General Discussion

General DiscussionAll i want for my birthday is to be healthy again

All i want for my birthday is to be healthy again in General Discussion
White Power

    Couple comments got removed. I wonder what they said.


      nothing bad about op. only said that someone who posted here might have a certain skin color, nothing else

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          hope you get better @OP

          White Power

            Hope you get better


              dunno why mods delete my comment, but i just wanna say happy birthday gws. and heres ur present


                bedtime paradox
                will i get banned for reporting myself for submitting false reports?

                Hotel? trivago

                  why don't you try goind on alkaline diet?
                  or even try not to eat hard for some days.. eat light food, that is only fruit and veggies.

                  apple cider vinegar is good for kidneys... look it up in your local store..

                  and you could also try 1 tea spoon of sodium bicarbonate 3 times a day for 3 days then you reduce to 1 time a day for the rest of the week and see how it goes.

                  you need to drink fluids a lot unless your doctor said you should not.

                  and also, stop worring about it. you may introduce problems that was not there in the first place... placebo effects is a real shit...

                  most of the people getting sick out there is because of these fucking junk food... and also pepsi, coke and other drinks...

                  i'm no doctor, but i hope these advice can help you :P

                  and happy birthday... don't try to eat junk food on your b-day... play it safe :v

                  @смрт доте- natural medicine exist, herbal treatments and other stuffs works,. believe it or not i would rather go for natural medicine rather than pharmaceutical drugs..
                  on the other side, homeopathy maybe works or maybe not... i think it's placebo.

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                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    I hope you get better, man. And if you don't, well at least you will be sent into the void and truly be free.


                      liar u reposted my screenshot xd


                        im just too lazy, just c/p it.


                          cp is porn with children, how am i supposed to apply it here

                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                            tbh its not a false report @triple

                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY



                                the fact that its not a false report actually makes it false cz im reporting myself for false reporting

                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                  how can you report yourself for false reporting? kappa there's no such option to choose

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    You should ask the doctor to check if you have hypochondria.


                                      I hardly eat any processed sugar, oil or food at all. I drink 2-3 litres of water every day, eating lots of healthy fats like Olive oil, fish oil suplements with omega 3 fatty acids, home made kefir, etc. Eating lot's of fish, rice, potato and full food too. I'm using sodium bicarbonate already and eating lots of fruit and vegetable and using some detox stuff, so i'm doing pretty much everything that's in my power to put my body back into working order.

                                      They did lot's of blood tests so far (sugar included) and rest of basic stuff (even urin) was in perfect order, so i guess as far as food goes i'm doing good work giving my body what it needs. No sign of diabetes. There were some other signs of possible diseases which they did nothing about. As far as placebo or mental issues go - of course i thought about it lots of times, my doctor as well and i got light sedatives to help me deal with the pain and in case my psyche was causing the problems - it didn't change one single thing except that i cared less about actual pain. But when it starts to hurt like hell no painkiller or sedative help.

                                      "BTW is there any possibility for you to open up some sort of a fundraiser?"

                                      No clue. All i have is empty bank account :O

                                      Anyway, it's really nice to get so much love and good wishes, so THANK YOU GUYS! <3 Every help or advice is aprecciated, so keep em comming.

                                      Sampson - the last time i had "hypochondria" and unbearable pain for 2 days i actually had ruptured appendix and nearly died 5 months ago. Since then i have major problems with my health. I'm sure it's all in my head. Kappa

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        then u should report him too triple


                                          i commend people for linking cp, why would i report them. i only report myself.

                                          it says something like "false reporting will result in a punishment", and i guess u can report for "false reporting" as for "abusive comments on dotabuff" (?).


                                            can I have your rares?


                                              Im very sorry about your condition, but stay positive! Even if things look grim, there is always hope or joy to be had in life!


                                                Had to sympathize with your condition but Im sorry, you should haven't posted these matters over a dota forum page. You never know if people would make fun of you.

