General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is this, the 3rd major won by EU in a row?

what is this, the 3rd major won by EU in a row? in General Discussion
me, government hooker

    seems about right

    D the Superior
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        Secret took one for the team and got rid of the americans (EG) :D!!




            Just further confirms that Europe is the absolute force in terms of Dota and CSGO.


              facts dont need confirmation

              < blank >

                kitrak is like a EU 3k player

                Not Supp-ort

                  Well when u live in a shit hole like Europe why go outside

                  < blank >

                    I'd go outside if I keep losing with LC


                      NA Dota 4Head



                        meeeen, just pay for 2 and u get the food u need meeeen


                          its weird ive gone up 400 mmr after i started playing on eu

                          anyway the new egs 10x better than every other team so looks like america gets 2 tis in a row

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                            gl vs 9k + danish masterrace doto


                              How come? Universe aswell as Sumail have been terribly underperforming lately, Zai hasnt played competitivly in a while and Fear has still Problems with his Hand (aswell as not played carry for some time).
                              They could come out huge, but my expecations are fairly low.


                                Europe >> Murica. Always been, always will be.


                                  Sumail was always trash, universe couldn't play optimally cause of the style of secret he'll be back in great shape for EG


                                    except na has placed higher than europe at the past 2 tis rofl


                                      zai was the best 4 in the game when he last played it, fears a significantly better 1 player than aui who can create space for sumail since hes not a greedy carry and doesnt play the super farm intensive do nothing heroes aui does

                                      this is the greediest 4 meta ever and zai invented greed. will be fun to see them in na open quals

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                                        so in the end eg wont get a direct invite?



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                                            Who honestly cares about the last 2 TI's. Dota is evolving so fast, the meta has changed, teams have changed, the skill level is higher than ever. EG won last TI because Aui could play Techies and Techies completely dismantled CDEC's playstyle, also Sumail, the 1 hero wonder, could play his storm back then.
                                            If you'd atleast argue for CN dota, or even the rise of SEA dota, but NA dota is just trash.

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                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              Kek, I'm sure they will crash at the opens.


                                                Not to mention, that in NA, 2 out of the top 3 teams are European (DC & coL)