General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy so many people like to jungle carry?

Why so many people like to jungle carry? in General Discussion
Cumi Basah Gaming

    And junglers can buy sentries to deward it
    I played enigma for almost 800 games mostly jungle and sometimes offlane
    Got 500+ wins and got world rank 28th for enigma

    Theres nothing bad about going jungle
    As long as you know how to do it

    I find it's easier to go jungle in solo rank cus u dont have to meet your retarded teammates
    Gank at lvl 6 for your midlane or safelane and they will stop complain (I usually hit lvl 6 at 4 mins or so) if they dont stop complaining, just mute the rest of your team


      Tarzan and Mowgli... best jungler period.

      Fee Too Pee

        the problem is i am okay with actual people that rotate after important items. BUT STRAIGHT DESO AFTER TREADS? that kind of jungler that i want to rip apart.

        1 less jungler = 1 more support more farm for team actually through ganks and not death with rotating

        Best Treant EU

          I think people get too much confused about jungling, because they watch too much pro games. In a coordinated teamplay jungling would be punished hard, well its easy to punish.
          but at least at my mmr range (4,5 -5 k mmr) jungling works

          Al Bundy

            Dear Thread Starter.
            Have you seen some of those so called supports?
            They auto attack enemy creeps making accurate last hitting a pain in the ass and dont harras the enemy so going lane in normal to high(yes high) skill is basically retarded if you main a heroe that can jungle.
            In very high skill going lane is a legit option but with the amount of retarded supports and 5 man carry teams you meet under 3.7k jungle is the best option if you have to come out and carry those retards you get put in a team with.
            Also svens a really good jungler if he has some core farm and lvls i agree he can do better in lane early but with just helm/mom he can farm like hell in jungel.
            You seem to be in Very High Skill some games if your carry still cant carry you lost instantly.
            I played cm support for a jug in vhs i took the damage made sure he had free farm and escaped.
            Guess what man he won the game for us we had a totally useless alchemist.
            I bought all the wards and we had a tidehunter+ techis on team and i didnt complain about it like you.
            I always made sure jug had that extra 3 secs he needed to get that kill and get out even if it killed me.
            Since you didnt link that game i am not sure if you played a decent support might be interresting to see.
            check the game out.
            I am a 100 % carry player but you gotta play good support too and make sure your carry can carry if you play support.

            Mulatschak: of course your jungle works in 4.5k atleast most people got some kind of skill there(had bad players in that range too but not as many) supports buy wards i mean of course it works.
            If someone goes jungel in 2k(normal skill) the chances are he can't farm very well.
            Some can but most end up having the same farm as with auto attacks in lane. He will also have no wards if he doesnt buy them himself so the chances he dies are high so thats gonna throw him back even more.

            Ce commentaire a été édité

              I'm hatin when i get jungler in the team but i played Enigma yesterday and we just crush the enemy so im happy. :)


                I'm in ns (trying to climb up)
                When some1 in our team pings jungle, I pick something that can do well soloing lane (preferably ranged). If enemy has a jungler, I go check their easy camp as soon as I can. There's 90% propability that they are there with 10% hp and it's easy first blood. With money from this kills it's easy to buy sentries and block 2-3 of his camps. I think I won like 80% of games, where enemy had jungler. On the contrary, I don't feel that jungler in my team has overall impact on my WR.
                I'm looking forward to higher MMR where things are bitmore coordinated and jungling isn't so free farm and require coordination from supports to protect it from ganks.

                Al Bundy

                  Plejk good junglers start at 3k asia 4k europe usually.
                  Although 4k on europe is so many account buyers it can be really annoying.

                  Best Treant EU

                    and how do u know that there are so many account buyers in 4k mmr 420Saint? you play at normal and highskill bracket.