                                                Player 215168758

                                                  Have you ever tried to meditate?, most of the people said meditate calms down your mind, and if your mind is relaxed, you will feel less pain, thats what I trust.
                                                  Dont forget to pray dude, get well soon


                                                    Shit happens in every country sometimes they can't diagnose you or don't want to get the responsibility because If they diagnose you wrong you can sue them for a lot of cash or die and let your family sue them.
                                                    You can still go to a private hospital and see whats actually up but If theres nothing wrong you'd feel bad for paying that much cash for nothing and have a heart attack

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                                                    D the Superior
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                                                      lm ao

                                                        Deadweight go check about chronic fatigue syndrome


                                                          @Deadweight : Hope u get better soon man. Just research a lot on your condition and try to find a way for the cure, stay strong and hang in there man. God bless


                                                            op did u get ur liver checked? ur symptoms look like they have to do a with a liver problem. Have u ever had a drinking issue in ur life? Alcohol is pretty bad on the liver....


                                                              GOOD LUCK, OP!!


                                                                I guess OP doesn't have friends to share his sorrows, that's why he chose gaming forum.


                                                                  "Deadweight go check about chronic fatigue syndrome"

                                                                  Already did, not the case. Everyday i'm searching for the cause of my problems, while trying not to stress about it too hard and i'm doing pretty well on times. I even forget about it sometimes, but my body reminds me usually with sudden pain and nausea. I talked about it with my friends, one of them is 4th year student of medicine and he suggested me to go to ultrasound, check some parametres in the blood and urine, etc, and both blood and urin were mostly fine (i will check some more soon). Problem is i have to wait 2-3 months for ultrasound cause my doctor didn't send me on urgent case, which should be the first thing according to my past problems. Liver function is great according to the blood tests, i never drank a lot, never smoked, tried to eat as healthy as i could with exception of occasional B-days :) Never had any severe issues or been to hospital except that ruptured appendix surgery 5 months ago.

                                                                  I've been talking to doctor of internal medicine from some other city in my country, described him my problems and he said it could be infection of kidneys, which are swollen and they're pressing onnerves close to them, triggering sheevering, pain and other problems. I'm going to the neurologist tomorrow, we'll see what happens.


                                                                    Get well soon man..may god cure your illness..for the pain, try playing a game of dota with friends, maybe it can reduce ur problems and pain for a while. -Best wishes.

                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      You seem like a drama queen sadly, if all of the doctors are putting you off the fast track it means it is not as bad your saying. Good luck with your stuff but posting on dbuff does nothing for u.

                                                                      Player 175043649

                                                                        ^ it does help on emotion and stuff, and he dont really have anything to do at the hospital so why not post on dbuff


                                                                          I've been dealing with stomach issues for about 2 years now. I stay hydrated all damn day to combat the dehydration brought on from the diarrhea. Not just water but stuff that replenishes your electrolytes. Also I take an over the counter medicine called Omeprazole that lowers the acidity in your stomach. Not sure you are trolling or not but everything I've mentioned can be bought on Amazon if hard to get in your country. Good luck to you.


                                                                            I had lowered electrolytes after severe diarhea a month ago and helped myself by taking suplements and drinking isotonic drinks made for that. Water somehow still doesnt stay in my body and i'm pretty dehidrated which shows on my skin, especially fingers on my hands. Also doctor gave me sth for lower acid in my stomach few days ago, i hope it will help. But those are minor issues, i got bigger stuff to deal with.

                                                                            No point in dealing with trolls and people that dont want you well tho. I had many of those people around me the last time, when i knew i'm really ill and they were telling me it's nothing and it's all in my head and i nearly died, so i'm not making same mistake again. I'm taking action to find the cause of my illness with all i got. I'm gratefull that most of you guys bring good intentions and wishes, karma will repay you :)


                                                                              Why would anyone say something bad. It's in human nature to help and pray for the best.

                                                                              But I guess some people also enjoy to bring someone pain and misery, idk why tho.

                                                                              You're young and you deserve to live and be happy. I wish you that, and everyone should!

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                                                                              Miss Cuppy Cake

                                                                                Googling your symptoms when you don't feel well is the most efficient way to convince yourself you are dying.

                                                                                Stop doing it... You will introduce problems that were not present in the first place.. Like you would create something only you believe in your head and your docters will not be able to see anything because it's all in your head.

