General Discussion

General DiscussionTo the smurfs

To the smurfs in General Discussion
wait for me

    If you have a smurf account and try to show of to regular players, you are not a good player. You are a guy who cant even win against players who are at your level. I might be a normal skill player but I still have the guts to play against players who are as good as me


      u got em good



        Dark Hunter

          10/10 would rek them again


            ☐ Not REKT ☑ REKT ☑ REKTangle ☑ SHREKT ☑ REKT-it Ralph ☑ Total REKTall ☑ The Lord of the REKT ☑ The Usual SusREKTs ☑ North by NorthREKT ☑ REKT to the Future ☑ Once Upon a Time in the REKT ☑ The Good, the Bad, and the REKT ☑ LawREKT of Arabia ☑ Tyrannosaurus REKT ☑ eREKTile dysfunction


              32/2 TOP Kekerino


                gotem good

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                    To all the smufs out there:

                    F*CK YOU

                    4k bracket is full of smurfs.


                      Fucking every bracket is full of smurfs.

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                        wait for me

                          One of my friends played about 1500matches and got 2k mmr. Now he playes with his smurf account and has 3.5k mmr.

                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                            Ricardo was once a poor 2k mmr boy, one day he decided to make a smurf and play zeus 10 calibrating games in a row, he lost all of them but the game saw his amazing performance (30k+ hero dmg every game) and gave him a mmr of 4900+ now Ricardo is matched with me, his first words are most of the time the only english words he knows "MID OR FEED FACKING RETARDS". He dies twice to the enemy mid hero in 4 mins then pings me on the offlane, says "NICE FARM FACKING RETARD" and abandons the game with the words "REPORT MY TEMA".

                            Unfortunately for him Ricardo is matched with the same retards over and over again and his mmr rapidly drops to 4.2k, then he goes on -> forums, types "EVERYGAME I AM MATCHED WITH FACKING RETARDS HOW DO I WIN", gets an answer like "Git gud scrub", rages even more and then sells the account to his best friend Shlomo and makes another smurf acc to see if his luck with "FACKING RETARDS" teammates is going to get any better.

                            Pls say no to smurfing if you want to break this chain and make mine, ricardos and even your game experience much better.

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                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                              Ricardo's lost 700mmr could feed childrens in Africa!

                              Dont be like Ricardo

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                Please don't be a Rcardo, or I will vote for Trump.


                                  ive played with Navi vanskor and wagamama with my smurf

                                  are u fcking retarded OP?

                                  smurf doesnt mean that u get matched vs retards fuckin retard urself

                                  if u need a smurf acc close to 5k hidden mmr with 1 game only let me know, i would love to see u playing vs 5k from the first game and get rekt cause u suck

                                  happy easter


                                    im not OP but im retarded and suck. so can i have that smurf plz ?

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                                    Player 215168758

                                      @fyyq, I'm 3,5 scrub, I challenge u to give me that 5k acc and I'll show u that I wont get rekt :D

                                      Swap Commends


                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          Fyyq your ranked match win rate is awful. If you continue playing that smurf, you'll eventually fall to 3k mmr in bout 500+ games. I think you don't belong in that mmr bracket.


                                            Am i still smurf if my smurf Account has 3x more games than my Main?

                                            wait for me

                                              @fyyq, last six month you have 38% win rate in VHS and 35% win rate in ranked. Looks like you're the one who's getting rekt. I wonder why.

                                              wait for me

                                                @HartzFear, If you play almost 3k games, I don't think anyone can call you smurf


                                                  LOL AXAXAXAXAXAXXXXXXXXSFDSKFJSDFS


                                                    This acc is currently @ 5107 mmr

                                                    used to be 5550 before i start throwing arround.
                                                    this acc has 70% party ranked games with irl friends and big throws / yolos and shit
                                                    this acc is used to play with irl friends/throw/ and coach people

                                                    @ all of u

                                                    ive sold many 5 - 5.2k accs in the past and the last 6-7 months im kinda off dota cause i lost interest and shit i sold already
                                                    an 4790 mmr calibrated acc on reborn boosted to 5020 mmr since i need the money #kappa

                                                    most oldschool people here on dotabuff know me:) ive sold also many 1 lvl Vh skill accs with hidden mmr > 4500 and im trusted and kinda cheap

                                                    if u want to learn dota u can add me

                                                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                      ? why is it bad to smurf. look at my acc im doing ok on my new acc


                                                        aqsxasfdaxsadsasx ^ <3

                                                        Eternal Meow

                                                          Why is it bad to smurf? When I first started playing this game, my games were filled with smurfs. I should have been playing against other totally new people, but so many people already knew what they were doing I had no chance. And they were all pissed at the real noobs for not being smurfs like them. It screws up games for noobs. And they say the noobs are screwing up the games for the smurfs.

