General Discussion

General DiscussionTank style void

Tank style void in General Discussion

    If you wanted to substitute the octorine core with a different hp item would you do heart or skadi or somthing else ? by this point I usually build a radiance, vg , butterfly , manta , treads and Aquila .


      you build radiance and manta, so why not octarine? having a 4.5 sec timewalk makes you tankier and OC works very well with radiance manta as everybody knows, reducing cd of ulti and "solving" your mana issues vs manaburners is great too.


        I have a new question after playing him more . So starting around the 10-13 minute mark you have vanguard , treads , Aquila and wand . With these 4 items you are extremely powerful for that early in the game and that's when I like to force a team fight if I can them snowball my team to victory . That said when you are snowballing wouldn't it be better to get an item with Easyier buildup than the radiance ? I mean it helps seal the deal but I think if I got a different item I could continue to press my advantage longer . Which item would y'all suggest after Aquila , vanguard , wand and treads then ? Usually at this point I am always ready to fight / lead team to take towers but ofcourse farm during down time . So I want another good fighting item . Ac looks good to me except that it does not give any hp so no protection against spells , but gives needed attack speed , some tank vs right clicks, a boost for teammates and even some extra tower damage. What y'all think ?


          Maybe echo saber? I like the manta diffusal build quite a bit.


            you can build maelstrom or diffusal


              AC isn't a good item if it's rushed. it's better later into the game when you have more stats from levels and other items so that the armour does more, the enemy have more stats so that 5 armour reduction is a higher EHP loss and when you have more damage, 20 attack speed aura is also more helpful.

              AC doesn't have that good of a buildup either. If you wanted an item that lets you keep fighting, an SNY is much better than an AC immediately after a vanguard. spell damage is still relevant at that point in time so you'd much rather have 300 or so HP from sange than 15 armour if you wanted to tank up. not that I think that SNY is good, more of a comparison to how crap AC is early on.

              if you're not going to go radiance then you could go manta + diffusal instead. echo sabre is also pretty good if you're not going for the radiance / manta / octarine build.


                i see nor eason why u wud want to find an alternative for octarine when uve alr commited to the rad manta build, maybe you can get linkens against certain lineups or aghs
                on the other hand at the start of the game you can decide on stuff like hotd sny skadi, or vg manta diffusal skadi etc


                  Filthy you are thinking too much.

                  With Void carry you need to focus on doing nothing but farming. If you see good time to fight, TP and fight quickly, move around the map efficiently. Void shouild avoid falling behind in farm due to his lack of damage early on. So if you want to force a fight and you fail, that pushes you back from the REAL time you come online.

                  Depending on the heroes on your team, voids ult could be used to fight early, but you need expensive items nonetheless.

                  You should always go radiance no matter what unless you are ahead by a lot and you CLEARLY need an item like MKB to continue shutting down a PA or something..........

                  Most other items dont pay off on void as much as radiance .

                  Stop thinking too much.

                  Try not to fill up your slots so much either, unless the game is very close and you are constantly fighting. A faster radiance can sometimes pay off, you can sometimes get away with no wand, no aquila, sometimes ring of basilus is all you need in early game while you build vangaurd.

                  Void is a late game hero, he aims to be 6 slotted with expensive items

                  Boots, Daedelus, Radiance ,Manta, Moon Shard, MKB, maybe BKB,

                  these items are expensive

                  TLDR: Focus on killing creeps and outplaying the enemy.

                  have good judgement in game of what items you need. octarine core might noit be good at all if ur enemy has sven / slark / life stealer, u will be tanky but they will do more damage then you do.

                  AC is not a great item on void .

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                    @words aimer,
                    "i see nor eason why u wud want to find an alternative for octarine when uve alr commited to the rad manta build"

                    It's called : Damage.

                    Daedelus / Moon Shard / MKB / Mjollnr re amazing items on void and should not be overlooked at all.

                    If your enemies have heroes like sven and timber, they have tons of damage out put , ur gojnnna respond by spending 30 mins farming 3 tanky items?

                    While they are wiping your team out lool.

                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                      Easier buildup snowball item than radiance?
                      Great mid-game pickup for void that wants to become revelant in the midgame but still,like what YoloSwag said,void is a late game carry,trying to make him uber relevant in the mid-game is like making CM a hard carry in the late game


                        no i meant like an alternative tank item instead of octarine when uve went that route


                          My preference for void carry is pretty much the same shit with the offlane void without taking too much time dilation at the early game except when I fight against alot of nukers and no dagger and no aghs.
                          Making radiance means trusting your team to do enough damage that you can spin off around the enemy's ass in teamfights for 2 minutes and they'll die because they got distracted by you (which pretty much never happens in my pubs)


                            HoT (if you're facing alot of non-physical damage)
                            skadi (if you're facing alot of all pure,magical and physical damage all around)
                            AC (doesn't really fit the radi build,but its fine against a team with alot of physical damage)


                              Vanguard-wand-infused raindrops-radiance-treads-echo sabre-bkb.

                              Mike Wazowski..!

                                @OP The whole of your early game is dependant on your chrono, unless you picked Void into a 4 melee team.. In that case there is no snowball item better than radiance.. I tried Echo sabre on void..he falls off quickly..that 2600 gold could be used for the radiance build up.. You need a change of buildup only if you cannot survive without a manta..

                                Mike Wazowski..!

                                  And OP you have horribly low CS counts on your wins too with void..maybe you're trying to force unnecessary fights.. Hit creeps and farm..that's why you make radiance manta..not to run behind enemies for 40 seconds dealing burn damage..