General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat if i can calibrate right now?

What if i can calibrate right now? in General Discussion

    Guys what do you think is my hidden mmr now?
    this is my profile
    i only solo queue

    U will never take me alive!

      4k but becareful

      el niño peruano

        5,5k for sure dude, amazing profile

        Mc Kenzy

          i think ur hidden mmr is around 3.8k
          but if ur good u can calibrating around 4k


            I dont think if i'll take that with a grain of salt. Hahaha.

            Guy Riki



                @guy riki they said 4.5k is the max calibration number


                  Bullshit smurf acc. 2k max.


                    ^ someones bitter 'cause he stuck at normal. Btw my main is 3.3k. So still better than you even if i dont smurf. Hahaha


                      ^ someone here not giving fuck off mmr, I found more idiots in 3k than in 2k games. Bite me smurf. Go get 5k mmr and ruin ppl games by droping game by game.


                        Around 4k dude keep it up


                          Klonu. F*ck off. Hahahaa. This is the last time i'll respond to you bitter scrub. Go gain 1k so i wont be million leagues above you then talk to me again.

                          Im not wasting my time to talk to a damn moron.


                            i don't understand why people waste their time creating smurf
                            you need like 200 games to unlock ranked


                              after we smurfed and open ranked we know exactly our skill


                                the only times its worthwhile to smurf is that if you're 2k or 3k aiming for around 4k so u can showoff, tbh smurfing makes you pick so many bad habits you'd never fly at 5k

                                If you're 3.5k or above you'd bloody climb easier just by tryharding, 20 games = 500 mmr as opposed to 200 games on ur smurf to calibrate at 4.1k

                                and many people often misunderstand their own skill level (you're really bad if u can't even tell how bad u are), and believe because they calibrated at X mmr and managed to maintain there, that they're good. news flash, no, I have a bunch of 4k flat friends and the skill gap between some of them is huge


                                  DEFINETELY 4.9K


                                    What the fuck is calibrating


                                      Smurf trash.


                                        Up up up