                                                                                I know that sounds hard to do, believe me. I was in your place too. I have been having ENT problems since i was very young and then one recent year i was feeling some pain in my throat. I went to several ENT specialist and they could not find anything but i was having pain and keep on googling my symptoms. I remember that for the new year's eve while everyone was out enjoying i preferred to stay on my bed and try to sleep.

                                                                                It was hard. Everyday i would try to touch around my throat and look for lumps (potential cancer warnings) and i actually had 1. Before going to do the camera thing one docter said it could be a cyst, but found out it was nothing. It was all in my head.

                                                                                If you don't stop stressing, stress will kill you. Stress and placebo are bad thing... Do some positive thinking and you will feel good..

                                                                                And i remember that there was a sort of tap and feel thing which can help to feel better...

                                                                                I don't really know how to do it but if i remember it was like this.
                                                                                - close your eyes
                                                                                - with the tip of your fingers, tap (3-4 times) where you are feeling pain.. not to hard but just enough to feel the tap
                                                                                - concentrate your energy there
                                                                                - repeat tapping and again concentrate

                                                                                it was something like this.. i know it seems bullshit, but it can make you feel better.

                                                                                If you eat well, no smoke no drink and live in good environment, there is no reason you will get sick.

                                                                                Getting sick is not "natural", it's only natural in our sick "culture", where people eat crap and lead an overall unhealthy lifestyle that crushes our immune systems, leaving us helpless and blind.

                                                                                And one thing that helped me also to feel better was that when my mother would be watching tv, i would go and sit next to her and act like a baby. xD sleep on her lap etc.

                                                                                good luck...

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  ^what he said. Going online and diagnosing yourself will not only make it worse the doctors will get annoyed by you and be of less help

                                                                                  White Power

                                                                                    I had curry chicken for lunch. What you guys have?


                                                                                      i dont eat


                                                                                        I want to become american, so I started eating burgers.


                                                                                          "Going online and diagnosing yourself will not only make it worse the doctors will get annoyed by you and be of less help"

                                                                                          I would kinda agree with you both if i didn't lose a lot of trust in our medical sistem already for good reasons. What would you do in my place if:

                                                                                          1. your doctor sends you to the specialist
                                                                                          2. specialist finds some things that are not ok
                                                                                          3. specialist do nothing further or intentionally overlook it cause he either doesn't care (healthy guy never seriously ill before) or they're saving hospital money (i've heard them talking through the door about that)
                                                                                          4. specialist do RTG of your lunghs again (cheapest diagnostics available), which was already fine the first time i was there, and do nothing about obvious stuff i'm beging them to look at (abdominal ultrasound after surgery and possible issues after)

                                                                                          I'm actually trying to forget the problems (also with sedatives) and it works UNTIL the actuall pain and other problems come in. Do you think you can ignore severe kidney pain? Do you think you can ignore ruptured appendix pain? Nope, you cant. If it was "all in my head" or "i was making it up" sedatives would solve the problem. But they don't. Same with painkillers, the pain is just too strong.

                                                                                          At start i put myself into doctors hands without any talking or begging them what to do and all i got was no real diagnose, carelessness and going back to same shit without any medicine. I BET if i went to private hospital and told them the same stuff i told doctors in public one, i would have known the diagnose 2 month ago and would probably be perfectly fine by now. I would be fine in any of the top countries with good public health care too. But sadly i live where i live atm and can't change that, so I GOT TO TAKE STUFF IN MY OWN HANDS.

                                                                                          I WON'T GIVE UP and will keep fighting till i find where the goddamn problem lies. All i want is to live like a human being and not like this. Peace guys.


                                                                                            I WON'T GIVE UP. Good attitude.

                                                                                            Too bad you live in 3rd world


                                                                                              B-12 supplements are always fun..., get well soon!


                                                                                                holy shit, i just started doing some research for slovenia's top doctors and all there is are tons of awful stories like these. . Im so sorry for you OP, i would've never thought it would be that bad where you are. if you do want to crowd fund try this out .

                                                                                                White Power

                                                                                                  I had fish for dinner. What you guys have?


                                                                                                    serbian burgers - pljeskavica

                                                                                                    White Power

                                                                                                      Very nice!!!!!!!