General Discussion

General DiscussionTrolllllllllllllll

Trolllllllllllllll in General Discussion
sin blyadi

    He got some buffs of his passive in previous patches and his winrate doesnt mean that he sux currently, S&Y has been strongly buffed too. So why does nobody pick him?


      He does suck

      sin blyadi

        omfg so informative

        Mr. Furryhentai

          because he doesnt do enough in the first 20 minutes
          he is only strong late game


            He isn't that strong late game, and he suck ball early.

            Fee Too Pee

              cannot hit anyone basically.... one slow , one stun he dead , seriously

              Livin' Real Good

                He's very weak without BKB is the only weakness I see, he gets blown the fuck up against magic damage, similar to how Faceless Void was for a few patches of him being shit, they literally have to rework time walk to solve that problem if you get what I mean. But, obviously they can't do the same for troll. They might need to buff his magic resistance slightly, and buff base strength or something, or growth rate. Then again, I don't know what they should do with him, i'm not an expert, or close to it. But Troll 6 slotted is a fucking monster, he just needs buffs, he fell behind the crowd around him that have just been getting nothing but major buffs, and indirect buffs. Meanwhile, Troll has gotten small buffs, and almost no indirectbuffs. He's a very well rounded hero though (Good base damage, Ranged/melee, fast move speed, W that blinds, W that slows, can do rosh, can push towers globally with and for his team, and can man fight anyone in a 1v1 as long as he's bkb'd and they can't run away from him) with a few right buffs, he will be op again. Keepo

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                  Still hate troll from his op patch .


                    Troll getting blown up was a problem since he was introduced. They probably need to buff his early game by giving him some base damage.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Lifestealer is just a better Troll currently. His only niche is in push strats together with Drow or something, but even Drow lineups are pretty hard to execute properly and to add a Troll to that lineup is just a death wish.


                        No they musstn't buff his early, they need to make his scale lategame more properly.

                        If you buff his early game, you'll just end up with the same shit as sniper/troll era.

                        The hero scale better than most, but if you give him early power, he will roll stomp everything, and with better scaling than most, will roll on everyone on every stage of the game. If you buff his lategame, well, he will not be useless lategame contrary to now, and since he is PUR right click, you can still manage him by proper play.

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