General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play Storm Spirit?

How to play Storm Spirit? in General Discussion
Mike Wazowski..!

    He is really fun after 2 or 3 core items when you go zipzapping through the map killing heroes..but how do you get there? What do you do in lane? Is there solo kill potential prior to bloodstone and orchid? Any spammers please help?

    Mike Wazowski..!

      And also what skill build? I go 2-1-2-1 at 6 then max 3 and then 2.. I see lot of people with only one point on remnant, but 2 points makes wave clear really easy..


        4-3-2-1 skillbuild

        1-2-3-4 item build




            Aimtronk is your man for info


              ho ho ha ha

              ASSESS Product

                calling for am i strong


                  might be far from how storm's properly played
                  i like playing him on radiant and stacking the medium camp south from t1
                  i max Q and E first (usually q first, i just nuke the wave and fuck off to the jungle and go back with next wave), get bottle treads soul ring wand, then bloodstone

                  then depends on game, usually you go orchid, sometimes you might need straight bkb. if you die twice in a row after buying bloodstone and end up with 5 charges or so, you're probably fucked so be careful

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                    You just want to farm in lane and if it's a good matchup, show him who got the pants on and harass him and zone him out. Depending on the enemy hero you want to kill him when you hit lvl 6 as Storm (easy heroes to kill: Magnus, Shadow Fiend, Zeus, exort-Invoker, Lina, Rubick). And if you can't kill the enemy hero mid then keep farming on lane or jungle, else if your team needs help gank other lanes. I'd gank their safelane because your offlaner died probably like 3 times so he can catch up again. At the same time you will create space for your carry because after your gank they will teleport in that's when you get back or if you still have around 500 mana then you can try to fight those heroes as well.

                    For more info I want to see a lot more Storm games


                      Stop getting bloodstone and you'll be fine


                        Stop getting bloodstone and you'll be fine


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                          lm ao

                            man this hero is super duper fun


                              bloodstone is and will always be a core item to storm spirit.
                              I usually max out E then Q with one point on W.
                              Storm is best played when you are in radiant because it's easier to flashfarm when you stack in the jungle.


                                Bloodstone suck ball right now. As long as you continue to build it, you will fail


                                  @matrice and just why is that

                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                    @matrice Saying bloodstone sucks when you start with 12 charges is simply not true All you need in the team is literally any hero with a stun to help you get kills and you snowball so hard especially if you get it at around 15 mins. It also helps you farm way faster than orchid would. If you go bs first you get your orchid really fast but if you go the other way around it will take a while.

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                                      Aren't you reading patchlog ???

                                      The mana from charge went from 2 to 1.
                                      Since bloodstone is ~5k gold for no damage at all, all the mana from it had to be spend on spamming overload with his ult.

                                      And you were getting somehow fine with that, at 10+ charge (2 kill) which is now (at least 8 kill) -if they didn't increase mana cost xD-

                                      If you were to compare to a linken for example, every 3 hit, you'd need to use a self lightning ball to compete in terms of damage.
                                      At lvl 11 considering naked build linken vs bloodstone

                                      You have:
                                      878 mana + 6.925mana reg (linken)
                                      1123 + 6.51mana reg + 1/charge (12base) (bloodstone).

                                      Assuming storm will hit 6 time, and no more, the extra mana cost from going bloodstone instead of linken is:
                                      60+16% of mana max = 239 mana (assuming you made perfect self cast of ult with no movement)
                                      So it's like if you had only 884 mana to play with.

                                      Now for such a short fight, at least 3 cast of ult (2 short and one kind of longer range usually) are likely to be used.
                                      90+24% of mana
                                      300 activation mana for linken
                                      360 activation mana for bloodstone
                                      Assuming you have 12 charges of bloodstone, it's a bit more than 5 sec of regeneration to get those 60 mana back (so we're good).

                                      Now if you jumped for a total of 1k range during the fight, that's 120 + 7% of mana
                                      181 mana for linken
                                      198 mana for bloodstone, it's a bit more than 1 sec of regeneration to get those 17 mana

                                      Total : almost 7 sec of regeneration to get on equal footing to linken with bloodstone if 12 charges. (which is okeyish, since in 7 sec you make those 6 attack, but beware, in 7 sec, from the 15 agi, you get 0.6 of an attack, which would need about 4 self jump to compensate in terms of damage.

                                      Now, basically, what we didn't discussed yet :
                                      bloodstone give 175 hp more and suicide (well if you start loosing charge early, your doomed anyway, so let's forget about it)
                                      linken gives 2 armor, 15 as (we already mentionned it, but didn't took it into account for the previous calculation), almost 1% magic damage and spell block.

                                      Spell block alone is already worth WAY more than those 175 hp

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                                      Who Go? Just Teen !

                                        dont ever play this hero,his brother is better (ES)

                                        stupid fuck 2000

                                          Earthshaker? Kappa

                                          < blank >

                                            I tried to skip once bloodstone when Storm was good, what a bad idea never ever again.
                                            High skill games are party or international ranked calibration games, don't judge me

                                            lm ao

                                              I have a super duper concern with straight on zipzap towards enemy target vs dividing it by two so u lay 2 overcharge ticks instead. Will create a thread soon to simplify what im trying to say


                                                with a lvl 2 or higher ult. Doing 1000 unit (30+8% + 120+7% -so roughly 2*(30+8%)-) is dealing more damage than an additional overload


                                                  you're umm.. not planning to use remnants in fight, ever?


                                                    Aren't you reading patchlog ???

                                                    The mana from charge went from 2 to 1.

                                                    also where did this change come from

                                                    Old Bloodpact - Health and mana regeneration per charge: 1.5
                                                    New Bloodpact - Mana regeneration per charge: 1

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                                                      i love SS wtf
                                                      bloodstone and orchid are an absolute necessity. mostly you should be doing solo pickoffs and support your main carries to fight tanks (i beat medusa with SS come on). Also, aghanim scepter works really brilliant, making your dives safer with multiple people and prepping them for your team to devour.