General Discussion

General DiscussionLP system

LP system in General Discussion

    Really appreciated thanks


      pretty sure you get at least half of your reports just because of your braindead names.


        I beg the differ I get reported because I start to swear at my team or say this game is over before 2minute mark


          If they're consistently playing at a higher MMR than you then yes, that makes them better than you.


            Whines about feeder kids....goes 0 18 4 as void. GG.


              Hey you dogshit moron It was a safe to leave match

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                Has issues.


                  calm ur tities bradas


                    I looked at the replay for your Faceless Void game, the one where you went 15-4. Your gameplay is terrible, especially considering how good you seem to think you are. Your item build was bad, as was your CS. You were sitting on 27 CS at 12 minutes, with Power Treads and half of Midas. To be completely honest I think the only reason you made it that far into the game is because PA was carrying you.

                    Read some guides and watch some of Purge's videos.


                      My item build was xboct lane build and It was pretty good.
                      Btw pa wasn't that good he rarely joined teamfights he waited for all the team to die then go solo 1v5 suicide mission

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                        I never said he was good, but it was his pickoffs that dragged the game out that long. I don't give a fuck if its the XBOCT lane build, its shit now. In a team where you had 5 cores you shouldn't have even picked Void, so to then play him as a hard carry and farm that poorly is even worse.


                          2vs5 it was definetly lost anyway my items were not that bad though Iwas about to get my butterfly I don't usually play void but felt like I was doing good what did I do wrong other than not farming good enough?


                            Pushing your lane for no reason.
                            Not checking your enemies inventories. (if you had done this even at the rune you would have seen Luna trying to ward your jungle).
                            You went safelane Void and forced PA to offlane.
                            Item build is bad. You dedicated 2 slots to just farming items, and still didn't farm well. You could have just gone PT>BF>Daedalus if you really wanted to play him as a hard carry that badly.
                            You used Chrono to take kills that were already secured anyway.
                            You maxed bash before Time Walk.
                            Your hero damage is piss poor for a 48 minute game.
                            If you had Chronoed the Sniper and neutralised him during fights then he never would have gotten as farmed as he did.
                            Literally 0 tower damage.

                            I could go on. There was a lot you could have done to swing the game in your favour, but you're too stuck in the mindset that everyone else is the problem to actually look for improvement yourself.

                            Dire Wolf

                              you don't pick support cus u suck at it. Your braindead carries would look like pros if you were actually any good at support.

                              Eternal Meow

                                If your team has feeder noobs then the other team should have some too. That's how it balances itself out. Look at the scoreboard. Identify the opponent feeder noobs and go get fed off of them. When you get lots of kills, do you think it's because you were awesome or do you think it's because the feeder noobs were on the enemy team this time?

                                Also letting your team know that you are pissed at them or think they suck always makes them play worse. You are contributing to their poor performance that's pissing you off so much. I asked my friend I play with often to stop yelling at team mates because it's making them suck more and his win rate went up about 10% higher when he stopped. If you really have such a strong desire to tell your team they suck wait until the ancient is falling. Yeah, the people he yelled at did suck, but he sucked too, and so did I. And yelling at them just made them go from sucking to absolutely terrible.

                                Also, your name doesn't help anything... I was loading into a game the other day and someone's name was "My Team Fucking Sucks" and I was wishing I knew how to dodge without getting an abandon. My friend was also really wanting out of that game at the loading screen. It's not a good mood to start the game in.

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                                  "I started at 2k and am now at 1.4k"
                                  I started at 900 and am now at 2.2k. You want to win games? Be a team player. Everyone in low brackets thinks they're better than their team and that's how you end up with 5 carry teams that lose. Humble yourself.


                                    Hate to say it dude, but I think you have something to do with people raging on you; your winrate is 43.32%. The majority of your 'top heroes' are less than 50% winrate and pretty low KDA. Instead of raging on people, you may want to improve your own game first. Your teammates may have sucked, but you were part of it!