General Discussion

General DiscussionIs anti Mage anti fun for his teammates ?

Is anti Mage anti fun for his teammates ? in General Discussion

    Seems like even if you win with anti Mage on your team it is still not as fun as normal game . He will suck up the majority of the farm and split push later . Majority of the time your team just loses and is not too fun any ways but seems like even in a win the rest of the team is kinda screwed . A couple games i was thinking about picking am again but then thought about all the shitty games I had one on my team so I spared my teammates


      I wonder if there are ppls playing for fun? I thought its all about mmr

      Ce commentaire a été édité

        AM actually can join fights really early on by picking when to enter even pre-manta. With manta you're pretty much a force to be reckoned with if you blink onto a disabled target.

        Just because people play a 0-0-0 AM for 30 minutes doesn't mean the hero is meant to be played like that lol.


          vg am is heaps of fun

          lm ao


            Pale Mannie

              Once i was a Tidehunter and AM was in my team and we were always in a 4v5 but we won every teamfight and i didnt knew we had an AM in the team until the las 5 minutes where he had 5 slots farmed with 10k gold in the bag