General Discussion

General DiscussionOctarine terrorblade

Octarine terrorblade in General Discussion

    I know it might sound a bit crazy to some people but just think about it. I mean if alch and naga can make oct then why not tb.
    105 sec cd on meta, 12 sec cd on conjure image (3 illusions),12s reflection(on 5.5sec duration) , 30 sec sunder. Also dont forget about its spell lifesteal u do crazy amounts of damage with reflection late game when their cores have stats based items( special mention to spectre a hero which builds a radiance and goes stats based items. U can basically heal for a crazy amount (do the math for me pls '_') if u use it during haunt ( ez alch regen). Also dont forget about conjure image ur 1 illusion deals 60% DMG and now u can have 3 of them + manta. Just think how crazy u will be able to heal at. I am not saying u should rush it but more of luxury type maybe get it as ur 4-5th item. Yet to try but seems disgusting on paper. Thoughts ?


      ofc if u go radiance build
      seen jacky mao get 800 lh in 40 mins with it
      the heal isnt relevant

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        On Alch and Naga it works because you can permanently splitpush with Radiance illusions. Radiance on Terrorblade is a terrible choice on TB in my opinion, also TB's strongest stage is in the midgame, you want to get cost effective stats (Treads Aquila DragonLance Manta) so youre hitting the same timing with your items as with your natural power-curve.

        Nervous Bakedown

          Also alc and Naga can farm way faster than terror once the time to buy oct comes around.


            Yea i also hate radiance on tb. Rushing a 5k gold item that leaves u at 900 hp at 20 mins only to get bursted down by the enemy before u get off ur sunder. Why not rather go a fighting build and take towers with ur meta. Personally i go Aquila> treads>dragon lance> manta> skadi> butterfly.


              Im ok with late game or mid game radiance on tb (you need stats first), sometimes you want better split push and radiance aura in tf, and im kinda addicted to radiance illusions...
              but octarine is shit why build OC when you can build skadi.

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                naga siren and alche are better in farming and also more durable than tb. tb, on the other side, has way more damage. these heroes are different to each other, and playing tb as if it was naga is a bit... suboptimal.


                  ^ i agree, naga is a better lane cutter/pusher and tb is a much better tower killer.
                  radiance is suboptimal on tb, but i think in some matches when youre already in the lategame and enemy team are 5-man all the time you can build radiance and force them to split and defend, lets say a "divide and conquer" strat to counter some strong tf draft?
                  Idk i dont play this hero

                  Arek Akashi

                    LUL OCTARINE RADIANCE ON TB


                      If your team can create shitload of space than rad oct is good. Naga spectre and alch are way tankier against spells so if you end up having to face agression you are fucked with your 1.4 strength gain.


                        Well u guys are not understanding. I mean octarine against spec,morph,naga,ck,medusa and other stats based heroes where u can deal shit ton of damage with ur reflection and get a good hp regen. Kinda like a late game satanic on a tb bt u have to just press q and dont even need to hit someone. But getting octarine also reduces ur metamorphosis to 105 from 140 which is a super big deal and obv all his other spells and items. Also i never said to skip skadi or any of his core items,its more of a luxury item than anything.


                          Guys pls let me clear that i am only talking about oct not rad. Also u wanna get it after skadi and butterfly and killing a 2.7k hp tb with 35 armor is no joke at that stage.


                            Well jokes on you cause you wont heal jack shit :p
                            Your reflection images are illusions, so they would receive the heal, buy anyways they are autoattacking so they dont heal and they dont receive damage anyways...
                            Test it, when you damage someone with a radiance illusion is the illusion who gets healed not the main hero.
                            Actually TB has no way to heal from OC, ultimate dont do any damage its just hp manipulation.

                            Final Boss

                              On Alch and Naga it works because you can permanently splitpush with Radiance illusions. Radiance on Terrorblade is a terrible choice on TB in my opinion, also TB's strongest stage is in the midgame, you want to get cost effective stats (Treads Aquila DragonLance Manta) so youre hitting the same timing with your items as with your natural power-curve.

                              What? Tb is weakest in mid game(strong early and late game).


                                Are u sure illusions get healed and not the main hero i mean they are invulnerable and theoretically they should heal u and then again its Dota and u realize logic does not mean shit. Btw i know about sunder not giving lifesteal since its hp removal


                                  illusion heal themselves, and not ur main hero


                                    Well then never mind .-.