General Discussion

General Discussionto mods

to mods in General Discussion

    thx for permaban for posting a picture as a joke.



      hey look someone's mad


        kill urself1111111111111111111111

        sorry that was my sister.

        i hope u have a fantastic day mr. triple steal. only positive attitudes here.

        Ce commentaire a été édité

          The key to effective forum moderation

          In my opinion, the key to effective forum moderation is the ‘laissez-faire‘ approach. You should only edit the accounts or posts of your members as a last resort.

          If you are unhappy with any content they have created, speak directly and confidentially to that person.

          that would be great

          < blank >

            This dude is smart af, he knows if he deleted this post without this edit mods still can read it and would ban him for that


              serious question mods.

              if i get perma banned for posting a picture of hitler, is this picture allowed?

              she hates men.

              at which level of hate are portraits not allowed? she spreads more hate than hitler. hitler hated jews and non-whites and what not.

              she hates 3.6 billion people, even if hitler hated everyone except himself that's only like 2.5 billion.

              i'd feel a lot safer if she was banned from this forum too.

              Ce commentaire a été édité
              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                mb our mods are nazis so they dont like hitler jokes

                Player 175043649

                  hey mods give me back my hitler avatar already you puss1es

                  Johnny Rico

                    just ban him again, for complainign about a ban.


                      if only i was banned for every picture with hitler i posted

                        Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                          then you'd be permab& like 379 times


                            oh god what have i done, im gonna get all of dotabuff b&


                              Reminds me of the "hey guys im stupid"
                              "wow what an idiot"
                              "Haha jokes on them I was only pretending to be stupid" comic

                              I'll admit I couldve said something after deleting the first image, but you clearly knew what prompted the deletion and decided to test the boundaries.


                                yea and that totally deserves a permaban amirite.

                                i wouldn't have to test the boundries if you said something. you realize that right?

                                ps: serious question, is that photo of the girl banworthy? she hates and spreads hate for half of the planet.

                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                  ^^tbh though whats the issue with posting hitler pics/gifs

                                  we're not doing fucking propaganda for 1930s nazi germany, we're just using it as a joke

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                    außerdem; skim unban mal bitte meinen main acc BibleThump ich bin auch brav ab sofort


                                      It's not a permabann and never has been. Should expire in a couple of days.

                                      @holla: Unless she has caused a genocide that I'm unaware of, feel free to post any pictures you want that don't violate any other rules.

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        ^ ya honestly. (@spunki)

                                        and maybe u should add a timer to the message.

                                        a ban without a time limit is a permaban

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                          can someone tell me if that girl is banworthy. im trying to understand ur rules.

                                          she hates all men. that's gender hatred.


                                            see my edit above


                                              can u edit ur code of conduct to clarify no genocides then

                                              cuz im kinda confused.

                                              hitler/kkk photo isn't allowed cuz they do genocides, even though we are using it as a joke and not promotion.

                                              except this girl is allowed even tho ur rules say specifically no gender hatred??????????????

                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                if it looks like this its a perma ban isnt it


                                                  thats what mine looks like

                                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                    idk i ahve this since mb 3 months or sth

                                                    Player 175043649

                                                      where do you see that? this is what i got

                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                        click the icon on the top of the page right next to your profile name, on teh right of the side you can see the social networks you enabled for dotabuff and right below that u can see ur mute status


                                                          "Do not make any posts or links to websites containing language or images that promote national or geographic hatred, use a recognized national or geographic slur or allude to symbols of national or geographic hatred." <-- clearly referring to imagery such as kkk/hitler/nazis

                                                          "Do not make posts or links to websites which insultingly refer to any aspect of gender or gender identity." <-- different wording, and definitely a different case. there's a difference between posting an image of hitler and posting a picture of a feminist. Gender hatred, or any form of discriminatory posts are indeed bannable/against the code of conduct, but simply posting a picture of a feminist is not. Posting a picture of Hitler is.

                                                          Player 175043649

                                                            looks like yours is a permaban


                                                              ok so i can post a picture of her face, but if i link one of ur youtube videos ill get b&.

                                                              got it.

                                                              so how long is the ban


                                                                Link me to the profile and I'll check


                                                                  7th / 8th May should be good to go again (depends on which timezone youre looking at it from)



                                                                    can u IP ban me now for ban dodging.



                                                                      btw, male/female is still techincally a race.

                                                                      so u should ban ppl who post that feminist grill


                                                                        male/female arent a race whatever ur perspective is.

                                                                        < blank >

                                                                          and what are negevs?


                                                                            noun: race; plural noun: races

                                                                            each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.


                                                                            boobies and penis aren't distinct physical characteristics?

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


                                                                              could u unban me as well pls, would be great

                                                                              < blank >

                                                                                So you guys wanna do a race?

                                                                                Eternal Meow

                                                                                  @hollaholla : who is the woman in the pic?


                                                                                    i think u dont quite get the biological concept of race-gender differentiation


                                                                                      i do, but by the definition only you could assume different genders are a race.

                                                                                      she is anita sarkeesian


                                                                                        "Do not make any posts or links to websites containing language or images that promote national or geographic hatred, use a recognized national or geographic slur or allude to symbols of national or geographic hatred." - So hitler is a symbol of geographic hatred. Rn he is just a memestar in these forums tf. I cant remember the last time someone posted a hitler picture to be racist or show hate to someone, last time i remember he was used to be compared to a thug with a pun "how much did the holla-caust". ?Racism? ?hatred?


                                                                                          wtf holla-caust.

                                                                                          im offended

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                              is this the the thread where i can learn how to pick up girls?


                                                                                                here is a step by step guide on how to pick up grills

                                                                                                step 1) stop playing dota

                                                                                                Eternal Meow

                                                                                                  The Fireman's Carry is the best way to pick up girls.
                                                                                                  You maintain your balance the best with this method.

                                                                                                  < blank >

                                                                                                    step 2) create a shitty thread
                                                                                                    step 3) become a lonely clown