General Discussion

General DiscussionHow did you calibrate this time?

How did you calibrate this time? in General Discussion

    So seeing how many people bought the Battle Pass just for the sake of new calibration, I was wondering - how did you guys calibrate second time compared to what you had before?

    I personally haven't calibrated and don't think I will, 'cause as far as I recall, there is a cap on how high can you calibrate. Unless I'm going to do that just for lulz.

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      initial calibration was like 3600 solo 3300 party I believe. my current ranked mmr at the time of calibration was 4100 solo and 3800 party roughly. calibrated at 4400 party in international, havent calibrated for solo yet.

      the cap doesn't even matter because if you're better than what you calibrate at you'll just get to your actual MMR anyway. just makes it harder for account sellers or smurfs to get the mmr they want

      Eternal Meow

        Is there a cap on how different the mmr can calibrate? I know there is a cap on the highest level but is there a cap for difference? Has anyone calibrated over 1k different from their current mmr?


          4.5k mmr, calibrated 4025 Party. I almost never play solo.