General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get the f**k outta 3k curse?

How to get the f**k outta 3k curse? in General Discussion

    I am playing for a lot of time and there's a point where i get to 3.4k 3,5k then i fall down to 3k and again and again.
    Any suggestions ?

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      I see there is a point you recently had a 4 streak loss in ranked. That's 100 mmr.
      My advice: Stop after losing two ranked games in a row.
      Take a break, play some unranked, custom games, some other game, anything other than requeuing for a few hours or the rest of the day.


        Yeah,that's a good advice.
        But i'm addicted to ranked ,i want to learn every single trick on carrying the game.
        I really want to play competitive,but in the 3k it's just a dream.
        Thanks anyways,buddy.

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          Learn from ur mistakes

          Need to talk,remove your ...

            Its ok man, everyone gets lose streaks :(

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Learn from your mistakes and practice in unranked.
              You're telling me you're one of those players that spams ranked, and will play a hero you have little to no clue how to play? I would report you on the spot if you told me you didn't know how to play a hero you picked in a ranked game.
              In unranked I could careless if I win or lose, I play unranked to learn and practice heroes.

              But in all seriousness, play unranked to practice heroes and strats there. Yeah ranked is fun as shit and getting that 25 mmr in hopes to becoming top tier and a popular player is nice, but that shit won't happen if you do dumb shit like pick a hero you don't know how to play in ranked.

              Everyone has lose streaks, but you can do it, man.
              Dota is a very emotional game, and after two losses in a row, it's only natural to lose more since you will get paired with players with the same story, and be stressed out. That's how tilts happen. Then after that 3rd loss in a row, guess what? You're going to feel like even more shit and be more pissed your 4th game, and if you lose that, your stress level will get so bad, and you will want to win that mmr back, and instead start losing 4 - 6 games in a row.

              It happened to me recently, man. I was 3.1k in Feb, then I tilted hard and dropped to 2.6k in early March, and was stuck in 2.7k for like two months. I was bitter, pissed, stressed, and unhappy which are terrible moods to be in when you play. Not too recently I literally started to very STRICTLY follow the "stop after two loss ranked games in a row" rule, and am currently 2.9k and very close to being 3k again.

              Just be honest with yourself, don't stress yourself out, and don't make the game harder than it should be. Just chill out, blow off some steam, play some unranked, play with friends, and once you feel better do more ranked again.


                Look at what I do and learn from me


                  play axe or slark

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Just maintain a 50+% winrate on ranked matches and you'll go up to 4k if you persevere.

                    Swap Commends

                      I know how u feel bro.Don't play after some loses


                        I know how u feel bro. So play bh and all iz well XDDD

                        Lets do Science

                          You can't raise in mmr until you can begin to separate winning mmr to being good at dota. Essentially, you can't get better until you accept what you are. Don't play ranked to raise a number but, to play some dota. Really the biggest thing you can do to improve is to learn how to relax and not take everything so seriously. The amount of people who get so hung up on winning a game of dota that they end up sabotaging their own chances of winning is ridiculous. It sucks to lose yes but, at the end of the day, you can't change whats already happened you can change the future if you're willing to put your mind to it.


                            ^I agree.
                            And also never dream of playing competitive like you have zero chances to go competitive ever. Dont put too much thought into it just play casually.

                            lm ao

                              Never give up OP. Learn from mistakes. Never play another game with the same mentality you had from the game before.

                              Good luck!

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                Thank you guys for the kind words.
                                I had a 6 win streak thanks to you .


                                  spam broken heros and convince your team to pick cancerous heros to stomp the lane as hard as u can


                                    I originally calibrated at 2.2k. I'm now hovering around 4k. All I did was spam storm spirit mid. If you're better than everyone else, you should snowball out of control every game. Below 3k, I had something like a 90% winrate on storm. Even from 3k-3.5k I had around a 60-70% winrate on storm. If you think you're good enough to rise in MMR, instapick mid every game. If you don't win a lot, then you aren't good enough to rise in MMR yet.


                                      git gud


                                        Really solid advice here! As a fellow 3k-er I feel like I've learned a lot!