General Discussion

General DiscussionWays to improve on my gameplay - Why is my mmr so low? Please help

Ways to improve on my gameplay - Why is my mmr so low? Please help in General Discussion
§ȺŁ₸ƴ ʗȺǷͲѧΐԤ

    Year 3 of dota 2. 3000ish games, 4000ish hours. I have played every hero except the new ones which are rarely played anyhow (oracle and wyvern). I don't think I'm god's gift to earth, I don't believe every game, every person I play with is stupid. I have been unlucky at times, leavers, throwers, etc. After all this time. 1.4k mmr solo. 2300 party. Please help... Should I just pick the same character over and over? Tried that with Medusa... Didn't work. Maybe It's that I flame too often> I don't know anymore. I've gotten salty. Can anyone help out an old vet? been playing since beta, played in WC3. Don't think I'm the best player in the world still, 1.4k mmr solo is sickening. Other than (That is what you deserve) can anyone give some positive helpful information to help me better my gameplay, increase my mmr, and become better overall at Dota 2?


      i have a friend with 1700 lifetime games who is 4.4k


        Watch high mmr TRYHARD streams


          3000 matches and 46.57% winrate means you are doomed.


            just watch progames, made me go from 3.7-4,6k


              3000 games and 1.4 k ? xd

              Are u a war veteran playing with your feet ? xd

              §ȺŁ₸ƴ ʗȺǷͲѧΐԤ
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                  cause youre playin in na server , na server is really toxic in my opinion , cause some people there are actually toxic as hell try to play eu west or dubai server , and play slark , on ranked games just spam slark in your games and you will gain 250 mmr a day or even better. no offense.


                    Yeah actually slark is super ezy to grind mmr in low bracket. And stop flaming others, even if they play like shit. It never helps. It only makes people play worse/give up.


             <- really good stream

                      ASSESS Product

                        Or mb you should consider to smurf?


                          try to smurf and we'll see what you're made of.

                          True North

                            you will land on 2.8K>x>3.2 K MMR if you smurf.


                              He won't. Difference between 1.4k and 3.2k is just too big.


                                wow XD. my friend play dota 2 in 6 month and got around 4k mmr

                                no offense~


                                  Play 2 times a day if you lose both play agin tomorrow


                                    make new account. u got lot of reports which triggered low behavior rating. not even miracle will be able to stomp with your account