General Discussion

General DiscussionVengeful Spirit

Vengeful Spirit in General Discussion

    Do you suspect we will see Venge carry more this patch? With the changes, I imagine it would be pretty easy.
    Early game, you can remove up to 15 armor - that is just her Wave of Terror, a Blight Stone, and Medallion.
    Which, if you snowball hard enough, can turn into a deso, and then into some agility items. Hurrican Pike is fun too.
    She can become a monster right clicker!

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      No, Slardar is the hero to go for this shieet

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf


        Venge is a damned good support nonetheless. I would play her more but I enjoy supporting as Crystal Maiden way more. May be if Valve makes a Venge Arcana, I would get it, and play with her much more.


          @Orquidea. I'd say that Venge scales better into the late game as a carry. Her Vengeance Aura paired with Agility items make her in insanely hard right clicker.

          And I agree she is a great support, but in NS games, I start out as a support, then end up carrying the game regardless because most people can't farm the items they need quick enough.

          ASSESS Product

            VS is better playing support. Her aura are good but its actually used for your carry and you can actually conquer early lane if you and other support harass the enemy meanwhile your carry farm the creep. You see how good vs support in pro game. You either sacrifice yourself to gank enemy or swapping your carry from danger. There are still better carry than her though.

            Look my last game, example of stupid vs carry wannabe. No gank, swap only to run, stun only to ks etc.
            And bcoz of that, i loss my mood to play dota until now.

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              Venge can be a godlike carry even harder than before


                Venge can't farm fast enough to be a carry.


                  U need to fit it into a strat, in retarded pubs it sucks