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                                                          Long hard road out of 2k


                                                            wait for me

                                                              @fyyq, sorry man. I generally play for the sake of playing. My only dota account is only on year old.

                                                              wait for me


                                                                See the topic, see the match. Look at that smurf account.

                                                                And people ask why we hate smurfs.


                                                                  I don't know what a smurf account means and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask. But, I will ask anyway.
                                                                  What is a smurf account, my fellow players?

                                                                  lm ao

                                                                    My baby fyyqer is actually a forum oldfäg axaxa

                                                                    To answer the last question, smurfing used to be trying to get outstanding winrates and stats on your heroes on a fresh slate aka new account were you get paired with noobs and if you are good you can easily keep up a 6 kda invoker in your Dbuff. For bragging rights most likely. High MMR wasnt always the main objective of smurfing, but it does proceed from having good stats and winrate.

                                                                    Now the definition of smurfing has degraded to dunning kruger 2ks who think they deserve 4k when in fact 4k is about as cancerous xaxa.

                                                                    Tldr people have different notion of utility in regard to smurfing

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                                                                        I honestly dont get the point of smurfing. You wont calibrate over 4.5, and you can get 4.5 in the same amount of time or less if you are a 4.5k+ player.

                                                                        You also get paired probably with other smurfs who will rage and abandon a lot, or have massive variations in skill making games 1 sided massacres.

                                                                        It doesn't make you better, nor will it match you with better players... so why do it?

                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          Duh I just said it

                                                                          Bragging rights©


                                                                            Smurfs are trash .

                                                                            Eternal Meow

                                                                              > I honestly dont get the point of smurfing. You wont calibrate over 4.5, and you can get 4.5 in the same amount of time or less if you are a 4.5k+ player.

                                                                              If you are 1k and think you deserve 4.5k but your team is feeding so hard it's impossible to climb, then it would seem like making a new account is faster. It all depends on how much you think your mmr is wrong.

                                                                              There are also smurf accounts that throw their calibration games to get low mmr on purpose so they can have 80% winrate once they start trying to win. They just use the low mmr account for an ego boost.


                                                                                Thanks! I can't understand why people create new accounts just to obtain a higher MMR than they already have. Does MMR mean a lot to them?

                                                                                ASSESS Product

                                                                                  @Doc283 In my university tournament, our team kinda get discrimanate bcoz our team is the only few one that consist of 500 - 2k mmr player. We once got scolded in lobby bcoz late 10 min to start match in group stage reason bcoz 1 of my teammate was going to toilet. But when other team do the same thing to us, admin just let it go. Even our team managed to go to 2nd round upper bracket compared to other 10+ 3k-4k team. When we watch back our replay match, the commentator seem insulted our team for being lower 2k team and never side with our team. When we got 2nd place in group stage and manage to go to upper bracket, they said nc luck underdog team and no congratz at all. I'm just hate when they said like that bcoz we also put a lot of effort training and sometimes invite other team for friendly match.

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                    ^ HAHA I feel u. But if you can win the tournament that would be great. when you finally win the last game and you type "MMR JUST A NUMBER BITCH !" That will be great

                                                                                    Why revenge is gud


                                                                                      russia, eu, usa, all trash regions.

                                                                                      owned by KOREAN overlord who failed to reach 8k in SEA but managed it in CHINA and then otw to 9k in EU


                                                                                      EU 8k = SEA 7k
                                                                                      US 8k = EU 6k
                                                                                      US 8k = SEA 5k
                                                                                      CN 8k = SEA 7k


                                                                                        @Look at me. I'm captain now: yeah, I kinda feel you. The best way of proving them wrong is to exceed their expectations. Win tournaments despite your MMR's. Good luck in your tournaments bruh

                                                                                        Player 215168758

                                                                                          @fyyq. Lend me 1 acc, I'll screenshot 10 games in ur 5k smurf and send it here, you can take it back after I'm done with the experiment. I never smurf before, as you can see, this is my real account. We will see if mmr system is real , agree ?


                                                                                            Whats ur current solo mmr? ^

                                                                                            Guy Riki


                                                                                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                                Fyyq accept his challenge. I'm also interested to see the result of 5manstunner experiment.