General Discussion

General DiscussionHow Normal, High and Very High skill work?

How Normal, High and Very High skill work? in General Discussion

    Hello, just a simple question on how the hell is this working.
    i got a decent 60% WR (not smurfing, just a LoL player gone to Dota cause lol is now shit (Plat 3, maybe 4K for you guys) and I just keep doing normal skill games.

    Does it work on the games played, win rate, "skill level" with heroes or dota level?

    Thanks and have a nice day

    Ce sujet a été édité

      normal skill = anything below 3.1k , very high skill = anything above 3.7k and high skill is between those 2
      cant remember about others but very high skill might have been top 90%

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        plat 3 = 4k LUL

        Story Time

          top 90%? like 9 out of 10 players have mmr higher than 3.7k?


            i said "maybe", if you say that that means its.. huh, 3.5K? its around that, considerating that silver is 2K, gold 3K and plat 4K, diamond 5K and master 6K.


              1 out of 10


                he means percentile. 90% percentile means u r higher than (90% - 1 player) of all the ppl who play dota


                  Also that means that if i have 2.2K MMR on ranked, i'm doomed until i tryhard this MMR, or is it a diferent MMR?


                    60% winrate in 1k makes you 1.5k player, lets say. it shouldnt necesarilly mean u are in a higher skill bracket, just normal skill is wide enough for inner difference to matter.


                      u have to tryhard and play a lot
                      thats how this system works.


                        So 2.2K makes me a ... 2.8K?

                        the major problem is i can't get good if ennemies aren't good at all. i always end stomping like shit if i pick a hero I like a lot (A.K.A riki, Shadow, leshrac, pudge, omni, etc.)

                        At least i can understand how to play new heroes, but jesus christ the level is so god damm low that every single times I laugh about the builds of the ennemies... After killing them... multiple times.


                          just keep playing and owning them until u dont anymore
                          or make a smurf and see where u end up lul
                          it takes about 40-50 matches now to start calibrating for ranked
                          U get 25 or lose 25 in ranked matchmaking and around 2k it will most likely always be 24 or 25
                          but only during ranked calibration matches ur mmr can go up or down more and winning or losing doesnt really matter

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                          Snake Monger

                            Yea try making a tryhard smurf and start calibration only once you've reached 'high skill' bracket in your normal games. At least that's what I'm trying to do lol.


                              doesnt matter where ur skill bracket is on ur smurf
                              if u tryhard all the time just go straight ranked
                              since u are owning those 2ks hard u will most likely calibrate higher than u can climb in the same amount of games

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                the problem with that is i can't even know if i'm getting good, staying ok or just awful but better than russians.
                                aand i don't have much time to play, y'know, exams and all.

                                oh well, lets farm this battle pass and those free imortal skins/levels


                                  As long as ur winrate is anything above 50% u are getting better

                                  Snake Monger

                                    'doesnt matter where ur skill bracket is on ur smurf'

                                    while true, my advice would prob'ly work more for the players who need to improve in order to really leave the 'normal skill' bracket.

                                    Snake Monger

                                      If your 'hidden' mmr is 1.5k I doubt that even if you play sick in calibration you will calibrate at 4k though.