General Discussion

General Discussionhow to win games with bloodseeker?

how to win games with bloodseeker? in General Discussion

    I feel like the match lasts way longer than it needs to even if I snowball easily, advice for easier games with this hero?


      bald bitch gets wild with snakes LMAO


        buy midas and build useful items and not this garbage shit ur building right now. Midas>pt>sny>(bkb if needed)>mjollnir>mkb,bfly,...


          It's pretty simple - you repick.

          Best Treant EU

            bloodseeker is my fav hero and i'm performing pretty well with him. here is my style of play:

            i always hit the jungle with him, cause he is one of the fastest junglers out there right now -> u should reach lvl 6 in 4-6 mins. don't jungle if enemy has invis roamer like bounty or riki. and don't jungle if u know that one lane gonna be rekt, for example by a lich.. -> in that case better not pick bs, because there are far better safelane carries.

            so ur goal is to get fast lvl 6 and gang either enemy mid or enemy safelane to delay their 1st or 2nd positions progress. it's not a good idea to buy midas with bs, cause u need to snowball early. i usually have phase boots, iron talon and stick at lvl 6.

            i always buy phase boots with him. i wonder why the majority of players buy treads. he is the fastest hero in the game, without speedlimit. u need to take advantage of that speed. so when after u have got rupture, try to gank lanes every time rupture is up, and afterwards go into jungle to farm. u need to anticipate enemy movements to be successfull in ganking. for example if enemy has tinker, u should know where he is gonna teleport next and wait for him already.

            item progression is situational but i usually get yasha after phase boots, for more speed. afterwards either bots if game is very easy, but i dont sell the phase boots. u will turn into a racing car. if game is harder get blademail first. blademail is very good on bs, cause people will stand still in rupture and if u have bm they can't attack u while they are standing still in ur ulti. after speeditems and bm u should focus on hp items. so lategame items for me are sange and yasha, blademail, phase boots, bots, heart, silver edge, and if skadi instead of phase boots if its super late.

            i usually dont buy bkb, cause u want the enemy to dmg u to gain advantage of ur bm.

            in teamfights u should rupture mobile heroes (mirana, am, qop, timber etc..), or carries that hate to be kited (ursa, sven) and engage fight while activating ur bm to tank some dmg for ur team. if u get low hit phase boots and kite.

            i have good impact with this hero, with my playstyle and im 4,8k mmr. i hope this will help u too

            Story Time

              anyone tried BS as a support? i think he has all the necessary abilities for that

              Best Treant EU

                hm dunno if thats a good idea. rupture sureley is one of the best ganking spells, but prior to 6 u can'T to much to set up kills. also a support should have the ability to zone out the enemy offlane hero -> ranged heroes with disables are better here.
                generally bs should be able to get more farm than regular supports, but later in teamfights u can only set ur rupture and try to fight the enemy carries with ur poor farm and without disable or reliable dmg spells. probably not a good idea :)..


                  Play him as a 4 position jungle, but dont build into pure carry items, buy wards and sentries, build tanky early treads vg blademail works fine, later build auras like pipe, AC, vlads, and cc items abyssal, hex, aghs, even silver edge to disable pasives.
                  You dont want to play him as a right clicker past early game cuz the hero sucks, but you can farm fast exploit the shit out of that.