General Discussion

General Discussionwhy aquila on some str/int heroes?

why aquila on some str/int heroes? in General Discussion
Mr. Nice Guy

    title ^


      Armor and mregen


        Armor and mana rwgen is just given by single basilius.. i think its a complete early item in 1 slot.. armor mana regen and some stats


          The item gives +13 damage to all int and strength heroes, though agi heroes get +19. A bit of extra armour, 60hp, 36 mana and slight mana regen all for just under $1000. With drums now being an intelligence hero only option there is basically no other early/midgame item which offers as much for so cheap. Like Antimage is just about the only carry who it isn't worthwhile building on and even then...

          me, government hooker



              It's same as why you buy drums on ag/str heroes now.