          Win 12 games

          Player 175043649

            hire a booster when u get to 4.8 or 4.9

            Execute Order 322

              when u lose 2 rankeds in a row, stop playing rankeds till the next day


                While I am by no means a 5k player. Here are somethings to take into account that might help you:

                1.How often do you watch your replays for mistakes? When reviewing your replays how many mistakes do you find?
                2.When you lose,putting your emotions aside,what was truly the cause of your loss? If playing support did you get the items that will have the most impact and were appropriate for those situations? Did you ward enough and in the ideal locations? If playing core what did you have to do to ensure victory? Did you have to split push or slowly pick the enemy apart and advance towards their base? etc.
                3. How's your communication with your team? Are you nice or toxic? Harmony with your team plays a big role in victory.
                4.Maybe you should consider growing your hero pool to better adjust to games?
                5.When playing core do you tunnel up? If so perhaps you need to focus on becoming flexible.
                6.When making decisions do you take into account: Your enemys items,lvls,game phase advantages,space.

                The list can go on but these should provide enough food for thought. Good luck. And if you continue to struggle consider dota 2 coaching.


                  copy paste gay lords

                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                    While I am by no means a 5k player. Here are somethings to take into account that might help you:
                    1.How often do you watch your replays for mistakes? When reviewing your replays how many mistakes do you find?
                    2.When you lose,putting your emotions aside,what was truly the cause of your loss? If playing support did you get the items that will have the most impact and were appropriate for those situations? Did you ward enough and in the ideal locations? If playing core what did you have to do to ensure victory? Did you have to split push or slowly pick the enemy apart and advance towards their base? etc.
                    3. How's your communication with your team? Are you nice or toxic? Harmony with your team plays a big role in victory.
                    4.Maybe you should consider growing your hero pool to better adjust to games?
                    5.When playing core do you tunnel up? If so perhaps you need to focus on becoming flexible.
                    6.When making decisions do you take into account: Your enemys items,lvls,game phase advantages,space.
                    The list can go on but these should provide enough food for thought. Good luck. And if you continue to struggle consider dota 2 coaching.


                      Haha couldn't agreed more than matchmaking is rigged, I'm a 4k player and I stop playing when I get into losing streak. Relax dude it's just a game, take a break.


                        if u are 5k player u will get to 5k in no time

                        but if u are not, u will surely stay in your treanch, accept it

                        truth is brutal savage and rekt

                        Livin' Real Good

                          That's horrible, for you to get to 4950, then just have a shitfest down to 4.5. lol


                            1. You don't need to communicate. This shit is waaayyy overrated. I climbed beyond that without saying a single word, just using wheel chat stuff like >Reuse courier!, >Get back!, Stack and pull please... and other crap like that. Usually if I see someone acting like "hey team let's win, we got this" I insta mute him, cuz 99% of the time that's the most toxic player in your team. If someone starts flaming and going full retard, just mute everyone and play your own game. Sometimes there are people who use voice chat, don't be afraid to communicate if they are not toxic shitstains, you can have really fun games sometimes :)
                            2. Pick your favorite heroes. Have at least 3-5 heroes you are very comfortable with on each role or at least 3 roles, so when someone picks the lane you wanted and your hero gets banned or picked you still have something to pick. Picking meta heroes you are comfortable with works well.
                            3. Might be helpful to watch someone good playing your favorite heroes, you can learn a thing or two, but if you have no idea what you need to look for it's pointless, but still give it a try.
                            4. You shouldn't really play the game blindly, just for the sake of playing it, if you want to climb, because you won't or you will climb very slowly. After each performance you were not satisfied open that replay and look what you could have done differently and how.
                            5. Don't get emo after losing.
                            6. Never give up, because enemy usually fucks around and 322's their advantage very often.

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              Exactly What afeect said

                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                              muted all, it's just a ga...

                                ^this affect is quite right
                                Within 4 days, I started to mute people and communicate less, feels like bot gaming, but my winrate skyrocket like shit


                                  Its very easy to climb out of that bracket.

                                  The main things are your mechanics have to be good, dont get ganked, and organize ganks, buy smoke, ping,

                                  And most importantly , stay positive even when behind.


                                    He asked how to get 5k not how to get better at the game.


                                      you can have less heroes you are comfortable with if u r not playing cores, cz positions 3 to 5 are way less demanded and u can get them any time.


                                        well u get 5k by getting better in the game, i suppose. those two questions are equivalent.


                                          Not if you are 200 mmr away from it. That's like one random win streak material.


                                            and then u drop back cz u play a bit worse

                                            < blank >

                                              How do I climb back to 4.7k from 4.1k?


                                                ^ dude how can u not xD playing there is actually so easy, but so fucking cancerous at the same time, I guess just mute everyone and play your own game pick storm, am, naix, bm n shit... If you win your lane there that's 100% GG. noones even pressuring you u can farm wherever you want at any time.

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                                                  Spam one hero.


                                                    That zDonFrank guy is so annoying

                                                    muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                      I played invoker in dota imba and shit happens.
                                                      I cant win any ranked games using invoker anymore xaxaxa.
                                                      Just now I broke the lose streak on unranked, my team carried me so hard xD


                                                        i think theres a thing called "streak syndrome".. for example if you already win few matches and lose the last one then call it a day. vice versa