General Discussion

General Discussionwhy SEA dota is trash

why SEA dota is trash in General Discussion

    Stark the Slark Master

      Kiddo simply carry you got 25 normal skill bracket games,160+high skill. You're lucky enough to have friend whom you queuing to get vhs at your first game :-) im 100% sure tripple got higher mmr than you. I can smell you a sub 5k pro wanabee

      Giff me Wingman

        N O R M A L S K I L L

        Go train some lasthits.

        Stark the Slark Master

          I got 1 normal skill bracket :-) you maybe pertaining to your 25 normal skill bracket games :-)

          Stark the Slark Master

            I can guess your a 4-4.6k guy who's ego kiddo skyrocketed :-)


              The reason why there are so many 8k's on eu because there are a lot more ppl playing dota in this region than in US or SEA. EU and China are 2 biggest regions and u can't compare mmr's 6k US = 6k EU = 6k SEA = 6k China and so on, maybe some smaller region are inflated and they play like dogshit who knows, but I've played with some people who were 6k, high 5k from sea, china and I don't see any difference, they are not worse and they are not better. This whole 4k US = 7k SEA thing and shit is stupid and fucking retarded.

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              Stark the Slark Master

                Nice enlightenment for these pro wannabees bro 0.0 :-)


                  EU is super inflated.

                  MVP cannot get over 8k in SEA because they keep getting trashed and ddos atk by their teammates.

                  but when they go to EU, bum, 8.5k ez for QO.

                  QO said EU is the easiest compared to CN and SEA.


                    There is a MMR Ghost hunting SEA, that won't allow anyone to pass 8k.

                    Player 215168758

                      Mods should have know whom to ban due to extremely unfriendly post


                        Oh dear, does this mean I must type with grammar, lest you miss the irony as well? Pity, I hate conforming to the snobbish elitist stereotype that, around the world, are driving people away from the erudite. But needs must, and so forth.

                        Since you're so keen on misconstruing information, let me explain it for you. An 'analogy or metaphor', to which you've referred, must be based on a grain of truth. If I'd told you that I've burnt my rice 'as black as a Singaporean', it's not a particularly good 'analogy', is it? It must be based on something for which the relevant aspect is at least tangibly true.

                        Now to your analogy. I'll assume you were referring to your third-world comment, not trying to pass off your terrible sentence by calling it an 'analogy', as that would suggest your understanding of English is severely lacking, and I'll give you more credit than that. Simply put, English skills tend to be better in the third world than most developed nations where English is not their official language. There are also more third world nations with English as their official language than developed nations with the same. You must admit, 'Zenoth', that, given these facts, your 'analogy' is about equivalent to my rice analogy on any quality scale except your own, and so, I pointed it out.

                        But there's a bigger issue at play here, and yes, I admit I was nitpicking you because I was annoyed. There are far too many people, like yourself, who seem to take some sort of comforting smugness in the often untrue assumption that they have superior English skills. And yes, it is often untrue - any high school graduate from an English-speaking nation could write English with proper grammar as it's a very significant part of any education system. It's neither a big deal, nor something to feel superior about. But let's assume that, somehow, you encounter a person who really does have a limited understanding of grammar and punctuation, and is from an English-speaking nation. Now what? You're going to feel smug about receiving more education than them? And then, to add insult to injury, you're going to actually comment on the situation, directly to them, negatively, without blinking an eye? Perhaps it's my firmly left-leaning mind coming through here, or maybe I'm just a decent person, but that's ... unbelievably fucked up. If this is what it takes to increase your self-esteem, you need to seriously re-evaluate your life choices. And what do you think that person going to think? Because it sure as hell isn't 'man i wish i culd rite grammer liek him then ill show them lol!'

                        I don't tend to post comments online with grammar, because it makes me look like a pretentious smug prick. I'm not trying to look better than anyone else, so I'm not going to bother capitalising my 'i's. In any official capacity, yes, I write with grammar, but this is an internet forum, not The Guardian. The only time I bother with this sort of nonsense is when I've written a very long post, because it makes them easier to read, or to make a point to someone who has the bare-faced cheek to call someone else mentally lacking for pointing out their own inaccuracies.


                          mind you i kinda wanna see what was deleted lol


                            "MVP cannot get over 8k in SEA because they keep getting trashed and ddos atk by their teammates." sounds like a fun server.

                            Also a 6k player can get 6k on any server, if you honestly think that 6k SEA = 7k EU, you should find a way to prove it, because logically MMR will leak to other regions if one is inflated.


                              most unfortunately it seems that you still dont get my original comment at all.

                              let me restate it here:

                              "The english here is the only 3rd world standard thing floating around, rip the english language"

                              now let me give you a brief demonstration of how "3rd world" has been used in this thread thus far:

                              "lol third world mouth breather"

                              "third world impoverished kids"

                              since this idiot was using "third world" as an insult, synonymous with the word "bad", even though he obviously didnt know what it meant, my comment was basically a light hearted way of telling him to bugger off and that the only "bad" thing here was the poor English floating around like the mixing up of "your" and you're".

                              unfortunately it seems that you've actually tried to interpret it literally and make a big hoo-hah out of it when i have absolutely no idea what your business is. first you try to be a pretentious asshole by nitpicking the grammar of a random sentence typed in an informal context on the internet, then you try to talk about "3rd world countries" when I already implied that I did not mean it literally.

                              in other words your entire post is irrelevant because you couldn't grasp the context

                              dude you have issues lmao

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                racism everywhere. this is the main cause of another world war.


                                  @XOXOXOXO Seriously? With only 12 games played on your smurf? On top of it, 8 of the games were abandoned games

                                  Hope we'll never be put in the same team when I play solo


                                    how normal skill placed agains very high skill player? are you drunk or something?


                                      I am actually VHS on solo
                                      My recent games are party which put me on normal


                                        33.33% Winrate. This xoxo guy is SEA in a nutshell :D

                                        Giff me Wingman


                                          N O R M A L S K I L L in very high Bracket getting destroyed

                                          Miku Plays



                                              Mvp.QO has played in SEA, china and EU servers for quite a lot.. And the easiest region to play/win is EU, said by himself.. Gege

                                              lm ao



                                                  Why doggie?


                                                    SEA hard to win cz ,too much YOLO . but they was good as EU player i think.

                                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                      You need Jesus guys.

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        N O R M A L S K I L L DROPPING BOYS



                                                          now his win rate is lower than his :d


                                                            @Katty Meow :3 dude,is it possible to climb vhs as zapport? im struggling,i know im not good as pos 1/2 player but as pos 4/5 i know i better than SEA dogshit,i play since 2013 btw


                                                              this is my first smurfing btw,too tired on 2.5k bracket,just want playing with good brain ppl,and know how to play

                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                Yeah it is possible to get high MMR with supports. Just make sure you pick high impact supports like SK, ES, Lich etc.


                                                                  Pls stop shaming yourself my fellow sea"trash"region

                                                                  ASSESS Product

                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      i think i hshouldnt have necroed this

                                                                      ASSESS Product

                                                                        You just want to see the world burn arent you, evil doge?


                                                                          well, 2ez4midone =) HEHE


                                                                            Can i join in this flaming stuff?

                                                                            Giff me Wingman



                                                                                secrekt got rekt, NA DOTO EU DOTO, LMAO