General Discussion

General Discussionsomething really wrong is going on

something really wrong is going on in General Discussion

    5.1k on main
    losing every single game on this account at 4.4k

    just unwinnable games where 4k shitlords feed nonstop
    i'm not going to insult anymore 4k players stuck in their bracket lmfao



      k share

      Magbalugtong Jr.

        u just have to stop buying accounts thats all

        Guy Riki

          Why would you buy account?

          Magbalugtong Jr.

            i mean if you are already in 5.1k mmr why would u play in 4.4k mmr it dsnt really make sense.


              cuz ur bad?


                Maybe u don't even deserve 5k 4Head

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                    People seem to be confused on how hard it is to climb OR drop.

                    I have a bunch of 4k friends and the skill gap between them can be huge. Some are atrociously bad whilst others do decently. Yet they all have very similar MMRs. Such is the nature of the game where a single person only has so much control. Yes, if you're vastly better and pick a 1v5 hero but that's often not the case.

                    It can take an extremely long time for a certain type of player to rise in MMR and conversely, an extremely long time for someone to drop. For example, a skilled player can get a 60% winrate and everyone will agree that a 60% winrate over a large sample pool shows that you're good. But that's saying you get +25 mmr every 10 games, for you to gain 500 mmr, thats 200 games lmao. And you have to take standard deviation into account, meaning even with a 60% odds, people taking up to 400 games wouldn't be that uncommon.

                    See where I'm going?


                      thats why you get smurfs of players playing 1k mmr higher than their real rating, and manage to maintain or even climb in a pool of <200 games post calibration and they think holy shit im gud when they're not even at level that they can realize how much they're lacking compared to their peers

                      Need to talk,remove your ...

                        Atrociously bad hahahaha climbing is just so hard specially when you feel like you have to dodge h0lyshit team mates D:

                        tfw 2x 24hr que ban


                          60% winrate would be 25mmr every 5 games. Im stupid as fuck and thats No maths at all.


                            @mid/carry: i should have > 50% winrate, right?
                            i guess the only reason you can see is sample size. on 50 games i might get 25 unwinnable games but in the long period i'll win more
                            so how boosters work?

                            @everyone: can you win matches where enemies take your throne at 20minutes? or fed 50 deaths to enemies when you died 3 times? teach me how, i'm bad

                            i'm playing in 4k because i wanted some easy games to practice some carries but that's not possible

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                              GUYs btw everyone should play support under 7k or you "r the wrost"


                                ^ if you are like 500 below the games average and someone else wants to play core roles, you probably should let them, but i dont think there is anything wrong with playing pos. 1 or 2 90% of your games if you are winning >60%.

                                Also once you get to ~5k it doesnt matter if you're RTZ, you wont win 100% of games while climbing, but you can probably keep ~80% for a while. There will always be some outliers, but i dont think "unwinnable games" are more than 10-15%

                                Ive watched a few boosting streams and they usually win 8-10 for every time they lose


                                  sub 7k core players are the worst

                                  Execute Order 322

                                    sub 8k core players are the worst

                                    lm ao

                                      Sub 5k smurfers are the worst tbh

                                      Its alright op shit happens

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                                        sub 10k dota players are the worst


                                          sub 7k core players are the worst


                                          < blank >

                                            First blood included like 5 deaths


                                              50% winrate in ranked at 4.4k and he thinks he deserves 5.1k :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


                                                But like 4.4 > 4.7k is really hard bracket. I'm 4.1k now on my main and I can already feel that it's coming. I'm afraid. D:

                                                When I was playing on my smurf 4.3 > 4.6k it was literally disaster. Like people are really rude, toxic and they give up way too fast.

                                                I know a lot of low 5k players that actually had hard time escaping that low to mid 4k mmr.

                                                Kumbo is one of them, for example.


                                                  idk man just first pick ur carry and ur set


                                                    Dunno man, this shit was ez as fuck on my smurf for me, migh just be lucky xd

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