General Discussion

General DiscussionSpirit Breaker itembuild.

Spirit Breaker itembuild. in General Discussion

    Can somebody with good experience on SB or some good offlaner give me some advices how to itemize him?

    What should I get as starting items? Should I try to gank at lvl 1, or should I wait lvl 3, or even level 6, or it depends on game?

    What do you get on him after you get like Power Treads? Is URN okay? If it's good, should I get it before or After PT? When you build PT, do you get gloves first, so you attack faster, or get belt?

    What after URN&PT? BKB if he needs, obviusly, but here are some questions:

    Is SNY good? Armlet? Dominator? Madness? I love going Dagon sometimes. Is it bad?

    I get lost after I get my PT and urn, I just don;t know what to buy.

    It seems that this hero really benefits from right items, but that's where you should help me guys. - my last SB game. Any comments about my items? I wanted to finish MKB,but we won. I had Urn, but I sold it for blademail. Is blademail good?

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    Vem Comigo

      the only thing you missed was attack speed to bash more often, get a Mask of Madness to get that attack speed in 1v1 encounters and teamfights, I go
      Boots ( Power Threads ) - Urn - MoM - Armlet ( now the armlet is pretty good ) - Blademail (so people cant just nuke you ) - Bkb, if you can sell your urn for a new item like a halberd, mkb a assault cuirass or some other shit.

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      Story Time

        get echo sabre - that is the trend now :) Blademail is situational and is not a must. SNY is not for bara. Shadow blade is good.


          @ Hook and Roll

          Madness is really fishy to me on this guy, you're really easy target since your armor is not that good, and that additional extra dmg you'll recive is not something you can ignore. This is why I dislike Madness.

          Also I think item eventually becomes useless on SB since apart from mediocre lifesteal and attack speed that comes at big price, it doesn't offer much.

          Longer you wear it, easier is for enemy team to kill you .

          @ Tsunami Katato

          Yes! I totally forgot about Echo Sabre on this guy. I'll get it next time, 100%. Shadow Blade is good, but they had BH, so I kinda didn't feel like going for it.

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            i like to start with tango salve stout mango clarity

            your main goal is to get levels, it's fine to take some damage for it since you're one of the tankiest level 1 heroes and you have charge as an escape

            gank whenever you see an opportunity, but don't force the issue. i mainly look for potential ganks when i'm zoned out of xp range, otherwise i'm content with getting levels. always carry a tp so you can tp+charge if it's across the map. buy smokes and be creative with your approach angle

            urn is very good on sb, i would get it before pt

            belt before gloves imo

            sb's pretty flexible on what items you can get, i like a mix of lothars/se, halberd, blade mail, vlads, bkb, drums. echo sabre is also pretty good in theory but i haven't used it. you can get bigger items from there like ac but my games end before that. it's all situational

            for the game you linked i think you definitely need a silver edge. the choice to go mkb is a waste since if you're in a teamfight you can just bkb to get rid of the radiance miss chance and it doesn't seem like anyone else is going bfly soon

            Vem Comigo

              Blademail is still pretty good, especially if you build a MoM, a lion/Lina Can just nuke you mid team Fight, echo sabre isnt that good for him, the stats are meh, and offers a second attack each 5 secs, since a tf last about 20-40 secs you dont get much uses from it, ig you dont want to get a echo or o MoM get Halberd pretty good item, underrated item even on pro games.

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                urn + pt -> drums -> bkb/s&y/halberd/silver -> aghanim/cuirass -> moon shard -> hearth/mjolnir/idk

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                Fee Too Pee

                  go fucking tank dude. spirit breaker role is like initiate with force from the front . go fucking brown boots > urn > pt > vanguard > and straight BKB . u r not a fucking hitter u r a fucking distraction and initiate at ganks


                    Go tank items first like abysall /assault cuirass If things going good get your daedalus game on


                      @ Sisyphus

                      thanks for tips and time to write your post. Appriciated.

                      @ Others, thanks for your time aswell. You helped!