General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Shaker Echo Blade.

Earth Shaker Echo Blade. in General Discussion

    Anyone tried it yet? I went soul ring, wand, treads, blink, echo, aghanim, octarine quite a few times and it feels good. Echo mainly for the str gain which increases totem damage and survivability and also mana regen to keep up with casual spamming of skills. Any thoughts?


      it doesnt give u that much of str and mana regen. also its echo sabre, not echo blade.


        It gives you decent mana regen unless you're gonna fissure every NC camp or creep wave you see. Also, it consists of ogre axe which gives you a big boost for 1k gold for totem damage.

        Hatsune Miku

          but why?


            you can get actually useful items that also give you a higher mana regen. or higher str. or both. echo sabre had mediocre stats and absolutely useless passive.


              ^ easy build up that's why. I'm not saying it's the best item, but it gives a bit of everything shaker needs, albeit not much.


                @TripleSteal- yes that's what bugs me. everything's fine but the passive's retarded on shaker.


                  ^ easy build up that's why. I'm not saying it's the best item, but it gives a bit of everything shaker needs, albeit not much.


                  Hatsune Miku

                    so u want the mana regen and think the passive is retarded, u wasted your time farming a useless item on your hero wfp


                      i find it funny when toxic retards come to forums and then shit on everyone thinking they sound smart. It's a fucking discussion you dumbshit. Might learn something from different views. If you can't understand something like that, just continue trolling. Cant stop you and cant be bothered to.


                        Would veil of discord do the same type of thing?

                        Is a bit cheaper. gives less mana regeneration but more Intel. Less strength, but gives armer and health regeneration. The active is usable.


                          i find it funny when toxic retards come to forums and then shit on everyone thinking they sound smart. It's a fucking discussion you dumbshit. Might learn something from different views. If you can't understand something like that, just continue trolling. Cant stop you and cant be bothered to.

                          Any thoughts?

                          asks for suggestions and opinions
                          people who are far better at the game say that it's shit
                          calls them out for "trolling" and tell them to learn from his views

                          ayy lmao

                          lm ao

                            pls no victimist complex here
                            go to r/drama for that :D

                            we are just saying our reactions to your proposed build, OP
                            besides your build is just so... inefficient


                              echo sabre is not geminate attack, it's doesn't give 2 times the bonus from enchant totem

                              (didn't tested actually, but geminate attack might not even provide 2 times the bonus since they reworked the ability, we need som1 who play -ad for some more insight)

                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                              lm ao

                                ^yes thats true


                                  why do you even come here and ask what other people think when you see any kind of criticism as "trolling" and "trying to sound smart"?

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    doesnt give double bonus obviously no need to try, bonus is consumed once he hit

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      @arin why get so offended when i didnt even read your post? the last time you replied my post on compendium quests, it's obvious you couldnt read english so i didnt bother reading anything you say.


                                        please repeat my sentence where you felt like i was offended by you for some unknown reason


                                          people who are far better at the game say that it's shit
                                          calls them out for "trolling" and tell them to learn from his views

                                          @arin you just proved you cant fucking read. since when i said the item was good and " hey, learn from me ". man, you're epic.


                                            alright i think i just found another bot
                                            you just glue random words together into a sentence and hope that they make sense

                                            Hatsune Miku

                                              hello OP,

                                              you are making one sided opinions



                                                i think i unconciously became kitrak junior

                                                Best Treant EU

                                                  whats ur opinion on echo sabre on weaver. gemini attack with echo sabre = 2x2 attacks = 4 attacks? also it provides good str boost and decent mana regen.

                                                  ASSESS Product

                                                    echo passive didnt work on range hero fam


                                                      ^ it only works on melee heroes


                                                        echo sabre only works on melee attacks, and geminate is different to echo sabre. geminate is like a forced attack that always happens 0.25s after a normal attack, whereas echo sabre gives an extra attack by increasing attack speed by 490, which means it won't proc on geminate (if you got geminate on a melee hero e.g. ability draft) because it goes on cooldown from the first attack. if your attack speed is already maxed out, then echo sabre won't actually give you an extra attack, you'll just attack as normal, you'll still get the slow though, but if you have max attack speed you'll still get an extra geminate attack.

                                                        urns legit on weaver if u want early str and mana regen. i remember xboct used to go medallion occasionally on weaver, idk if that's still a thing anymore.

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          ^Op, by that logic, why don't u buy 'echo blade' on any range hero, I'm sure lot of range heroes would need the street gain , mana regeneration and as more than an Es and the passive is useless in both cases. Did u even think about it before starting this thread?
                                                          Ps - You can't start a thread about a dumb item build and not expect anything other than positive criticism from everyone here Op.

                                                          Best Treant EU

                                                            anyone tried echo sabre with doom? double infernal blade should be awesome

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              dude matrice why you gotta come up in here bringing up weaver? wtf, echo works on melee only. Now Im just confused.


                                                                Its just a bullshit item
                                                                Only good for few heros like tiny and bara and maybe troll

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  "dude matrice why you gotta come up in here bringing up weaver? wtf, echo works on melee only. Now Im just confused."

                                                                  Because it could work in ability draft if you have geminate attack on a melee hero.


                                                                    double infernal blade doesn't work because infernal blade goes on cooldown from the first attack. even if it did, it would just refresh the first infernal blade's duration since it doesn't stack

                                                                    Pablo Picasso

                                                                      Any melee that has chance based/Passive Orb effect/Damage buff multipliers(particularly land high dmg double hit on Enchantress or extra attacks to kick Phoenix's balls) works better using Echo Sabre.

                                                                      Side Note: Echo Sabre does not work on illusions.

                                                                      Attack instances based skill doesnt work well with this item; eg. Jinada, Enchant Totem... Etc.

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                        Echo sabre is bad on ES.

                                                                        pepito dotero

                                                                          This post have no sense

                                                                          pepito dotero

                                                                            8=D - -